आत्मस्तुतिः परे निन्दा चत्वारि लघुलक्षणम् ॥
anāhvāne praveśaśca apṛṣṭe paribhāṣaṇam |
ātmastutiḥ pare nindā catvāri laghulakṣaṇam ||
Four are the indications of a low person - presenting oneself when uninvited; speaking when not asked to do so; reviling others and self-praise.
हयपादाहतिः श्लाघ्या न श्लाघ्यं खररोहणम्।
निन्दापि विदुषा युक्ता न युक्तो मूर्खसंस्तवः ॥
Even the kick of the horse is praise-worthy,
but mounting a donkey is not praisable. Even to be scolded by a scholar is
befitting, but a fool’s praise is not proper.
न द्विषन्ति न याचन्ते परनिन्दां न कुर्वते।
अनाहूता न चायान्ति तेनाश्मानोऽपि देवताः॥
do not hate, do not beg, do not defame anyone, also they do not go anywhere
uninvited. That is the reason even stones receive divine dignity.
कुचेलता नीच जनेषु भक्तिः |
अतीव रोषः कटुका च वाणी
नरस्य चिह्नं नरकागतस्य ||
Kaarpanya vruttih svajaneshu nindaa
kuchelataa neecha -janeshu bhaktih.
Ateeva roshah katukaa cha vaanee
narasyachihnam -narakaagatasya.
If a person is a practitioner of parsimony, is abusive
toward his close relatives, dresses in dirty and tattered garments,
is devoted to mean and wicked persons, very angry bn nature and
uses foul and harsh words while speaking to others, then all
these characteristics are that of a person to be consigned to Hell.
अनिकेत: स्थिरमतिर्भक्तिमान्मे प्रियो नर: ||BG12.19||
aniketaḥ sthira-matir bhaktimān me priyo naraḥ
Those who take praise and reproach alike, who are given to silent contemplation, content with what comes their way, without attachment to the place of residence, whose intellect is firmly fixed in Me, and who are full of devotion to Me, such persons are very dear to Me.
निषेवते प्रशस्तानि निन्दितानि न सेवते।
अनास्तिकः श्रद्दधान एतत् पण्डितलक्षणम्॥
The wise
are those who adhere to their duties, who stand by their words, who praise the
deserving, criticize the undeserving, who are untouched by
selfish interest and who are revered for their virtues. Such people
deserve the position of leadership.
अद्यैव वा मरणमस्तु युगान्तरे वा ,
Wise men whether praise or criticise. Wealth whether come or vanish for ever. Death whether comes today or after an epoch. But the Great people never get deviated from their path of justice.
यश्च रामं न पश्येत्तु यं च रामो न पश्यति।।2.17.14।।
निन्दित स्सर्वल्लोकेषु स्वात्माऽप्येनं विगर्हते।Ramayana
'Whoever does not see Rama or
Rama does not see him, will be blamed by all men in the (three) worlds. Even
his self will blame him.
कर्णी तत्र विधातव्यो गन्तव्यं वा ततोऽन्यतः।।
Where a Guru is criticized, one should oppose the same. If this is not possible, one should close one’s ears and if even this is not possible, one should walk out of such a place.
செய்தக்க அல்ல செயக்கெடும் செய்தக்க
செய்யாமை யானுங் கெடும். Thirukkural 466
'Tis ruin if man do an unbefitting thing;
Fit things to leave undone will equal ruin bring.
सुखम् न एव इह न अमुत्र लभन्ते पुरुष-अधमाः ॥ १० ॥Maha Bharatham
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