Friday, June 19, 2020


अधमे संगता लक्ष्मीर्नोपभोगाय कस्यचित्
कर्दमे पतिता छाया सहकारतरोरिव ।।
Adame sangataa lakshmee na upabhogaaya kasyachit I
Kardame patitaa chaayaa sahakaarataroriva II
The wealth of the inferior men is never useful to others; just as the shadow of the tree 
fallen on slushy ground benefits no one.
நச்சப் படாதவன் செல்வம் நடுவூருள்
நச்சு மரம்பழுத் தற்று.Kural-1008
When he whom no man loves exults in great prosperity,

It is like a poisonous tree in the middle of the town  bearing fruits.
अवज्ञया दीयते यत तथैवाश्रद्धयापि च I
 तद आहुर अधमं दानं मुनयः सत्यवादिनः IMahabharatham

Avagyayaa deeyate yat tathaivaasraddhayaapi cha I

Tad aahura adhamam daanam munayah satyavaainah II

What ever is given with contempt or without due care is said to be lowest kind of charity,
so declare the wise and truthful men.
अभिगम्योत्तमं दानमाहूतं चैव मध्यमम्
अधमं याच्यमानं स्यात् सेवादानं तु निष्फलम् Parasara smruti

Abhigamyottamam daanam aahutam chaiva madyamam I
Adhamam yaachyamaanam syaat sevaadaanam tu nishpalam II
Spontaneous charity is supreme, charity when on request is average, charity to a beggar is inferior, paying for service rendered is without any special merit.
लब्ध्वा सुदुर्लभतरं नरजन्म जन्तु
स्तत्रापि पौरुषमतः सदसद्विवेकम्।

संप्राप्य चैहिकसुखाभिरतो यदि स्या
द्धिक्तस्य जन्म कुमतेः पुरुषाधमस्य।।240।।Sri Sankara
Sarva Vedanta siddhanta sara sangrah:
Human life, the ability to work hard and the capacity to distinguish between good and bad – if a person who has all these gifts uses them only to seek worldly pleasures, fie on him!  He is but a fool and the lowest of humankind. 
असतां  सह् सङ्गेन  को  यात्यधमां  गतिः |
पयोSपि शौण्डनी हस्ते मद्यमित्याभिधीयते ||
asataam saha sangena ko na yaatyadhamaam gatih l
payopi shauNDanee haste madyamityaabhidheeyate ll
The company of the wicked invariably leads one to a mean and vilest nature; even milk in the hands of a bartender will be construed as liquor.
उत्तमं कुलविद्याया मध्यमं कृषिवाणिजात् |
अधमं सेवकावृत्ति: मृतिश्चौर्योपजीवनम् ||
Uttamam kulavidhyaayaa madhyamam krushivaanijam I
Adhamam sevakaavrruttih mrutischouryopajeevanam III
Living by following family traditions is supreme; living by trade and agriculture is moderate; living by waiting on others is lowly; living by stealing others is as good as death.
उत्तमोS प्रार्थितो दत्ते मध्यमः प्रार्थितः पुनः |
याचकैर्याच्यमानोSपि  दत्ते    त्वधमाधमः  ||
Uttamo apraarthito datte madhyamah praarthitah punah.
Yaachakairyaachyamaanopi datte na tvadhamaadhamh.
Righteous and noble persons provide help to others with out even being requested , whereas moderately noble persons do so on being requested again.  On the other hand persons worst among the inferior  persons never help even on being repeatedly requested by a petitioner or a beggar.
उत्तमस्य क्षणं कोपो मध्यमस्य प्रहरद्वयं |
अधमस्य  अहोरात्रं  पापिष्ठो  नैव  मुच्यते  ||
Uttamasya kshanam kopo madhyamasya praharadvyam.
Adhamasya ahoraatram paapishtho naiva muchyate.
 The anger among righteous remains momentarily, whereas in persons of average  intelligence it remains for a few hours .   Among persons of lowest category anger remains for a whole day .But in case of wicked and sinful persons it stays for ever.
अधमा: धनमिच्छन्ति धनं मानं च मध्यमा: |
उत्तमा: मानमिच्छन्ति मानो हि महताम् धनम् ||
adhamaah dhanamichchhanti dhanm maanam cha madhyamaah I
uttamaah maanamichchhanti maano hi mahataam dhanam II
An inferior person is allured by wealth; An average person is satisfied by both wealth and honour ; whereas men of integrity will give up anything for honour.
अधमाः कलिमिच्छन्ति सन्धिमिच्छति मध्यमाः ।
उत्तमा मानमिच्छन्ति मानो हि महतां धनम् ॥
Garuda puranam
Rogues like to have quarrels, moderates like alliances, while the noble men
desire self-respect. Self-respect is the greatest wealth.

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