Thursday, December 14, 2023



नास्ति काम समौ व्याधिः नास्ति मोह समो  रिपुः |
नास्ति क्रोध समो वह्निः नास्ति ज्ञानात्परं सुखम् ||
Naasti kaama samau vyadhih naasti moha samo ripuh I
Naasti  krodha samo vahnih naasti gyanaatparam sukham.II
There is no disease equal to excessive and binding desire. There is no enemy in doing harm equal to delusion. There is no fire equal in burning than anger and there is no bliss or state of happiness equal to having awareness and knowledge.
लोभात् क्रोधः प्रभवति लोभात् कामः प्रजायते
लोभान्मोहश्च नाशश्च लोभः पापस्य कारणम् ॥१.२७॥
From greed originates anger; greed gives rise to lust/desire; from greed (come) attachment and ruin; greed is the cause for sin.
लोभमूलानि पापानि संकटानि तथैव च।
लोभात्प्रवर्तते वैरं अतिलोभात्विनश्यति
Greed is the root cause of all sins and troubles. Greed gives rise to enmity and excess greed leads to disaster.
यस्मिन्सर्वाणि भूतानि आत्मैवाभूद्विजानतः  
 तत्र को मोहः कः शोक एकत्वमनुपश्यतः   ७॥Isaavasyam
yasmin sarvāṇi bhūtāny ātmaivābhūd vijānataḥ |
tatra ko mohaḥ kaḥ śokaḥ ekatvam anupaśyataḥ ||7||
When to the man of realisation all beings become the very Self, then what delusion and what sorrow can there be for that seer of oneness?(none what so ever ).

दुःसङ्गः सर्वथैव त्याज्यः
कामक्रोधमोहस्मृतिभ्रन्शःबुद्धिनाशसर्वनाश कारणत्वात्
तरङ्गायिता अपीमे सङ्गात् समुद्रायन्तिनारद भक्तिसूत्र
duhsangah sarvathaiva tyaajyah
kaam – krodha – moha – smrutibhranshah – buddhinaasha – sarvanaasha kaaraNatvaat
tarangaayitaa apeeme sangaat samudraayanti — naarada bhaktisootra
Leave the company of bad and evil at all conditions. Because it will lead to desires (wordly/bad); from the non-fulfilment of these desires, anger and delusion will arise and further in this chain, the buddhi (intelligence) will get destroyed and in the end it will be total destruction (This is the Ladder of Fall described in Shrimad Bhagavad gita as well). The bad qualities, even though present in small traces in the human mind, like those of tiny waves would eventually get developed into a big ocean (due to the company of bad and evil people).

एक चक्षुर्विवेको  हि  द्वितीयं सत्समागमः |
तौ  नस्तौ  यस्य  क्षिप्रं मोहकूपं पतेद्ध्रुवं  ||  
 Ekam chakshurviveko hi dviteeyam sarsamaagamah .
Tau nasto yasya sa kshiparam mohakoopam pated-dhruvam.
The faculty of taking right decisions is like one eye of a
person and association or keeping the company of venerable
persons is like his another eye   A person who does not have
both these faculties, he is like a blind person and will definitely
soon fall into the deep well of infatuation and confusion.

कान्तापुत्राभावे प्रसह्य मोहेन कस्यचित्पुत्रम्
श्वानं शुकं हरिं वा सम्पाल्याप्यात्मबन्धनं कुरुते
कुरुते चात्मबन्धोः कथारतिं श्री हरेर्विषय दृष्टिः
दुग्धतृषं तक्रेण हि मायावशतः सुनिपुणोऽपि

kAntA putra abhAve prasahya mohena kasyachit putram
    shvAnam shukam harim vA sampAlya api aatmabandhanam kurute

kurute na cha aatmabandhoH kathAratim shRIH hareH viShaya dRuShTiH
    dugdha tRuSham takreNa hi mAyAvashataH sunipuNo api

When people are free from wife and children, they are free from all bondages. But such people will create more bondages with somebody else's children, or a dog, or a parrot, or a monkey. They will not create bondage with God by listening to the stories of Vishnu and Lakshmi. This is like trying to quench the thirst for milk by drinking curd. It is surprising that even learned and knowledgeable people do this.


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