Friday, November 22, 2019

SON-PUTRAH-SUTAH-( पुत्र:-सुतः )

एकेनापि  सुपुत्रेण विद्यायुक्तेन  साधुना  |
आह्लाlदितं कुलं  सर्वं यथा चन्द्रेण शर्वरी ||  - चाणक्य नीति (३/१६ )
 Ekenaapi suputrena vidyaayuktena saadhunaa.
Aahlaaditam kulam sarvam yathaa chandrena sharvari.
Even a single son endowed with knowledge and
excellent qualities brings joy and recognition to his family
just like the Moon brings cool brightness to the  night.
एकेन शुष्क वृक्षेण दह्यमानेन वह्निना |
दह्यते तद्वनं  सर्वं दुष्पुत्रेण  कुलं यथा   ||
Eken shushka vrukshena dahyamaanena vahninaa,
Dhyate tadvanam sarvam dushputrena kulam yathaa.
Even a single dried up tree in a forest on catching fire results in the burning of the entire forest. Similarly a wicked and prodigal son also brings in disgrace to his family and ultimately results in destruction of the family.
लालयेत् पञ्चवर्षाणि  दशवर्षाणि ताडयेत् ।
प्राप्ते तु षोडशे वर्षे    पुत्रं मित्रवदाचरेत् ॥ —- चाणक्यनीतिः

Lalayet Pancha varshani   Dasha Varshaani Tadayet |
Prapte tu shodashe varshe   Putram mitramvadacharet ||
 A child should be pampered for first five years. He should be disciplined and spanked for next ten years. Once he is sixteen, he should be treated like a friend.
शृण्वन्तु बिश्वे अमृतस्य पुत्रा
ये धामानि दिब्यानि तस्थुः II  Shvetashvatara Upanishad,
Shrinwantu Vishwe Amritasya Putra
Aa Ye Dhamani Dibyani Tasthu II

Ye Children Of Immortal Bliss! May those who reign over heavenly regions hear!
(This was extensively quoted by Swami Vivekanandaa in the west )
पुम् नाम्ना नरकाद् यस्मात् पितरम् त्रायते सुतः |
तस्मात् पुत्र इति प्रोक्तः पितृऋन् यत् पाति वा सुतः || Ramayana
"Since a son delivers his father from a place of torment (hell) called 'Put', he is named as 'Putra'- 'he who delivers his ancestors from all dangers'"
जीवतोर् वाक्य  कारणात्, प्रत्याब्दं  भूरि  भोजनात् ,
गयायां  पिण्ड  दानात् ,   त्रिभि:  पुत्रस्य  पुत्रता II        
Jeevator vaakya karanaat,  Pratyaabdam Bhuri bhojanaat, I
Gayayaam pinda daanaat,  tribhi: putrasya putrataâ II

When the parents are alive, obey their commands. When they die, perform their annual sraaddha properly. And go to Gaya and offer pindas for them. You can be called a son to your parents only when you do all these three things.

सुकृतेन कुले जन्म सुकृतेन सुभाषितम्
सुकृतेन सती भार्या सुकृतेन कृती सुतः
sukRutena kule janma sukRutena subhAShitam ।
sukRutena satI bhAryA sukRutena kRutI sutaH ॥
It is only by good fortune (as a result of good karma in previous lives) that one gets to be born in a good family, collect good subhashitas, get married to a lady of good character and get a son who will achieve something substantial.
प्रत्यक्षे गुरुवः स्तुत्यः प्रोक्षे मित्र बन्धवः
कार्यान्ते दास भृत्यः स्वपुत्रः कदचन
pratyakShe guruvaH stutyaH prokShe mitra bandhavaH |
kAryAnte dAsa bhRutyaH svaputraH na kadachana ||

Guru should be praised on the face, friends and relatives behind their back; servants after they finish a job, and one’s own sons-—never!
बहुभिर्बत किं जातैः पुत्रैर्धर्मार्थवर्जितैः |
वरमेकः पथि तरुर्यत्र विश्रमते जनः ||
bahubhirbatha kim jAthaihi puthrairDHarmArTHavarjithaihi |
varamEkaha paTHi tharuryathra vishramathE janaha ||
What is the use of raising children who are neither righteous nor prosperous? It is better to grow a tree by the roadside where people can come and rest.
सुजीर्णमन्नं सुविचक्षणः सुतः
सुशासिता स्त्री नृपतिः सुसेवितः ।
सुचिन्त्य चोक्तं सुविचार्य यत्कृतं

सुदीर्घकालेऽपि न याति विक्रियाम्  ॥ १.२२ ॥Panchatantra
sujIrNamannaM suvichakShanaH sutaH
     sushAsitA strI nRupatiH susevitaH ।
suchintya choktam suvichArya yatkRutam
    sudIrghakAle na hi yAti vikriyAm ॥

The following are of great value and their value does not erode over time: well digested food, well brought up son, well cultured woman, well served king, well thought speech, well deliberated action.
एकेनापि सुपुत्रेण सिंही स्वपिति निर्भयम्
सहैव दशभिः पुत्रैर्भारं वहति गर्दभी
A lioness has only one son - a good son. So, she can sleep fearlessly. A donkey on the other hand has ten children. But she has to still slog it out by lifting weights.
यस्य विपदि विषादः संपदि हर्षो रणे भीरुत्वम्
तं भुवनत्रयतिलकं जनयति जननी सुतं विरलम्
It is very rare that a mother gives birth to a son, worthy of praise  in all the three worlds , who is not perturbed  when faced with trouble, not overly joyous when prosperous and not a coward in battlefield.
एष्टव्या बहवः पुत्रा गुणवन्तो बहु श्रुताः |
तेषाम् वै समवेतानाम् अपि कश्चिद् गयाम् व्रजेत् || Ramayana
"To have many virtuous and learned sons is to be desired, since one, at least among them, who is intimately connected will come to Gaya to perform a sacrifice."

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