Monday, January 1, 2024



प्रियं ब्रूयादकृपणः शूरः स्यादविकत्थनः
दाता नापात्रवर्षी स्यात्प्रगल्भः स्यादनिष्ठुरः हितोपदेश, विग्रह
A rich person must also be nice. A brave courageous person must never boast. A benevolent person must not help those who do not deserve. A scholar must carefully avoid harsh words.
भाग्यवान् जायतां पुत्रः मा शूरः मा पण्डितः I
शुरास्च कृत विध्यास्च रणे सीदन्ति मत्सुताः II
Bhagyavaan jaayataam putrah maa shurah maa cha panditah I
Shuraascha kruta vidyaascha rane seedanti matsutaah II 
Kunti devi in Mahabharata
May you get a son who is blessed with good fortune , rather than a brave or  a scholar. My children who were brave and well trained in shaastras , are  suffering in the battle field.
 युध्यन्ति पशवः सर्वे पठन्ति शुकसारिकाः |
दातुं जानाति यो वित्तं शूरः पण्डितः ||
All animals know to fight. Even birds like parrots can talk. Ability to fight and talk do not make us any better than them. He who has the ability to give away money (or any other wealth, like knowledge) should alone be called as brave or wise
.सुवर्णपुष्पां पृथिवीं चिन्वन्ति पुरुषास्त्रयः
शूरश्च कृतविद्यश्च यश्च जानाति सेवितुम्॥--महाभारतम् .३५.७४
Three men pluck the golden flower (from) the earth- the valorous, learned and the one who knows to serve.
शतेषु जायते शूर: सहस्त्रेषु पंडित: |
वक्ता दशसहस्त्रेषु दाता भवति वा वा ||
Among the hundred people only one is 'brave', Among the thousands of them only one is a 'Pandit', Among the ten thousands only one is a good orator, But the people who donate are very rare !!!
चरणामन्नमचराः दंष्ट्रिणामप्यदंष्ट्रिणः
अहस्ताश्च सहस्तानां शूराणां चैव भीरवः - manu smRuti
charANAm annam acharAH damShTriNAm api adamShTriNaH
ahastAshcha sahastAnAm shUrANAm chaiva bhIravaH
Immovables (plants) become food to the movables (herbivores). Those without teeth (canines) to those with teeth (carnivores). Those without hands(fish, birds) to those with hands (humans). Cowards become food for the brave.
दूरस्थानामविद्यानां मोक्षधर्मानुयायिनाम् 
शूराणां निर्धनानां   देय कन्यका बुधैः  Paraasara smruti
A wise man will not give his daughter in marriage to these people - some living very far away, an uneducated person, a man who is only interested in seeking salvation, a madly courageous person or a poor person. While they may not have any glaring shortcomings the chances of long lasting happy married life is less with each of the above grooms.
एकेनापि हि शूरेण पादाक्रान्तं महोतलम्।
क्रियते भास्करेणैव स्फारस्फुरिततेजसा॥
Just as the sun alone heats the whole world with its rays, similarly the mighty man subdues the whole earth with his might.
उदारस्य तृणं वित्तं शूरस्य मरणं तृणं I
विरक्तस्य तृणं भार्या निस्पृहस्य तृणं जगत्  II
Udaarasya trunam vittam shoorasya maranam trunam
Viraktasya trunam bhaaryaa nispruhasya trunam jagat.
For a generous person money or wealth is insignificant (like a blade of grass), for a  warrior the prospect of facin death is immaterial.  Likewise , a person unattached to family life has no interest in his wife, and for a person having no desires this living Earth is immaterial.

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