Monday, December 25, 2023




अवृत्तिकं प्रभुं भृत्या अपुष्पं  भ्रमरास्तरुम्

अंजली सरो हंसा मुञ्चन्त्यपि चिरोषितम् ।।

avṛttikaṃ prabhuṃ bhṛtyā apuṣpaṃ  bhramarāstarum |
aṃjalī ca saro haṃsā muñcantyapi ciroṣitam ||
Servants leave a master who does not support them ; bees a tree without flowers ; swans a tank without water, in spite of long association.

दासी भृत्य: सुतो बन्धुर्वस्तु वाहनमेवच |
धनधान्यसमृद्धिश्चाप्यष्टभोगा: प्रकीर्तिता: ||
Daasi bhrutyah suto bandurvastu vahanameva cha I
Dhana dhaanya samruddischa api ashta bhogaah prakeertitah  II
A person is said to enjoy eight comforts :  Maid servants, servants, children,relatives, various things, vehicles, wealth  and food  grains .

प्रत्यक्षे गुरुवः स्तुत्यः पराेक्षे मित्र बन्धवः
कार्यान्ते दास भृत्यः स्वपुत्रः कदचन

pratyakShe guruvaH stutyaH prokShe mitra bandhavaH |
kAryAnte dAsa bhRutyaH svaputraH na kadachana ||

Guru should be praised on the face, friends and relatives behind their back; servants after they finish a job, and one’s own sons-—never!

दुष्टा भार्या शठं मित्रं भृत्यश्चोत्तरदायकः
ससर्पे गृहे वासो मृत्युरेव संशयः

A spoilt wife, wicked friend, and impertinent servant, are all like a house infested by serpents. Without a doubt, death resides there.
पुत्रो भृत्यः सुहृन्मित्रं भार्या धर्मश्च सत्यता |
तस्यैतान्यपयास्यन्ति क्रोधशीलस्य निश्चितम् ||
All of these will leave a person who under the grasp of anger at all times - son, servant, well-wishers, friends, wife, dharma and truth. None of these can peacefully co-exist with anger.

भूमि-क्षये राज-विनाश एव

भृत्यस्य वा बुद्धिमतो विनाशे 
नो युक्तम् उक्तं ह्य् अनयोः समत्वं

नष्टापि भूमिः सुलभा  भृत्याः  ४५५ 

bhūmi-kṣaye rāja-vināśa eva

bhṛtyasya vā buddhimato vināśe |
no yuktam uktaṃ hy anayoḥ samatvaṃ

naṣṭāpi bhūmiḥ sulabhā na bhṛtyāḥ || 

A king is sure to be ruined on the loss of his territory as of his talented servant; but the equality between the two cannot be properly expressed; an able servant is more than just land.

माता निन्दति अभिनन्दति पिता भ्राता सम्भाषते
भृत्य: कुप्यति अनुगच्छति सुत: कान्ता आलिङ्गते |
अर्थप्रार्थनशङ्कया कुरुते स्वालापमात्रं सुहृत्
तस्मात् अर्थमुपाश्रय श्रुणु सर्वे हि अर्थेन सर्वे वशा: ||
Mother will scold. Father will not rejoice.  Brother will not speak. Friends will be angry. Son will not accompany. Wife will not embrace. Due to fear of being asked for a loan, the friend does not have a friendly conversation. So, all of you, listen!  Take resort in money. Everyone is controlled only by the money.

अपि मृद्व्या गिरा लभ्यः सदा जागर्त्यतन्द्रितः
नास्ति धर्मसमो भृत्यः किंचिदुक्तस्तु धावति

api mṛdvyā girā labhyaḥ sadā jāgartyatandritaḥ |
nāsti dharmasamo bhṛtyaḥ kiṃciduktastu dhāvati || 

There is no servant equals to Dharma, who comes in through gently called, ever vigilant without sloth and runs the errand by a little speech.


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