अवृत्तिकं प्रभुं भृत्या अपुष्पं भ्रमरास्तरुम् ।
अंजली च सरो हंसा मुञ्चन्त्यपि चिरोषितम् ।।
prabhuṃ bhṛtyā apuṣpaṃ bhramarāstarum |
aṃjalī ca saro haṃsā muñcantyapi ciroṣitam ||
leave a master who does not support them ; bees a tree without flowers ; swans
a tank without water, in spite of long association.
Daasi bhrutyah suto bandurvastu vahanameva cha I
Dhana dhaanya samruddischa api ashta bhogaah prakeertitah II
A person is said to enjoy eight comforts : Maid servants, servants, children,relatives, various things, vehicles, wealth and food grains .
प्रत्यक्षे गुरुवः स्तुत्यः पराेक्षे मित्र बन्धवः ।
कार्यान्ते दास भृत्यः स्वपुत्रः न कदचन ॥
pratyakShe guruvaH stutyaH prokShe mitra bandhavaH |
kAryAnte dAsa bhRutyaH svaputraH na kadachana ||
Guru should be praised on the face, friends and relatives behind
their back; servants after they finish a job, and one’s own sons-—never!
ससर्पे च गृहे वासो मृत्युरेव न संशयः ॥
A spoilt wife, wicked friend, and impertinent servant, are all like a house infested by serpents. Without a doubt, death resides there.
तस्यैतान्यपयास्यन्ति क्रोधशीलस्य निश्चितम् ||
भूमि-क्षये राज-विनाश एव
भृत्यस्य वा बुद्धिमतो विनाशे ।
नो युक्तम् उक्तं ह्य् अनयोः समत्वं
नष्टापि भूमिः सुलभा न भृत्याः ॥ ४५५ ॥
bhūmi-kṣaye rāja-vināśa eva
bhṛtyasya vā buddhimato vināśe |
no yuktam uktaṃ hy anayoḥ samatvaṃ
naṣṭāpi bhūmiḥ sulabhā na bhṛtyāḥ ||
A king is
sure to be ruined on the loss of his territory as of his talented servant; but
the equality between the two cannot be properly expressed; an able servant is
more than just land.
भृत्य: कुप्यति न अनुगच्छति सुत: कान्ता च न आलिङ्गते |
तस्मात् अर्थमुपाश्रय श्रुणु सर्वे हि अर्थेन सर्वे वशा: ||
अपि मृद्व्या गिरा लभ्यः सदा जागर्त्यतन्द्रितः ।
नास्ति धर्मसमो भृत्यः किंचिदुक्तस्तु धावति ॥
api mṛdvyā girā labhyaḥ
sadā jāgartyatandritaḥ |
nāsti dharmasamo bhṛtyaḥ kiṃciduktastu dhāvati ||
There is
no servant equals to Dharma, who comes in through gently called, ever vigilant
without sloth and runs the errand by a little speech.
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