Saturday, June 27, 2020


राजा सत्यं च धर्मश्च राजा कुलवतां कुलम्।
राजा माता पिता चैव राजा हितकरो नृणाम्।।2.67.34।।
Raja satyam cha dharmascha raja kulavataam kulam I
Raja maataa pitaa chaiva raja hitakaro nrunaam II Ramayana
It is the king who is the upholder of Truth and Dharma, it is he who protects those of good genealogy (kula) and he is the father, mother and well-wisher of his subjects.
( The king should mean- men of authority, in to-day's context )
निर्गुणस्य हतं रूपं दुस्शीलस्य हतं कुलं I
असिद्धस्य हता विध्या अभोगेन हतं धनं II
Nirgunasya hatam roopam dussheelasya hatam kulam I
Asiddhasya hataa vidhyaa abhogena hatam dhanam II
Beauty is in vain in absence of virtues, family reputation is of no value who has 
no character, knowledge that does not give success is in vain, wealth that is not 
used for enjoyment is in vain
कुलं छलं धनं चैव रुपं यौवनमेव  
विद्या राज्यं तपश्च एते चाष्टमदाः स्मृताः 
Kulam, chalam, dhanam chaiva roopam yauvanameva cha I
Vidhyaa rajyam tapascha  ete chashta madaah smrutaah II
These eight are considered as potential cause for pride: Pedigree,deceit,wealth,appearance,youth,education,estate,and asceticism.
नागो भाति मदेन, कं जलरिहैः, पूर्णेंदुना शर्वरी
शीलेन प्रमदा, जवेन तुरगः, नित्योत्सवैः मंदिरम् I
वाणी व्याकरणेन, हंसमिथुनैः वापी, सभा पंडितैः
सत्पुत्रेण कुलं, नृपेण वसुधा, लोकत्रयं विष्णुना II
A serpent is shining when it is furious, water because of lotuses, the night because of a full moon, a woman because of (good) character, a horse because of its' speed, a temple because of regular festivals, language by (correct) grammar, a pond by a pair of swans, a meeting by scholarsa family by a good son, the earth by a king and all the three worlds because of vishnu.
 नैवाकृतिफलति नैव कुलं  शीलं।
विद्यापि नैव   यत्नकृतापि सेवा
भाग्यानि पूर्वतपसा खलु सञ्चितानि
काले फलन्ति पुरुषस्य यथैव वृक्षा:
Nothing fructifies beforehand-neither the form, nor the family background, not even one’s virtues, nor even the education, not also the painstaking service rendered to the community. It is the fortune of a person accrued by the performance of penance that yields fruits in due course, like the tree which yields fruits when it is time.
मन्त्रतस्तु समृद्धानि कुलान्यल्पधनान्यपि ।
कुलसङ्ख्यां च गच्छन्ति कर्षन्ति च महद् यशः ॥ ६६ ॥
mantratastu samddhāni kulānyalpadhanānyapi |
kulasakhyāṃ ca gacchanti karanti ca mahad yaśa || 66 ||

Families that are rich in the knowledge of the Veda, though possessing little wealth, are numbered among the great, and acquire great fame.—(66)
सर्वे यत्र विनेतारःसर्वे पण्डित-मानिनः 
सर्वे महत्त्वम् इच्छन्ति, कुलं तद् अवसीदति
In a family where everyone is a leader, where everyone is having high opinion of himself, where everyone wants importance, that family/race /house will come to grief.
अग्नि: आप: स्त्री: मूर्खाः सर्पा: राजकुलानि
नित्यं यत्नेन सेव्यानि सद्यः प्राणहराणि षट्
Agniraapah  striyo  moorkhaah  sarpo  raajakulaani  Cha.
Nityam  yatnena  sevyaani  sadyah  praanaharaani shat.
One should handle or deal with fire, water, women, foolish persons, snakes and
Royal families with special care, because all these six are capable of instantly taking
away or threatening life.
एकेनापि  सुपुत्रेण विद्यायुक्तेन  साधुना  |
आह्लाlदितं कुलं  सर्वं यथा चन्द्रेण शर्वरी ||चाणक्य नीति (/१६ )
Ekenaapi suputrena vidyaayuktena saadhunaa.
Aahlaaditam kulam sarvam yathaa chandrena sharvari.
Even a single son endowed with knowledge and excellent qualities brings joy and recognition to his family just like the Moon brings cool brightness to the  night.
वरयेत् कुलजां प्राज्ञो विरूपामपि कन्यकाम् 
रूपवतीं  नीचस्य विवाहः सदृशे कुले Chanakya niti
Varayet kulajaam praagyo viroopamapi kanyakaam I
Roopavati na neechasya vivaahah sadruse kule II
A wise man should marry a girl of a respectable family even if she is not good looking. 
He should not marry from an inferior family, though beautiful. Marriage in a family of  
equal status is preferable. 
सुकुले योजयेत्कन्यां  पुत्रं  विद्यासु  योजयेत्  |
व्यसने  योजयेच्छत्रुं    मित्रं  धर्मेण   योजयेत्   || चाणक्य नीति (/)-
Sukule  yojayetkanyaam  putram  vidyaasu  yojayet.
Vyasane yojayetcchatrum  mitram  dharmena  yeojayet.
A wise person should plan properly for marrying his daughter in a noble family and  make arrangements for proper education for his son.  Likewise he should also plan to make his enemies addicted to bad habits and motivate his friends towards religious austerity.
अस्थिरं  कुलसंबन्धः सदा विद्या विवादिनी |
मदो  मोहाय  मिथ्याय  मुहूर्तनिधनं  धनं   ||

Asthiram kulasambandhah sadaa vidyaa vivadinee.
Mado mohaaya mithyaaya muhoorta nidhanam dhanam.
Interaction between two clans (or communities) is always uncertain, and knowledge always creates disputes among scholars. It is futile to be very proud and also have infatuation of any kind, because the wealth (and also the life of a person) can be destroyed in a very short time.

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