Friday, August 21, 2020



सन्तोषं परमास्थाय सुखार्थी संयतो भवेत् ।
सन्तोषमूलं हि सुखं दुःखमूलं विपर्ययः ॥ Manusmruti
santoa paramāsthāya sukhārthī sayato bhavet |
santoamūla hi sukha dukhamūla viparyaya || 4.12 ||
He who wants happiness should adopt perfect contentment and remain self-controlled. Happiness has its root in contentment, and its opposite is the root of unhappiness.

सन्तोषः परमो लाभः सत्सङ्गः परमा गतिः ।
विचारः परमं ज्ञानं शमो हि परमं सुखम् ॥
Santoshah  paramo laabhah satsangah paramaa gatih I
Vichaarah param gyaanam shamo hi paramam sukham II
Contentment is the highest gain,Company of the good  the best approach, Enquiry  the highest wisdom, and Peace the highest pleasure.

सन्तोषामृततृप्तानां यत्सुखं शान्तचेतसाम् ।
कुतस्तद्धनलुब्धाना-मितश्चेतश्च धावताम् ॥
Santosha amruta truptaanaam yat sukham shanta chetasaam I
Kutastat dhana lubdhaanaam itaschet atascha dhaavataam II
People who are contented, with ever peaceful mind, whatever happiness they experience, how can persons who run after wealth here and there understand?
सन्तोषैश्वर्यसुखिनां दूरे दुर्गतिभूमयः
भोगाशा पाश बध्दानामवमानाः पदे पदे
Santoshair ishwarya sukheenaam doore durgati bhoomayah I
Bhogaashaa pasha badaanaam avamaanaah pade pade II
Those who consider contentment as the greatest wealth and feel satisfied, will be far away from any distress; while those who are bound by sense pleasures will have to face disrespect in every step.
योजनशतं दूरं बाध्यमानस्य तृष्णया
सन्तुष्टस्य करप्राप्तेऽप्यर्थे भवति नादरः
na yojanashatam dooram baadhyamaanasya truShNayaa I
santuShTasya karapraaptepyarthe bhavati naadarah II
One who is afflicted by desire or greed ,  even a distance of hundred yojanas does not appear to be too far. However, the contented person is not attracted by something which is at hand’s distance.
अकिञ्चनस्य दान्तस्य शान्तस्य समचेतसः
सदा सन्तुष्टमनसः सर्वाः सुखमयाः दिशः ॥SB 11.14.13
He who does not desire, who is of peace and controls his senses, whose consciousness is equal whatever the circumstances and who has a mind that is completely satisfied with Me, is filled with happiness wherever he goes.

दानेन तुल्यो विधिरास्ति नान्यो
लोभोच नान्योस्ति रिपुः पृथिव्या 
विभूषणं शीलसमं  नान्यत्
सन्तोषतुल्यं धनमस्ति नान्यत् ॥Panchatantra
There is no ritual (vidhi) that is more noble than giving (daanaa); there is no worse enemy than greed. There is no better ornament than good character; there is no better wealth than contentment (santosha).

आत्मनात्मनि संतोषं यावद्याति  मानसम् 
उद्भवन्त्यापदस्तावल्लता इव मनोबिलात्   ॥Yoga vasishta 2.15.7
ātmanātmani satoa yāvadyāti na mānasam |
udbhavantyāpadastāvallatā iva manobilāt || 7 ||
Until the mind can enjoy the contentment rising spontaneously in the soul of itself, so long will troubles continue to grow in it as thorny shrubs growing in damp land . 
येन केन प्रकारेण यस्य कस्यापिदेहिनः ।
संतोषं जनयेत् प्राज्ञस्तदेवेश्वरपूजनम् ॥
yena kena prakAreNa yasya kasyApi dehinaH ।
santoShaM janayet prAgnaH tadeva Ishvara pUjanam ॥
By whatever means one should make someone happy. Wise men believe that making other people happy is worship of God.
संतोषस्त्रिषु कर्तव्यः स्वदारे भोजने धने।
त्रिषु चैव न कर्तव्योऽध्ययने जपदानयोः॥ Chanakya niti
 satoastriu kartavya svadāre bhojane dhane।
triu caiva na kartavyo’dhyayane japadānayo
 One should be satisfied with one’s wife (spouse), food, and money. One should never be satisfied with one’s study, chanting, and charity.
सर्पाः पिबंति पवनं न च दुर्बलास् ते
शुष्कैस् तृणैर् वन-गजा बलिनो भवंति।
कंदैः फलैर् मुनि-वरा गमयंति कालं
संतोष एव पुरुषस्य परं निधानम्॥ Pancha tantra
Serpents live just by inhaling air and never become weak, in forests elephants eat ordinary grass and become very powerful, sages and saints spend their time  happily by subsisting on roots and fruits available in forests .Happiness is the highest treasure for a human being.
सन्तुष्ट: सततं योगी यतात्मा दृढनिश्चय: |
मय्यर्पितमनोबुद्धिर्यो मद्भक्त: मे प्रिय: ||BG 12.14||
santuha satata yogī yatātmā diha-niśhchaya
mayy arpita-mano-buddhir yo mad-bhakta sa me priya
Those devotees are very dear to Me who are ever-contented, steady in meditating,  self-controlled, firm in conviction, and with mind and intellect fixed on me.

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