The Hari Ashtakam is a prayer dedicated to Sri Maha Vishnu as Hari.

The Hari Ashtakam is a prayer dedicated to Sri Maha Vishnu as Hari.
Hari means one who shows us the true path and removes the illusion or Maya in which we live. This Stotra was composed and recited in praise of Sri Hari by Prahlaadaa, who was one of the greatest devotees of Sri MahaVishnu.

श्री हरि अष्टकम्:
हरिर्हरति पापानि दुष्टचित्तैरपि स्मृत: ।
अनिच्छयाऽपि संस्पृष्टो दहत्येवहि पावक: ॥ (१)हरिर्हरति पापानि दुष्टचित्तैरपि स्मृत: ।
Harirharati pApAni duShtacittairapi smruta: |
anicchayApi samspruShto dahatyevahi pAvaka: || (1)
Hari removes sins
even from,
The bad ones meditating on him,
Similar to the fire burning any one,
Who touches it without even realizing it.
Similar to the fire burning any one,
Who touches it without even realizing it.
स गङ्गा स गया सेतु: स काशी स च पुष्करम् ।
जिह्वाग्रे वर्तते यस्य हरिरित्यक्षर द्वयम् ॥(२)
sa gangA sa gayA
setu: sa kAshi sa ca puShkaram |
jihvAgre vartate
yasya harirityaksharadvayam || (2)
He in whose tip of
the tongue,
Resides the two letters Hari,
Is himself the Ganga, Gaya, Sethu,
Kasi and Pushkaram.
Kurukshethra and Naimisaranya will reach him, Who chants the two letters Hari.
Resides the two letters Hari,
Is himself the Ganga, Gaya, Sethu,
Kasi and Pushkaram.
वाराणस्यां कुरुक्षेत्रे नैमिशारण्य एव च ।
यत्कृतं तेन येनोक्तं हरिरित्यक्षर द्वयम् ॥(३)
kurukshetre naimishAraNya eva ca |
yatkrutam tena
yenoktam harirityaksharadvayam || (3)
All the good got by
visiting the holy places of Varanasi, Kurukshethra and Naimisaranya will reach him, Who chants the two letters Hari.
पृथिव्यां यानि तीर्थानि पुण्यान्यायतनानि च ।
तानि सर्वाण्यशेषानि हरिरित्यक्षर द्वयम् ॥(४)
pruthivyAm yAni
tIrthAni puNyAnyAyatanAni ca |
sarvANyasheShAni harirityaksharadvayam ||(4)
All the waters of
the world, Which are considered holy,
Reach themselves to him, Who chants the two letters Hari.
Reach themselves to him, Who chants the two letters Hari.
गवां कोटिसहस्राणि हेमकन्या सहस्रकम् ।
दत्तं स्यात्तेन् येनोक्तं हरिरित्यक्षर द्वयम् ॥(५)
gavAm kotisahasrANi
hemakanyA sahasrakam |
dattam syAtten
yenoktam harirityaksharadvayam || (5)
Performing daughter’s
wedding (Kanyaa daanaa ), Hiranya daanaa ( offering of gold ),and offering of
cows ( Go daanaa )are considered very sacred.If we chant the name of Hari
, it is equl to donating thousands of cows and performing thousands of
ऋग्वेदोऽथ यजुर्वेद: सामवेदोऽप्यथर्वण: ।
अधीतस्तेन येनोक्तं हरिरित्यक्षर द्वयम् ॥(६)
yajurveda: sAmavedopyatharvaNa: |
yenoktam harirityaksharadvayam |(6)
Veda, Yajur Veda, Sama Veda and Atharvana
Become themselves his, Who chants the two letters Hari.
Become themselves his, Who chants the two letters Hari.
अश्वमेधैर्महायज्ञै: नरमेधैस्तथैव च ।
इष्टं स्यात्तेन येनोक्तं हरिरित्यक्षर द्वयम् ॥ (७)
mahAyajnai: naramedhaistathaiva ca |
iShtam syAtthena
yenoktam harirityaksharadvayam || (7)
The effect
of performing Aswamedha, And hundred Vajapeysa
Reach them to him, Who chants the two letters Hari.
Reach them to him, Who chants the two letters Hari.
प्राण प्रयाण पाथेयं संसार व्याधिनाषनम् ।
दु:खात्यन्त परित्राणं हरिरित्यक्षर द्वयम् ॥(८)
prANa prayANa
pAtheyam samsAra vyAdhinAShanam |
paritrANam harirityaksharadvayam ||(8)
two letters Hari are the, Food for the journey of the
Medicine for curing the disease of life, And great protection against sorrows.
Medicine for curing the disease of life, And great protection against sorrows.
बद्ध: परिकरस्तेन मोक्षाय गमनं प्रति ।
सकृदुच्चारितं येन हरिरित्यक्षर द्वयम् ॥(९)
parikarastena mokshAya gamanam prati |
yena harirityaksharadvayam ||(9)
Even if he chants
the two letters Hari only once, He is considered ready,
For attaining salvation, And having good life.
For attaining salvation, And having good life.
हर्यष्टकमिदं पुण्यं प्रातरुत्थाय य: पठेत् ।
आयुष्यं बलमारोग्यं यशो व्रुद्धिं च विदन्ति ॥(१०)
puNyam prAtarutthAya ya: paTet |
balamArogyam yasho vruddhim ca vidanti ||(10)
If this holy octet on Hari, Is
read after waking up, In the morning.
One would get freedom, From sins committed, In crores of births.
One would get freedom, From sins committed, In crores of births.
प्रह्लादेन कृतं स्तोत्रं दु:खसागर शोषणम् ।
य: पठेत्स नरो याति तद्विष्णो: परमं पदम् ॥(११)
prahlAdena krutam
stotram du:khasAgara shoShanam |
ya: paTetsa naro
yAti tadviShNo: paramam padam || (11)
This stotra told by
Prahlada, capable of drying up the ocean of samsara, if one recites it with
shraddha, he will attain the abode of
Sri Vishnu( Paramapadam).
PS: This stotra is presented in response to requests from some of the readers. My sincere thanks to them for their support. Regards,VNM
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