Wednesday, August 19, 2020



सम्पदि यस्य न हर्षो विपदि विषादो रणे च धीरत्वम्।
तं भुवनत्रयतिलकं जनयति जननी सुतं विरलम्।।Pancha tantram
Sampadi yasya na harsho vipadi vishaado rane cha dheeratvam I
Tam bhuvanatraya tilakam janayati jananee sutam viralam II
A person who is not elated by becoming rich, is not depressed while facing danger and never loses the presence of mind while engaged in a battle (conflict) is adorned everywhere. Only an exceptional mother gives birth to such a child.
शुद्धः स एव कुलजश्च स एव धीरः
 श्लाघ्यो विपत्स्वपि न मुञ्चति यः स्वभावम्।
तप्तं यथा दिनकरस्य मरीचिजालैर्देहं
त्यजेदपि हिमं न तु शीतलत्वम्।।
He only is pure, well born, courageous , and praise worthy who does not shed away his inherent good nature and human values, even when he is in great distress and danger;  Just as snow(Hima) does not shed away it's coolness when it gets exposed to burning rays of a scorching Sun and gets melted rather than shedding it's coolness.
अङ्गणवेदी वसुधा कुल्या जलधिः स्थली पातालम्
वल्मिकः सुमेरुः कृतप्रतिज्ञस्य धीरस्य
Angana vedee vasudhaa kulyaa jaladhih sthalee cha paataalam I
Valmeekah cha sumeruh krutapratigyasya dheerasya II
To a person of firm conviction and brave the vast earth is like a courtyard , the ocean a small pond , the netherworld ( Patala) like a picnic spot and Mount Meru like anthill.
निन्दन्तु नीति निपुणा यदि वा स्तुवन्तु
लक्ष्मी समाविशतु गच्छतु वा यथेष्टं I
अद्द्यैव वा मरणमस्तु युगान्तरे वा
न्याय्यात्पथः प्रविचलन्ति पदं धीरः II Niti satakam
Nindantu neeti nipunaah yadi waa stuwantu
Lakshmi samaavishatu gachchatu waa yatheshtam
Addyeiwa waa maranmastu yugaantare waa
Nyaayayatpathh pravichalanti padam na dheerah.
Discerning men may slight or laude them, the goddess of wealth Lakshmi may come or go as she likes, death may occur to-day or after ages, but strong-willed men do not deviate from the path of justice.

समदु:खसुख: स्वस्थ: समलोष्टाश्मकाञ्चन: |
तुल्यप्रियाप्रियो धीरस्तुल्यनिन्दात्मसंस्तुति:
|| BG14.24||
मानापमानयोस्तुल्यस्तुल्यो मित्रारिपक्षयो:
सर्वारम्भपरित्यागी गुणातीत: स उच्यते
|| BG14.25||

sama-dukha-sukha sva-stha sama-lohṭāśhma-kāñchana
āpriyo dhīras tulya-nindātma-sanstuti

mānāpamānayos tulyas tulyo mitrāri-pakhayo
ārambha-parityāgī guṇātīta sa uchyate

Those who are alike in happiness and distress; who are established in the self; who look upon a clod, a stone, and a piece of gold as of equal value; who remain the same amidst pleasant and unpleasant events; who are intelligent; who accept both blame and praise with equanimity; who remain the same in honour and dishonour; who treat both friend and foe alike; and who have abandoned all enterprises – they are said to have risen above the three guas.

निर्ममः शोभते धीरः समलोष्टाश्मकांचनः।
सुभिन्नहृदयग्रन्थि- र्विनिर्धूतरजस्तमः॥१८- ८८॥
Nirmama shobhate dheerah sama loshtaashma kaanchanah I
Subhinna hrudaya granthih vinir dhootarajas tamah II
The wise man excels in being without the sense of 'mine'. Earth, a stone or gold are the same to him. The knots of his heart have been rent asunder, and he is freed from greed and blindness.॥18.88॥  Ashtavakra Gita
श्रेयश्च प्रेयश्च मनुष्यमेतः तौ
सम्परीत्य विविनक्ति धीरः ।
श्रेयो हि धीरोऽभि प्रेयसो वृणीते
 प्रेयो मन्दो योगक्षेमाद्वृणीते ॥ Katha. Upan. 1.2.2
śreyaśca preyaśca manuyameta tau samparītya vivinakti dhīra
 śreyo hi dhīro'bhi preyaso vr̥ṇīte preyo mando yogakemādvr̥ṇīte ॥
Both the good and the pleasant present themselves to a man. The calm soul examines them well and discriminates. He prefers the good to the pleasant; but the fool chooses the pleasant out of greed and avarice.
नित्योऽनित्यानां चेतनश्चेतनानाम्
एको बहूनां यो विदधाति कामान्
तमात्मस्थं योऽनुपश्यन्ति धीराः
तेषां शान्तिः शाश्वतं नेतरेषाम् ॥  Katha Upanishad (V. 13):
nityo'nityānāṃ cetanaścetanānām
eko bahūnāṃ yo vidadhāti kāmān |
tamātmastha yo'nupaśyanti dhīrāḥ
teṣāṃ śānti śāśvata netareṣām ||
‘He is the eternal in the midst of non-eternals, the principle of intelligence in all that are intelligent. He is One, yet fulfils the desires of many. Those wise men who perceive Him as existing within their own self, to them eternal peace, and non else.’
कामं दुग्धे विप्रकृष्यत्यलक्ष्मीं कीर्तिं सूते दुष्कृतं या हिनस्ति
तां चाप्येतां मातरं मंगलानां धेनुं धीराः सूनृतां वाचमाहुः Uttara rama charitram
Speech that is embellished by truth and love yields all one’s wishes, drives away poverty, builds a reputation, prevents wrong doings in the same way as the Cow Mother which yields all auspicious things.
वाचो वेगं मनसः क्रोधवेगं
एतान्वेगान्यो विषहेत धीरः
सर्वामपीमां पृथिवीं शिष्यात्
vāco vega manasa krodha-vega
jihvā-vegam udaropastha-vegam
etān vegān yo viaheta dhīra
sarvām apīmāṁ pthivīṁ sa śiyāt
A wise person who can tolerate the urge to speak, the mind’s demands, the actions of anger and the urges of the tongue, belly and lust is qualified to make disciples all over the world.

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