Thursday, August 13, 2020



दुःखे दुःखधिकान् पश्येद् सुखे पस्येत् सुखधिकान् I
आत्मानं शोक हर्षाभ्यां शत्र्य्भ्याम् इव नार्पयेत् II
Dukhe dukhadhikaan pasyed sukhe pasyet sukhaadhikaan I
Aatmaanam shoka haarshaabhyam shatrubhyaam iva naarpayet II
In the moments of sorrow one should look at those whose sufferings are greater. In the moments of happiness one should look at those who are happier. One should never subscribe himself to misery and joy which are a though one’s enemy.

इतरतापशतानि यदृच्छया वितर तानि सहे चतुरानन
अरसिकेषु कवित्वनिवेदनं शिरसि मा लिख! मा लिख !मा लिख!
Oh God, give me other hundreds of sorrows as you wish. I will bear them.But don’t write my destiny to recite a poem( or subhashithani! ) to a tasteless person (insipid) on my forehead. Never! Never!! Never!!!

 दु:खेष्वनुद्विग्नमना: सुखेषु विगतस्पृह: |
वीतरागभयक्रोध: स्थितधीर्मुनिरुच्यते || BG2.56||
dukhehv-anudvigna-manāḥ sukhehu vigata-spiha
vīta-rāga-bhaya-krodha sthita-dhīr munir uchyate
One whose mind remains undisturbed amidst misery, who does not crave for pleasure, and who is free from attachment, fear, and anger, is called a sage of steady wisdom.
This is one of the famous slokas on 'stitha pragya lakshanam- very dear to Mahatma Gandhiji 
अनन्तानीह दुःखानि सुखं तृणलवोपमम्।
नातः सुखेषु बध्नीयात् दृष्टिं दुःखानुबन्धिषु ।।Yoga vaasishtam
Anantaaneeha dukhani sukham trunalavopamam I
Naatah sukeshu badhneeyaat drushtim dukhaanubandhishu II
Here sorrows are unending and happiness is like a piece of a straw. Therefore, one should not go after the happiness which is invariably followed by the sorrow.
अनुकूलवेदनीयं सुखम्‌  
प्रतिकूलवेदनीयं दु:खम्‌ ।Vaatsyaayana
Anukoolavedaneeyam  sukham I Pratikoola vedaneeyam dukham II
Happiness is a pleasant sensation and unhappiness is an unpleasant sensation experienced by the embodied soul through the five senses, mind and / or intellect.
सुखस्‍यान्‍तरं दु:खं दु:खस्‍यानन्‍तरं सुखम्‌ ।
व्‍दयमेतद्‌हि जन्‍तूनां अलङह्यं दिनरात्रिवत्‌ ।Mahabharatham
Just as the night follows the day and the day dawns after the night, unhappiness 
follows happiness and vice versa. This cycle is inevitable.
सुखम् आपतितं सेवेद् दुःखम् आपतितं सहेत् ।
कालप्राप्तम् उपासीत सस्यानाम् इव कर्षकः ॥Mahabharatham
Sukham aapatitam seved dukham aapatitam sahet I
Kaalapraaptam upaaseeta sasyaanaam eva karshakah II
As happiness to be enjoyed as it comes, sorrows should also be accepted as they come. 
Learn to wait for favourable times like the farmer does with his crops.
सुखम् एव हि दुःखान्तं कदाचिद् दुःखतः सुखम्
तस्माद् एतद् द्वयं जह्याद् इच्छेच् छाश्वतं सुखम् ॥Mahabharatham
Sukham eva hi dukhantam kadaachit dukhatah sukham I
Tasmad etat dvayam jahyaad ya ichchet chasvatam sukham II
What is pleasurable initially turns painful at the end , similarly what is painful initially sometimes change to pleasurable at the end. Therefore, one who is after permanent  happiness should learn to ignore both of them .
यदिष्‍टं तत्‍सुखं प्राहुव्‍र्देष्‍यं दु:खमिहेष्‍यते ।।
यद्यत्‍प्रियं यस्‍य सुखं तदाहुस्‍तदेव दु:खं प्रवदन्‍त्‍यनिष्‍टम्‌ ।।Mahabharatham
In this world what one feels favourable is happiness and whatever one feels like despising is unhappiness. One regards what is dear to oneself as happiness and the same thing when it is disliked, as unhappiness.
व्यथा दु:खं भयं लज्जा रोग: शोकस्तथैव च।
बन्धनं चापमानं मृत्युचाष्टविध: स्मृत:
Vyataa dukham bhayam lajjaa rogah shokas tathaiva cha I
Bandhanam chaapamaanam cha mrutyuchashta vidhah smrutah II
Anguish,sorrow,fear,shame,grief, bondage,and insult , these eight are considered same as death.
आत्मौपम्येन सर्वत्र समं पश्यति योऽर्जुन |
सुखं वा यदि वा दु:खं स योगी परमो मत: || BG6.32||
ātmaupamyena sarvatra sama paśhyati yo ’rjuna
sukha vā yadi vā dukha sa yogī paramo mata
 I regard them to be perfect yogis who see the true equality of all living beings and respond to the joys and sorrows of others as if they were their own.
PS: To-day 12th August happens to be Sri Krishna janmaashtami. Best wishes to all.

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