Tuesday, August 4, 2020



The Veda declares, “ Satyam Vada (Speak the Truth),”and “Dharmam Chara (Follow Dharma).”
Dharmo hi paramo loke dharme satyam pratishtitham- Dharma is supreme In the world, and truth is based on dharma- Ramayana
Dharma is that through which abhyudhaya  ( welfare and prosperity) and Nishshreyasa (spiritual greatness ) are attained. – Vaiseshika sutra

रामो विग्रहवान् धर्मः  ( Maaricha to Ravana )
Raamo vigrahavaan dharmaH- Rama is the embodiment of righteousness

सत्येन लोकान् जयति दीनान् दानेन राघवः।गुरूञ्छुश्रूषया वीरो धनुषा युधि शात्रवान्।।2.12.29
Rama is a hero who wins over the people by his truthfulness, the poor by charity, the preceptors by his service and the enemies in the battle by the power of his bow.

सत्यं दानं तपस्त्यागो मित्रता शौचमार्जवम्।
विद्या च गुरुशुश्रूषा ध्रुवाण्येतानि राघवे।।2.12.30।।
Truth, munificence, asceticism, renunciation, purity, uprightness, learning and service to his superiors all those (virtues) are firmly planted in this descendant of the Raghus.
क्षमा यस्मिन्दमस्त्याग सत्यं धर्मः कृतज्ञता।
अप्यहिंसा च भूतानां तमृते का गतिर्मम।।2.12.33।।
Where is the refuge for me without him in whom dwell forgiveness, forbearance, renunciation, truthfulness, righteousness, gratefulness and also nonviolence towards all living beings?

यदि मे राघवः कुर्याद्वनं गच्छेति चोदितः।
प्रतिकूलं प्रियं मे स्यान्न तु वत्सः करिष्यति।।2.12.86।।
If this scion of the Raghu race (Rama) urged to go to the forest acts against my order, it will be welcome but my son will not do it.
(The above four slokas are from Ramayana - Dasaratha pleading to Kaikeyi to withdraw her boon to banish Rama to the forest. The slokas mentioned below are words of Sri Rama to Maharshi Jabali )
सत्यमेवानृशंसं च राजवृत्तं सनातनम्।
तस्मात्सत्यात्मकं राज्यं सत्ये लोकः प्रतिष्ठितः।।2.109.10।।
Truth and nonviolence are the perpetual principles of kings. Therefore, a kingdom is based on truth. This world is firmly established in truth. 

ऋषयश्चैव देवाश्च सत्यमेव हि मेनिरे।
सत्यवादी हि लोकेऽस्मिन्परमं गच्छति क्षयम्।।2.109.11।।
Sages and gods all accept truth (as the supreme virtue). A truthful man of this world, attains the highest state (abode).
उद्विजन्ते यथा सर्पान्नरादनृतवादिनः।
धर्म स्सत्यं परो लोके मूलं स्वर्गस्य चोच्यते।।2.109.12।।
People are frightened at the sight of a man speaking untruth as though they have seen a serpent. Truth in this world is the greatest virtue and is said to be the very foundation of heaven.
सत्यमेवेश्वरो लोके सत्यं पद्माश्रिता सदा।
सत्यमूलानि सर्वाणि सत्यान्नास्ति परं पदम्।।2.109.13।।
Truth is God. The goddess of wealth always takes refuge in truth. Truth is the root of everything. It is supreme and there is nothing above it.
दत्तमिष्टं हुतं चैव तप्तानि च तपांसि च।
वेदा स्सत्यप्रतिष्ठाना स्तस्मात्सत्यपरो भवेत्।।2.109.14।।
Charity, sacrifice, libations, mortifications, asceticism and the Vedas have truth as
their foundation. Therefore, everyone should be an adherent of truth.
एकः पालयते लोकमेकः पालयते कुलम्।
मज्जत्येको हि निरय एक स्स्वर्गे महीयते।।2.109.15।।
One protects the world. Another runs his family. One plunges into hell. Another is honoured in heaven. (These are the fruits of truth and untruth).
सोऽहं पितुर्नियोगं तु किमर्थं नानुपालये।
सत्यप्रतिश्रव स्सत्यं सत्येन समयीकृतः।।2.109.16।।
I am always true to any promise. I am bound by truth. Why shouId I (now) disobey my father's command (to keep his promise)?
नैव लोभान्न मोहाद्वा न ह्यज्ञानात्तमोऽन्वितः।
सेतुं सत्यस्य भेत्स्यामि गुरो स्सत्यप्रतिश्रवः।।2.109.17।।
I am always true to my promise. I will not break the bridge of truth of my father out of either greed or delusion or ignorance or illusion.
असत्यसन्धस्य सतश्चलस्यास्थिरचेतसः।
नैव देवा न पितरः प्रतीच्छन्तीति नः श्रुतम्।।2.109.18।।
We have heard that the offerings of a man inclined to untruth, of an unstable and unsteady mind are accepted neither by the gods nor by the ancestors.
प्रत्यगात्ममिमं धर्मं सत्यं पश्याम्यहं स्वयम्।
भार स्सत्पुरुषाचीर्णस्तदर्थमभिमन्यते।।2.109.19।।
I personally regard this righteousness practised by the virtuous as an evident form of truth, as the supreme self. Therefore, this burden (difficult task of living as an exile) is gratifying to me.
कायेन कुरुते पापं मनसा सम्प्रधार्य तत्।
अनृतं जिह्वया चाह त्रिविधं कर्मपातकम्।।2.109.21।।
 At first a man conceives an evil idea in his mind, then executes it through evil deed with his body and tells a lie through his tongue. Thus sinful action is three dimensional (mental, physical and vocal).
भूमिः कीर्तिर्यशो लक्ष्मीः पुरुषं प्रार्थयन्ति हि।
सत्यं समनुवर्तने सत्यमेव भजेत तत:।।2.109.22।।
Land (kingdom) glory, and wealth pursue a man, they long for him even if he is in heaven. Therefore, every one must take recourse to truth alone.
सत्यं च धर्मं च पराक्रमं च भूतानुकम्पां प्रियवादितां च।
द्विजातिदेवातिधिपूजनं च पन्थानमाहुस्त्रिदिवस्य सन्तः।।2.109.31।।
The virtuous maintain that truthfulness, righteousness, valour, compassion towards all beings, speaking pleasing words, paying homage to gods, vedic scholars and guests -- all these are paths to heaven.

PS: The slokas quoted above are like bricks to the Sri Ram's temple being built at Ayodhya whose bhumi puja is to take place on 5th August 2020. Sri Rama Jayam.

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