Tuesday, August 11, 2020



अंतस्त्यक्तकषायस्य निर्द्वन्द्वस्य निराशिषः।
यदृच्छयागतो भोगो   दुःखाय  तुष्टये॥
Amtastyaktakashaayasya nirdvasya niraashishah I Yadruchchayaagato bhogo na dukhaaya na tushtaye II
One who has given up inner passions, is beyond doubts and is without any desires does not feel pain or pleasure due to random events.   3.14 ॥Ashtavakra Gita


प्राप्यापदं व्यथते न कदाचित्
उद्योगमन्विच्छति च अप्रमत्तः I
दु:खं च काले सहते महात्मा
धुरंधरस्तस्य जिताः सपत्नाः II Vidura niti
Praapyaapadam vyathate na kadaachid- Udyogamanvichchhati cha apramattah I
Dukham cha kaale sahate mahaatmaa Dhuramdharastasya jitaah sapatnaah II
One who does not lose heart even when facing difficulties but puts in efforts to overcome them, has the capacity to endure pain and suffering  and can shoulder responsibilities – for  such a person victory over his enemies is guaranteed.

सुखस्य दु:खस्य कोऽपि न दाता  परो ददाति इति कुबुद्धिरेषा ।
अहं करोमीति वृथाभिमान:   स्वकर्मसूत्रे ग्रथितो हि लोक:।।
sukhasya dukkhasya kopi na daataa  paro dadaati iti kubuddhireShaa I
aham karomeeti vruthaabhimaanah svakarmasootre grathito hi lokah II
There is no one who gives us happiness or pain. The thinking that someone else gives it is totally wrong. The feeling ‘I do’ (I’m the doer) is wrong. Every person is bonded with his/her previous “Karma”.

யாதும் ஊரே யாவரும் கேளிர்
தீதும் நன்றும் பிறர்தர வாரா - கணியன் பூங்குன்றனார் 
To us all towns are our own, everyone our kin,
Life's good comes not from others' gifts, nor ill,
Pains and pain's relief are from within,....(Pura Nanooru )

दु:खस्य हेतुर्यदि देवतास्तु
किमात्मनस्तत्र विकारयोस्तत् ।
यदङ्गमङ्गेन निहन्यते क्व‍‍चित्
क्रुध्येत कस्मै पुरुष: स्वदेहे ॥ ५१ ॥
ŚB 11.23.51

dukhasya hetur yadi devatās tu
ātmanas tatra vikārayos tat I
yad a
gam agena nihanyate kvacit
krudhyeta kasmai puru
a sva-dehe II

If an individual is held responsible for our joy and sorrow, even in this case what does it matter to the ‘soul’ (which is neither the giver nor the experiencer of joy and sorrow ). This acting and being acted upon are merely interactions of the changeable senses and their presiding deities. If a man unwittingly bites his own tongue with his own teeth, with which of them should he get angry?

सुखस्यानन्तरं दुःखं दुःखस्यानन्तरं सुखम् ।
चक्रवत्परिवर्तन्ते सुखानि च दुःखानि च ॥
sukhasyānantara dukha dukhasyānantara sukham ।
cakravatparivartante sukh
āni ca dukhāni ca ॥
Joy is followed by pain; and suffering is followed by happiness. Pleasure and pain rotate like a wheel.

यस्य स्नेहो भयं तस्य स्नेहो दुःखस्य भाजनम्।
 स्नेहमूलानि दु:खानि तानि त्यक्त्वा वसेत्सुखम्॥13-5॥Chanakya niti
One is afraid of the person with whom he has affection-love. Love and affection are the root cause of sorrow-pain-grief and behind each and every trouble. One should reject-renounce-cut these attachments-bonds-sentiments to become happy-fearless-tension less-trouble free.

मूर्खशिष्योपदेशेन दुष्टस्त्रीभरणेन च ।
दुःखितैः सम्प्रयोगेण पण्डितोऽप्यवसीदति ॥ Chanakya niti
Moorkha shiyopadeshena dushtastree bharanena cha I
Dukhitaih samprayogena pandito apyavaseedati II
Its stated that one will invite trouble, if he preaches a moron, a wicked woman or with a person in grief.

सर्वं परवशं दु:खं सर्वमात्‍मवशं सुखम्‌ ।
एतव्‍दिद्यात्‍समासेन लक्षणं सुखदु:खयो: ।।
All that which is in the control of external objects is unhappiness while that which is in the control of one’s mind is happiness. This is the concise feature of happiness and unhappiness.’ (1)

अर्थानाम् अर्जने दु:खम् अर्जितानां  रक्षणे।
 दु:खं व्यये दु:खं धिग् अर्थाकष्टसंश्रया:
Earning money is painful, after earning its protection is painful. Its income is painful, its expenditure is painful. So money is to be condemned which is root cause of problems.

क्वचित् भूमौ शय्या, क्वचिदपि च पर्यङ्कशयन: ।
क्वचित् शाकाहारी, क्वचिदपि च शाल्योदनरूचि: ।
क्वचित् कन्थाधारी, क्वचिदपि च दिव्याम्बरधर: ।
मनस्वी कार्यार्थी न गणयति दु:खं न च सुखम् ।। 
Sometimes sleeps on floor and sleeps on fine bed at other times. Sometimes manages only with vegetables and eats delicious foods at other times. Sometimes wears torn clothes and wears elegant clothes at other times. The person devoted to work does not care about sorrows and joys.


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