Sunday, February 4, 2024



अहं वेद्मि महात्मानं रामं सत्यपराक्रमम्।।1.19.14।।
वसिष्ठोऽपि महातेजा ये चेमे तपसि स्थिता:

I know Rama who is a great soul, true to his prowess and also Vasishta of great lustre and these sages of great tapas

ऊनषोडशवर्षो मे रामो राजीवलोचन:
युद्धयोग्यतामस्य पश्यामि सह राक्षसै:।।1.20.2।।

"My lotus eyed son Rama is less than sixteen. I do not think he has ability to fight with the rakshasas in a battle.

रामो विग्रहवान् धर्मस्साधुस्सत्यपराक्रमः।
राजा सर्वस्य लोकस्य देवानां मघवानिव।।

Ramo Vigrahavan Dharmah  Sadhu Sathya Parakramah
Raajaa Sarvasya Lokasya  Devaanaam Adhava Nivah  || 
Lord Rama is dharma incarnate. He is pious. His strength is truth. He is king of all the worlds like Indra to the gods.… Maricha to Ravana

तस्यायं पूर्वजः पुत्रो रामो नाम जनैः श्रुतः।।4.4.8।।
शरण्यस्सर्वभूतानां पितुर्निर्देशपारगः।
'Here is his eldest son, popularly known as Rama. He is the protector of all beings and never failed his father's instructio

सर्वलोकस्य धर्मात्मा शरण्यश्शरणं पुरा।
गुरुर्मे राघवस्सोऽयं सुग्रीवं शरणं गतः4.4.20।।

'This righteous Rama who used to lend in the past protection to the whole world and, indeed, a refuge to all, venerable sir, now seeks Sugriva's shelter.

अयं रामो महाप्राज्ञ स्सम्प्राप्तो दृढविक्रमः।
लक्ष्मणेन सह भ्रात्रा रामोऽयं सत्यविक्रमः4.5.2।।

'This Rama of great wisdom and valour, endowed with the power of truth has arrived here along with his brother Lakshmana.Hanuman  to Sugriva

रामः कमलपत्त्राक्ष स्सर्वसत्त्वमनोहरः।
रूपदाक्षिण्यसम्पन्नः प्रसूतो जनकात्मजे।।5.35.8।।
O daughter of Janaka Rama with eyes like lotus petals is a person born with a delightful form, richly endowed with indescribable charm and politeness. 
Hanuman to Sita


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