Thursday, January 11, 2024



तेषां प्रमत्तो निधनं पश्यन्नपि पश्यति॥Srimad Bhagavatham
deha apatya kalatraadiShu Atma sainyeShu asatsvapi
teShAm pramatto nidhanam pashyannapi na pashyati
This body, children, wives will not stay for ever. Neither will your personal army. Even after seeing them destroyed, you are not
seeing the truth that none of it is permanent.

यः पठति लिखति पश्यति परिपृच्छति पंडितान् उपाश्रयति।
तस्य दिवाकरकिरणैः नलिनी दलं इव विस्तारिता बुद्धिः॥
Yah Pathati Likhati Pashyati Pariprichhati Panditan Upashrayati.
Tasya divakarkiranaih nalini dalam eva vidhishta buddhih.
One who reads, writes, perceives, asks questions, takes shelter of wise people, his intelligence grows in the same way as the petals of a lotus grow in the sun's rays.

पश्यति जन्मान्धः कामान्धो नैव पश्यति
पश्यति मदोन्मत्तो स्वार्थी दोषान्न पश्यति
There are four types of blind who can’t see the world. A person blind by birth. one blinded by greed/desire; he who is arrogant ; nor does an intoxicated one.

दिवा पश्यति नोलूको काको नक्तं पश्यति |
अपूर्व: कोऽपि कामान्धो दिवा नक्तं पश्यति ||
Divaa pasyati noluko kako naktam na pasyati I
Apoorvah kopi kaamaando diva naktam na pasyati II
Owl cannot see during day, while crow cannot see during night; strange that an infatuated person cannot see during day or night.
मातृवत् परदाराम्स्च परद्रव्याणि लोष्टवत् I
आत्मवत् सर्व भूतानि पश्यति पश्यति II Maha bharatham
Maatruvat para dhaaraascha para dravyaani loshtavat I
 Aatmavat sarva bhutaani ya: pasyati sa pasyati II
One who can see another’s wife as mother, other’s wealth as a clod of mud, all other beings as his own self, he only sees  the truth.
खल: सर्षपमात्राणि पराच्छिद्राणि पश्यति |
आत्मनो बिल्वमात्राणि पश्यन्नपि पश्यति ||
Khal: Sarspamatraani Parachchidraani Pasyati |
Atmano bilvamatraani pashyannapi na pashyati ||
An evil person can see most trivial  faults in others, but he cannot see the big faults like Bilva leaves in himself.

आत्मछिद्रं   जानाति परच्छिद्राणि  पश्यति |
स्वच्छिद्रं   यदि जानाति परच्छिद्रं  पश्यति  ||

aatmachhidram na jaanaati parachhidraaNi pashyati I
svachhidram yadi jaanaati parachhidram na pashyati II

People are generally oblivious of  their own shortcomings or defects, but  are keen to observe the shortcomings of  others.   Had they noticed or cared to notice their own shortcomings, there would  never have any need to observe the shortcomings of others.

मांसलुब्धो यथा मत्स्यः लोहशङ्कुं पश्यति
सुखलुब्धः तथा देही यमबाधां पश्यति ॥१४॥
A fish is attracted by the flesh but does not see the iron part behind
It ; similarly a man after pleasure sees only the pleasant and forget the possible pain later.

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