Tuesday, January 9, 2024

CHARATI-चरती -Walks-Acts-Behaves


 एतद्विद्वान्मदुदितं ज्ञानविज्ञाननैपुणम् ।
न निन्दति न च स्तौति लोके चरति सूर्यवत् ।। Srimad Bhagavatham
 “He who comes to know (what is meant by) this ripeness of Jñāna and Vijñāna as taught by Me( Sri Krishna) would neither extol nor revile anyone and would move about in the world (free from partiality and prejudice) as the sun.”

आस्ते भग आसीनस्य }ध्र्वम् तिष्ठति तिष्ठत: |
शेते निषद्यमानस्य चरति चरतो भग: ||
Fortune of a person who sits idle, also sits idle. That of who stands, also stands. That of who sleeps, also sleeps, and fortune of a person, who walks, also walks. 

अतिपरिचयात्अवज्ञा भवति विशिष्टोपि  वस्तुनि प्रायः
गङ्गा तीर निवासी कूपस्नानम् सदा चरति II 
Even men of knowledge develop contempt due to familiarity. Man living on the banks of ganges takes bath daily in a nearby well.

अहो  कथमसीमेदं हिमनाम विजृम्भते  |
चरत्येव  सहस्रांशौ  धवलं  तिमिरान्तरं  ||
Aho kathamaseemeda himanaam vijrumbhate .
Charatyeva sahasraamsho dhavalam timiraantaram.
 Oh !  how to express  the grandeur of the unbounded  
Himalayan Range of mountains at the time of the rising Sun
which removes the darkness of the night and brightens its peak 
with dazzling white light ?

इन्द्रियाणां जये शूरो धर्मं चरति पण्डितः
सत्यवादी भवेद् वक्ता दाता भवति वा वा

indriyāā jaye śūro dharma carati paṇḍita |
satyavādī bhaved vaktā dātā bhavati vā na vā || 

One who has conquered his senses is a brave man. A vedic scholar is one who walks the path of  dharma. Qne who speaks truth becomes a respected speaker, but a donor is rare indeed,

रणे विजयात् शूरोऽध्ययनात् पण्डितः
वक्ता वाक्पटुत्वेन दाता चार्थ दानतः
इन्द्रियाणां जये शूरो धर्मं चरति पण्डितः
हित प्रायोक्तिभिः वक्ता दाता सन्मान दानतः
na raNe vijayaat shoorodhyayanaat na cha paNDitah
na vaktaa vaakpaTutvena na daataa chaartha daanatah
indriyaaNaam jaye shooro dharmam charati paNditah
hita praayoktibhih vaktaa daataa sanmaana daanatah
One is a brave person not with the victory in the war, but with the control over his senses. One is called a scholar not by learning, but by leading a righteous life. One is called a (good) speaker not through his oratory skills, but due to his beneficial to others. One is a donor not by distributing money, but by giving respect.
सुखं ह्यवमतः शेते सुखं प्रतिबुध्यते
 सुखं चरति लोकेऽस्मिन्नवमन्ता विनश्यति
One who is indifferent to others disrespect sleeps happily. Awakes happily, acts happily in the world; but the one who indulged in disrespect will perish,

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