Friday, June 5, 2020



रथस्यैकम् चक्रम् भुजगयमिताः सप्त तुरगाः
निरालम्बो मार्गश्चरणरहितः सारथिरपि
रविर्गच्छत्येव प्रतिदिनमपारस्य नभसः
क्रियासिद्धिः सत्त्वे भवति महतां नोपकरणे
Ratasyaikam chakram bhujagayamitaah sapta turagaah I
Niraalambo maargascharanahitah saarathirapi I
Ravirgachchatyeva pratidinamapaarasya nabhasah I
Kriyaasiddhih satve bhavati mahataam no pakarane II
Every day the sun travels to the end of the endless sky in a single wheeled, chariot having seven horses controlled by serpents on an unsupported road with a charioteer having a disabled foot. The actions of great people are accomplished by their inner strength, not by the means of doing it.

घटो जन्मस्थानं मृगपरिजनो भूर्जवसनं
वने वासः कन्दादिकमशनमेवंविधगुणः।
अगस्त्यः पाथोधिं यदकृत कराम्भोजकुहरे
क्रियासिद्धिः सत्त्वे भवति महतां नोपकरणे
Ghato janmasthaanam mrugaparijano bhurjavasanam
Vane vaasah kandaadikamashanamevamvidhagunah I
Agastyah paathodhim yadakruta karambhojakuhare
Kriya siddhih satve bhavati mahataam na upakarane II
Born in a pot, wearing a bark, living in woods, eating raw bulbs, surrounded by a retinue of wild beasts, Agastya shrunk the whole vast ocean to fit his palm. To succeed, great men rely on their innate spirit, not on other means. 
विजेतव्या लङ्का चरणतरणीयो जलनिधिः
विपक्षः पौलस्त्यो रणभुवि सहायाश्च कपयः
तथाप्येको रामः सकलमवधीद्राक्षसकुलम्
क्रियासिद्धिः सत्त्वे भवति महतां नोपकरणे
Armed with an army of apes, Rāma had to cross the ocean on foot, conquer   
 Lanka, and defeat the mighty Rāvaa. Unfazed, he single-handedly razed the entire Rakshasha race. To succeed, great men rely on their innate spirit, not mere means. 
धनुः पौष्पं मौर्वी मधुकरमयी पञ्च विशिखाः
वसन्तः सामन्तो मलयमरुदायोधनरथः।
तथाप्येकः सर्वं हिमगिरिसुते कामपि कृपां
अपाङ्गात्ते लब्ध्वा जगदिदमनङ्गो विजयते॥Soundarya lahari
“O! Daughter of King of mountains clad with snow! In spite of limbless Manmatha, equipped with (fragile in nature) a bow made up of flowers, its string made up of bees, five flower arrows, spring season as his minister, breeze filled with the fragrance of sandal trees as his chariot, conquers the entire world all alone.”( Sankaracharya adds that all this is due to the grace of the lord )
 अपेक्षन्ते न च स्नेहं न पात्रं न दशान्तरम् ।
सदा लोकहितासक्ता रत्नदीपा इवोत्तमाः ॥
 Apekshante na cha sneham na patram na dashaantaram.
Sadaa lokahitaasaktaa ratnadeepa ivottamaa.
Noblest of men do not expect anything in return for their benevolent actions. They are not dependent on any form of help from others. They do not discriminate as to who should receive their benevolence. They are like Ratna deepa ( self-illumining lamp) which unlike an earthen lamp does not require oil and cotton wick and proper condition to burn and shed light.
यशोऽधिगन्तुं सुखलिप्सया वा मनुष्यसंख्यामतिवर्तितुं वा
निरुत्सुकानामभियोगभाजां समुत्सुकेवाङ्कमुपैति सिद्धिः II
Yasho’dhigantum sukhalipsayaa vaa manushyasamkhyaamativartitum vaa
Nirutsukaanaamabhiyogabhaajaam samutsukevaankamupaiti siddhih
Achievement, it seems, is enthusiastic to sit on the lap of those who engage themselves diligently in an endeavour without caring for fame, happiness or rise in popularity.

नाभिषेको न संस्कारः सिंहस्य क्रियते वने ।
विक्रमार्जितसत्त्वस्य स्वयमेव मृगेंद्रता ॥
There is no official coronation ceremony held or any samskar performed to declare that Lion is the king of jungle. He becomes king by his own attributes and heroism.


  1. Sir, Subhashithani - 263- Great nen rely on their innate strength....
    (1) Not by the means if doing it..
    (2) Agastya...Not on their means..
    (3) Innate Spirit not mere means.
    Lion - No coronation ceremony..
    Lion becomes King by his own Attributes and heroism.
    Mugundan Sir... excellent...
    Kindly explain to this பாமரன் சதாசிவம்...innate strength...என்றால்..மனநலம்...மன உறுதி..உள்ளார்ந்த பலம்....எது சரி?எப்படி?
