Tuesday, August 25, 2020



आनृशंस्यमनुक्रोशः श्रुतं  शीलं दमः शमः  
राघव  शोभयन्त्येते  षड्गुणाः  पुरुषोत्तमं  
Aanrusshamsyam anukroshah shrutam sheelam  damah shamah.
Raaghava  shobhayantyete   shadgunaah  purushottamam.
 O King Raaghava!    kindness,  compassion, scholarship, good moral character, self- restraint, maintaining equanimity, these are the six virtues, which always adorn and embellish great people. 
(Sita’s message to Sri Rama through Hanuman entreating Rama to show some mercy on her and rescue her without further delay)

आनृशंस्यं  परो   धर्मः सर्वप्राणभृतां मतः  |
तस्माद्राराजानृशंस्येन पालयेत्कृपणं  जनं    ||Subhashita Sangraha
aanrushansyam paro dharmh sarvapraanabhrutaam matah.
Tasmaadraajaanrushamsasya paalayetkrupanam janam.
Kindness  to all the living beings is the supreme moral obligation, as has been ordained by the scriptures.  Hence. it is the foremost duty of the rulers of a country that they must take due care of its poor and needy population .

आनृशंस्यं परो धर्मः परमार्थश्च मे मतम् ।
आनृशंस्यं चिकीर्षामि नकुलो यक्ष जीवतु ॥ ७१
Magnanimity is the greatest dharma I feel it is the greatest value
I desire to be magnanimous Let Nakula, O Yaksha, come back to life

यस्य तेऽर्थाच्च कामाच्च आनृशंस्यं परं मतम् ।
तस्मात्ते भ्रातरः सर्वे जीवन्तु भरतर्षभ ॥ ७४
Since you value magnanimity as greater than desire and wealth
let all your brothers come back to life, O hero of the Bharata clan!

आनृशंस्यं परो धर्मस्तवत्त्त ऐव मया श्रुतः।
जानामि त्वां महावीर्यं महोत्साहं महाबलम्।।5.38.41
अपारपारमक्षोभ्यं गाम्भीर्यात्सागरोपमम्।
भर्तारं ससमुद्राया धरण्या वासवोपमम्।।5.38.42।। Ramayana

'O my supreme lord I know you are kind, righteous, valiant, full of vigour, mighty. You are boundless, calm and deep like the ocean. You are lord of earth and the seas and compeer of Vasava. I have heard from you that motiveless compassion is the best way to make one righteous.( Sita informing Hanuman)

आनृशंस्यं  क्षमा सत्यं अहिंसा दम आर्जवः  |
प्रीतिः  प्रसादो  माधुर्यं मार्दवं च  यमा  दश   ||
Aanrushamsyam kshamaa  satyam  ahimsaa dama  aarjavah.
Preetih prasaado maadhuryam  maardavah cha yamaa dasha.
Not being cruel, forgiveness, speaking the truth,  non-violence, self restraint,  honesty and straightforwardness,  love towards all, clearness of thought and style,  feeling of tenderness, and kindness, these are the ten virtues prescribed by scriptures for due observance.

 आनृशंस्यं परो धर्म: क्षमा च परमं बलम्  |

आत्मज्ञानं परं ज्ञानं सत्यं व्रतपरं व्रतम्  || Mahabharata
Aanrushamsyam paro dharmah kshama cha paramam balam I
Aatma gyanam param gyanam satyam vrataparam vratam II
Absence of cruelty is supreme dharma, forgiveness the greatest strength, truthfulness is the best austerity (tapas) to be followed, and knowing the truth of the supreme lord is the highest knowledge.- Sage Markandeya to Yudhishtira-

 अहिंसा सत्यवचनम आनृशंस्यं दमॊ घृणा
 एतत तपॊ विदुर धीरा न शरीरस्य शॊषणम II Mahabharata
ahisā satyavacanam ānṛśasya damo ghṛṇā
 etat tapo vidur dh
īrā na śarīrasya śoaam
For a  man of valour, non-violence,truth in speech, kindness, self-control,and  tenderness are the constituents of austerities(tapas) and not just fasting.

सत्यं दानं क्षमा शीलम आनृशंस्यं दमॊ घृणा
 दृश्यन्ते यत्र नागेन्द्र स बराह्मण इति समृतः II Mahabharata
satya dāna kamā śīlam ānṛśasya damo ghṛṇā
ṛśyante yatra nāgendra sa brāhmaa iti smta.
Truthfulness, generosity, patience, good character, compassion, self-control, tenderness. One in whom these are seen, O King of Snakes is considered as a Brahmin. 

( Yudhishtira was asked the question " who do you think can be called a brahmin?" by snake king Nahusha and Yudhishtira's answer is the sloka above )


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