Sunday, August 2, 2020

TRUTH- SATYAM (2)-सत्यं

Truth, purity, and unselfishness— wherever these are present, there is no power below or above the sun the possessor thereof. Equipped with these, one individual is able to face the whole universe in opposition.-Swami Vivekananda

सत्यमेव परं ब्रह्म सत्यमेव परं तप:
सत्यमेव परो यज्ञसत्यमेव परं श्रुतम्॥२३॥ 
 satyamēva param brahma satyamēva param tapa 
satyamēva parō yajña satyamēva param śrutam 23
Truth is the Supreme Brahman, truth is the supreme tapas,
satya is the supreme yajna, and truth is the best of scriptures.

सत्यं सुप्तेषु जागर्ति सत्यं परमं पदम्।
सत्येनैष धृता पृथ्वी सत्ये सर्वं प्रतिष्ठितम्॥२४॥ 
 satyam suptēṣu jāgarti satyam ca paramam padam 
satyēnaia dhtā pthvī satyē sarvam pratiṣṭhitam24
It is the truth alone which wakes up the sleeping people,
truth is the supreme place, truth is holding the earth.
Therefore, everything is established in truth.

सदयं हृदयं यस्य भाषितं सत्यभूषितम्
कायः परहिते यस्य कलिस्तस्य करोति किम्
Sadayam hrudayam yasya bhashitham satyabhooshitam I
Kaayah parahite yasya kalitasya karoti kim  II
What harm can Kalipurusa do to him whose heart is full of kindness, whose speech is 
adorned with truth and whose body is for the good of others.

न सा सभा यत्स् न सन्ति वृद्धाः 
 वृद्धा न ते ये न वदन्ति धर्मम् ।
धर्मो न वै यत्र च नास्ति सत्यम्   
सत्यं न तद्यच्छलनानुविद्धम् ॥Mahabharatham
It is not an assembly where there are no elders. They are not elders if they do not teach Dharma. It is not Dharma if it does not contain truth. It is not truth at all if it is charged with deceit.

वैराग्यमिव वृद्धानामौचित्यं महतामिव |
शुचिशीलमिवार्याणां सत्यं राज्ञां विभूषणम् ||
To be free from worldly desires is an old man's duty. To be humble is the duty of the virtuous. To be clean and chaste is the duty of any person who expects respect. To be truthful to his responsibilities is the fore most duty of a king.
अक्रोधेन जयेत् क्रोधमसाधुं साधुना जयेत् |
जयेत् कदर्यं दानेन जयेत् सत्येन चानृतम् ||

One must show patience to win over anger, virtue to win over the ignoble, benevolence to win over the miserly and truth over deceit.

अश्वमेधसहस्राणि सत्यं च तुलया धृतम् ।
अश्वमेधसहस्रस्य सत्यमेवातिरिच्यते ॥- हितोपदेश, सन्धि
If a thousand Ashvamedha yajna (where a king defeats all kingdoms to which his horse goes to) are weighed against the power of truth, truth it self will prove worthier.

अहिंसा सत्यमस्तेयं शौचमिंद्रियनिग्रहः ।
दानं दमो दया क्षान्तिः सर्वेषां धर्मसाधनम् ॥- याज्ञवल्क्य
Non violence, truth, refraining from any stealing, cleanliness (morally as well as physically), control over senses, charity, self restraint, compassion, patience (and forgiveness) are the ways one can adopt to follow Dharma.

तस्याग्निर्जलमर्णवः स्थलमरिर्मित्रं सुराः किंकराः
कान्तारं नगरं गिरि र्गृहमहिर्माल्यं मृगारि र्मृगः ।
पातालं बिलमस्त्र मुत्पलदलं व्यालः श्रृगालो विषं
पीयुषं विषमं समं च वचनं सत्याञ्चितं वक्ति यः ॥
Tasyagnir jalamarnavah sthalamarirmitram suraah kimkaraah
Kaantaaram Nagaram Girir gruhamahirmaalyam mrugaarir mrugah I
Paataalam Bilam astram utpaladalam vyaalah srugaalo visham
Peeyusham vishmam samam cha vachanam satyaanchitam vakti yah II
For those who speak the true word, fire becomes water, sea land, enemy friend, Dev Sevak, Jungle Nagar, mountain house, snake flower garland, Lion  reindeer, Hell cave, Arrow lotus, tiger fox, poison nectar, and rough smooth. ( Idea here is- for a truthful person all strengths will increase and all weaknesses will diminish or disappear )

अमॄतं चैव मॄत्युश्च द्वयं देहप्रतिष्ठितम्।
मोहादापद्यते मॄत्यु:  सत्येनापद्यतेऽमॄतम्॥
Amrutam chaiva mrutuscha dvayam dehapratshtitam I
Mohaadaapadyate mrutyuh satyenaapadyate amrutam II
Immortality and Death both reside in the body only. Death is attained due to delusion and Immortality by truth.


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