Saturday, December 30, 2023



बुद्धयो भयं प्रणुदति तपसा विन्दते महत्।
गुरुशुश्रूषया ज्ञानं शान्तिं योगेन विन्दति
Fear is removed by knowledge, one attains high status by austerity, knowledge is attained by service of the Guru and peace is attained by yoga

यो यथा वर्तते यस्मिंस्तस्मिन्नेव प्रवर्तयन्।
नाधर्मं समवाप्नोति चाश्रेयश्च विन्दति॥

Behaving with a person in the same manner as he has initiated trea

ting us is not regarded unjust and does not affect his reputation.

यथा धेनुसहस्त्रेषु   वत्सो विन्दति मातरम्।

तथा पूर्वकॄतं कर्म   कर्तारमनुगच्छत्॥

yathaa dhenusahastreShu    vatso vindati maataram

tathaa poorvakrutam karma  kartaaramanugachhat

As calf recognizes its mother among thousands of cows; similarly, previous deeds go with the doer.

अविश्रान्तंम्  वहेद्भारम् शीतोष्णं    विन्दति  |
सन्तोषस्तथा  नित्यंम् त्रीणि शिक्षेत् गर्धभात् ||
Avishraantam vahedbhaaram  sheetoshna  cha  na bindati.
Sa santoshastathaa nityam treeni shiksht gardhabhaat.
 Bearing very heavy weights incessantly without showing
weariness or protest,  unconcerned with cold and hot weather
conditions,  and being always contented at whatever he is fed.
are  the three  characteristics  of  a donkey, which  we  should
learn from a donkey.

हि ज्ञानेन सदृशं पवित्रमिह विद्यते।
तत्स्वयं योगसंसिद्धः कालेनात्मनि विन्दति।। Bhagavad Gita
In this world there exists no purifier comparable to knowledge. One who becomes perfect in Yoga finds this, on his own accord, in his Self in course of time. 
खनित्वा  हि  खनित्रेण भूतले  वारि  विन्दति  |
तथा  गुरुगतां  विद्या  शुश्रूषुरधिगच्छति-II चाणक्य नीति 
Khanitvaa hi  khanitrena  bhootale  vaari  vindati.
Tathaa gurugataam  vidyaa  shushrooshuradhigacchati.
Just as by digging the surface of earth with the help of  a spade and pick axe  we are able to find underground water  , in the same manner the Knowledge a Teacher possesses, can be learnt by a student by diligently serving and obeying his Teacher.    
 दुःखं ददाति योऽन्यस्य भूयो दुःखं  विन्दति 
 तस्मान्न कस्यचिदुःखं दातव्यं . दुखभिरुणा..II
A person who hurts others needlessly gets hurt himself. Therefore a person who is afraid of getting hurt should desist from harming others.

प्राणान् त्यजति देशाय, पीडितानां सहायकः |
यः आचरति कल्याणं लोके मानं सः विन्दति।।

People who sacrifice their life for the interest of the country, help the needy, and who  always act benevolently to others , will gain respect of the world.


Ps:Happy new year to all. 

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