Wednesday, June 10, 2020


Ātura (आतुर) has several meanings :1) Hurt, injured, 2) Suffering from, influenced or affected by, tormented, afflicted, 3) Sick (in body or mind), disabled, diseased, 4) Eager, over-anxious; 5) Weak, feeble, incapable of doing anything.
आतुराद्वित्तहरणं मृताच्च प्रपलायनं ।
एतद्वैद्यस्य वैद्यत्वं न वैद्यः प्रभुरायुषः ।।
Aturaat vittaharanam mrutaachcha prapalaayanam  I
Etad vaidhyasya vaidhyatvam na vaidhyah prabhuraayushah II
Extracting money from the patient and in case a patient dies , disappear from  the place 
with out any one’s notice , is the skill and role of a doctor. Doctor is not the master of any one’s life. ( Not all doctors follow this dictum. My own father-in-law, Dr.R.Narasimhan, was 
an exception. He never charged the poor and lead a very simple and austere life. )
आतुरे च पिता वैद्यः स्वस्थीभूते च बान्धवः ।
गते रोगे कृते स्वास्थ्ये वैद्यो भवति पालकः ।।
Aathure cha pitaa vaidhyah svasthee bhoote cha bhaaandhavah I
Gate roge krute svaastye vaidhyo bhavati paalakah  II
A doctor is a like a father to a patient, once he is cured he becomes a relative, once he is hale and hearty he becomes a health instructor.

किमाह सीता हनुमंस्तत्त्वतः कथयाद्य मे।
एतेन खलु जीविष्ये भेषजेनातुरो यथा।।Sundara kandam 5.66.14
"O Hanuman Tell me now truly what has been told by her. I am eager to know. Indeed, it will keep me alive just as medicine does for an ailing man. ( Sri Rama to Hanuman )
किं स्वित्प्रवसतो मित्रं किं स्विन्मित्रं गृहे सतः
आतुरस्य किं मित्रं किं स्विन्मित्रं मरिष्यतः ४४
Who is the friend of the traveller?
Who is the companion of the householder?
Who is the friend of the ailing?
Who is the companion of a man on his deathbed?
सार्थः प्रवसतो मित्रं भार्या मित्रं गृहे सतः ।
आतुरस्य भिषङ्मित्रं दानं मित्रं मरिष्यतः ॥ ४५
The caravan is the friend of the traveller
The companion of the householder is his wife
The doctor is the friend of the ailing
The companion of a man on his deathbed is dana
आतुरे व्यसने प्राप्ते दुर्भिक्षे शतृसंकटे
राजद्वारे स्मशाने यस्तिष्ठति बान्धवः ॥Chanakya niti
āture vyasane prāpte, durbhike śatrusakae ।
ājadvāre śmaśāne ca yastiṣṭhati sa bāndhava
A relative is one who stands by you, In sickness, misfortune, famine, danger from enemy,
royal appearance, and in cremation ground ( ie during last rites ).
आतुरे नियमो नास्ति बाले वृद्धे तथैव च  |
पराचाररते  चैव  एष  धर्मः  सनातनः     ||
Aature niyamo naasti baale vruddhe tathaivs cha I
Paraachaararate chaiva esh  dharmah sanaatanah II

Sick or suffering people , children, elderly persons, and those who are involved in helping the needy persons, need not strictly observe the routine moral code as prescribed in the shastraas. This is the eternal dharma .
आतुरस्य कुतो निद्रा त्रस्तस्यामर्षितस्य च  |
अर्थं चिन्तयतो वापि कामयानस्य वा पुनः ||  

Aaturasya kuto nidraa trastasyaamarshitasya cha.
Artham chintayato vaapi kaamayaanasya vaa punah.
Can persons who are sick and suffering, frightened or angry, or worried about acquiring or protecting their wealth , ever have a sound sleep ?
वितर वारि द वारि दव आतुरे चिर पिपासित चातक पोतके ।
प्रचलिते मरुति क्षणं अन्यथा क्व च भवान् क्व पयः क्व च चातकः ॥
O! cloud, distribute water among the anxious ever thirsty young ones of the chAtaka bird ! Otherwise when in a moment the wind starts blowing, where shall you be, where shall the water be and what happens to the chataka birds ?
अर्थातुराणां सुह्रुन्न बन्धुः कामातुराणां भयं लज्जा |
विद्यातुराणां सुखं निद्रा क्षुधातुराणां वपुर्न तेजः ||
Arthaaturaanaaam na shrunna bndhuh kaamaaturaanaam na bhayam na lajjaa
Vidyaaturaanaam na sukham na nidraa kshudhaaturaanaam na vapurn na tejah.
Persons obsessed with becoming rich have no friends and relatives, and persons suffering from lust have no fear or shame. Those who are passionate about learning enjoy no sleep or pleasure., and hungry and famished persons do not have a well structured body and good appearance.
अर्धातुरणां न गुरुर्न बन्धु: कामातुराणां न भयं न लज्जा |
 विद्यातुराणां न सुखं न निद्रा क्षुधातुराणां न रुचिर्न पक्वं ||
Those who are half-baked have no teacher or relative. There is no fear or shame for lustful persons. Those who are passionate about learning enjoy no sleep or pleasure and persons who are hungry do not see whether it is well cooked  or  tasty. 
न स्नानमाचरेद् भुक्त्वा नातुरो न महानिशि ।
न वासोभिः सहाजस्रं नाविज्ञाते जलाशये ॥ Manusmruti
na snānamācared bhuktvā nāturo na mahāniśi |
na vāsobhi sahājasra nāvijñāte jalāśaye || 129 ||
One shall not bathe after a meal, nor when one is ill, nor at midnight, nor along with one’s outer garments; and never in an unknown water-reservoir.—(129)
विद्यावान गुणी अति चातुर ।
राम काज करिबे को आतुर ॥Rama charitra manas
Vidhyaavaan gunee ati chaatur I
Raam kaaj karibe ko aatur  II

You are the repository of learning, virtuous and fully accomplished. You are always keen to carry out the request of Shri Ram. ( In this sloka 'aatur' - is used in a positive sense )

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