Wednesday, December 20, 2023



जलबिन्दुनिपातेन क्रमशः पूर्यते घटः
हेतुः सर्वविद्यानां धर्मस्य धनस्य  
A pot gets filled by water falling into it one drop at a time. It may take a lot of time, but it does get filled. Such is the story of accumulation of knowledge (via education), good karma (by doing noble deeds), and wealth. All of these are very slow processes.

घटो जन्मस्थानं मृगपरिजनो भूर्जवसनं
वने वासः कन्दैरशनमपि दुःस्थं वपुरिदम्।
अगस्त्यः पयोधिं यदकृत कराम्भोजकुहरे
क्रियासिद्धिः सत्त्वे भवति महतां नोपकरणे॥

Sage agastya was born in a pitcher. His friends and companions were wild animals. He used to wear clothing made from bark of the birch-tree. He lived in the forest. His food was raw bulbous root. His body was very unsteady. But in spite of these shortcomings, he held all the water of the vast ocean into the hollow of his lotus-like joined palms and drank it entirely. The action of great people is accomplished by their inner strength and not by other supports.

संपूर्णकुम्भो करोति शब्दम् 
अर्धो घटो घोषमुपैति नूनम् 
विद्वान् कुलीनो करोति गर्वम् 
गुणैर्विहीना बहु जल्पयन्ति ।।

A completely filled pitcher would not make noise. Truly, (however) a half-filled pitcher causes loud noise. A learned person, with cultured orientation in his family would not show ego but  those devoid of merit prattle too much.

असंवृताकारतया भिन्नमन्त्रस्य भूपतेः |
सकृच्छिद्रघटस्येव   तिष्ठ्त्युदयोदकं ||
asamvrutaakaaratayaa bhinnamantrasya bhoopateh l
sakruchchhidraghaTasyeva na tiShThatyudayodakam ll
O King ! Just as water filled in an earthen pitcher with many holes cannot stay in it for long, in the same manner the income and prosperity of a person also does not stay with him if he is not protected from a person betraying the trust placed on him.

अपृष्ट्वैव भवेन्मूढः ज्ञानं मनसि चिन्तनात् |
अपूर्णः कुरुते शब्दं पूर्णः कुरुते घटः ||
apruShTvaiva bhavenmoodDhah Gnyaanam manasi chintanaat
apoorNah kurute shabdam na poorNah kurute ghaTah
A person who does not seek knowledge remains ignorant.  One assimilates that knowledge by contemplation. One who is half-learned . thinking himself to be wise talks too much He is like a half filled earthen pot which makes t
oo much noise. A fully filled one does not make noise!
घटं भिन्द्यात् पटं छिन्द्यात् कुर्याद्रासभरोहणम् |
येन केन प्रकारेण प्रसिद्ध: पुरुषो भवेत् ||
Break the pitcher, tear the cloth, ride the donkey, let a man become famous by whichever way it is possible for him.
This subhashitha explains in a satirical manner that fame-hungry men may do anything for fame.
गुणेष्वनादरो भ्रात पूर्णश्रीरपि मा कृथाः।
सम्पूर्णोऽपि घटः कूपे गुणच्छेदात् पतत्यधः।।
Guneshvanaadaro bhraata poornashreerapi maa kruthaah
Sampoornopi ghatah koope gunacchedaat patatyadhah
Brother, even if you are blessed with wealth and status do not fail to give proper care in maintaining your virtues and in giving respect to the virtues in others.
A pitcher filled to the brim and put in a well to draw water can be in place only when the rope attached to it is strong and taut.If the rope is cut the pitcher sinks for ever
The word Guna गुण
means character and the same word can mean a rope.

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