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मंत्र -
गणपतिर्विघ्नराजो लम्बतुण्डो गजाननः।
द्वैमातुरश्च हेरम्ब एकदन्तो गणाधिपः॥
विनायकश्चारुकर्णः पशुपालो भवात्मजः।
द्वादशैतानि नामानि प्रातरुत्थाय यः पठेत्॥
विश्वं तस्य भवेद्वश्यं न च विघ्नं भवेत् क्वचित्।(पद्म पु. पृ. 61।31-33)
Ganapatir Vignarajo lambatundo gajaananah I
Dvaimaaturascha heramba ekadanto ganaadipah II
Vinaayakaschaarukarnah pasupaalo bhavaatmajah I
Dvaadashaitaani naamaani praatarutthaya yah patet II
Visvam tasya bhavet vasyam na cha vighnam bhavet kvachit I Padma puranam
गणपति, विघ्नराज, लम्बतुण्ड, गजानन, द्वैमातुर, हेरम्ब,
एकदंत, गणाधिप, विनायक, चारुकर्ण, पशुपाल , भवात्मज :
These are the twelve names of Vigneshvara. Those who recite these names with bhakti early in the morning every day , the whole world will be friendly to them. They will get over all obstacles and succeed in all their endeavours.
ॐ शुक्लाम्बरधरं विष्णुं शशिवर्णं चतुर्भुजम् I
प्रसन्न वदनं ध्यायेत् सर्वविघ्नोपशान्तये II
śuklām baradharaṁ viṣṇuṁ śaśi varṇaṁ caturbhujam |
prasanna vadanaṁ dhyāyet sarva vighnopa śāntaye ||
I meditate upon the Lord Ganesha who is clad in white garment (dhoti), who is all pervading, who is as bright colored as Moon, who has a smiling face, having four shoulders (or hands), and who is the remover of obstacles.
यस्यद्विरदवक्त्राद्याः पारिषद्याः परः शतम् |
विघ्नं निघ्नन्ति सततं विष्वक्सेनं तमाश्रये ‖ 2 ‖
yasyadviradavaktrādyāḥ pāriśhadyāḥ paraḥ śatam |
vighnaṃ nighnanti satataṃ viśhvaksenaṃ tamāśraye ‖ 2 ‖
I take
refuge in Vishvaksena who always destroys all hindrances,
he is the general of the elephant faced attendants and the numerous others.
PS: For nearly a month I couldn't publish Mukunda Priya , as my laptop was under repair. Due to the lockdown, it has taken pretty long time to get it repaired. I have resumed my blog with pranams to Sri Vigneshvara , so that there are no more obstacles .
To-day ( 31.7.2020- happens to be Varalakshmi vrutam - Best wishes to every one on the auspicious occasion)
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