Thursday, January 25, 2024



Sri NArada to Valmiki

इक्ष्वाकुवंशप्रभवो रामो नाम जनैश्श्रुत:
नियतात्मा महावीर्यो द्युतिमान्धृतिमान् वशी ।।1.1.8।।

People have heard his name as Rama, who was born in the race of king Ikshvaku, having steady nature, possessing incomprehensible prowess, self-effulgent, self-commanding and subjecting senses under his control.

बुद्धिमान्नीतिमान्वाग्मी श्रीमान् शत्रुनिबर्हण: ।
विपुलांसो महाबाहु: कम्बुग्रीवो महाहनु: ।।1.1.9।।

He (Sri Rama) is a great intellectual, adherent to rules, eloquent, handsome, destroyer of foes (sins), broadshouldered, strongarmed, having conchshaped neck and prominent cheeks.

धर्मज्ञस्सत्यसन्धश्च प्रजानां हिते रतः
यशस्वी ज्ञानसम्पन्नश्शुचिर्वश्यस्समाधिमान् ।।1.1.12।।

Pious, firm in his vows, he is ever intent on doing good to his subjects. He is, illustrious, wise, and pure at heart. He is obedient to elders (or accessible to those who are dependent on him) and ever meditating (on the means of protecting those who take refuge in him).

प्रजापतिसमश्श्रीमान् धाता रिपुनिषूदनः
रक्षिता जीवलोकस्य धर्मस्य परिरक्षिता ।।1.1.13।।

Auspicious like Brahma, Sri Rama is the sustainer of this world, destroyer of enemies and protector of all living beings and of the moral code.

सर्वलोकप्रियस्साधुरदीनात्मा विचक्षणः ।।1.1.15।।

Sri Rama knows the true meaning of all scriptures and has a retentive memory. He is talented (possessing brightness of conception). He is beloved and well disposed towards all people (and courteous even towards those who have done him harm). He has an unperturbed mind (even in times of extreme grief) and is circumspect (in doing right things at the right time).

सर्वदाभिगतस्सद्भिस्समुद्र इव सिन्धुभिः
आर्यस्सर्वसमश्चैव सदैकप्रियदर्शनः ।।1.1.16।।

Sri Rama, like sea to rivers, is accessible to men of virtue and has equal disposition towards all. He always has a pleasing appearance.

सर्वगुणोपेत: कौसल्यानन्दवर्धन:
समुद्र इव गाम्भीर्ये धैर्येण हिमवानिव ।।1.1.17।।
Sri Rama, bestowed with all virtues, enhanced the joys of Kausalya, He is like the sea in deportment and like Himavant in fortitude.

विष्णुना सदृशो वीर्ये सोमवत्प्रियदर्शनः
कालाग्निसदृशः क्रोधे क्षमया पृथिवीसमः ।।1.1.18।।
धनदेन समस्त्यागे सत्ये धर्म इवापरः

Sri Rama is like Vishnu in prowess, the Moon in pleasing appearance, the all-consuming fire in anger, the earth in patience, Kubera in charity and the Sun in steadfastness.


Ps-Transations IIT Kanpur

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