Wednesday, June 17, 2020


जनित्वाऽहं वंशे महति जगति ख्यातयशसां
शुचीनां युक्तानां गुणपुरुषतत्त्वस्थितिविदाम्।
निसर्गादेव त्वच्चरणकमलैकान्तमनसां
अधोऽधः पापात्मा शरणद निमज्जामि तमसि ॥६१॥Stothra ratnam
O refuge of all, though born in the exalted lineage of those world renown, who are pure and ever abiding in you ( karma yoga ), who know the real nature of matter and spirit (Gyana yoga) , who by their very nature have their minds solely devoted to your lotus feet (bhakti yoga), I , being evil minded , am sinking deeper and deeper in to the darkness of ignorance. (***Yamunaacharya is pleading that he is bereft of any sadhana due to karpanya bhava - this is known as Naichyaanusandhanam . Yamunaacharya ,also known as Alavandar is the grand son of Nathamuni  who was responsible for recovering the lost Nalaayira divya prabhanham. It was Nathamuni's sishya Prativadi Bhayankaram Annangaraachayar who wrote the famous Sri Venkatesa suprabhatham. )
कदर्थितस्यापि धैर्यवृत्तेः बुद्धेर्विनाशो हि शङ्कनीयः
अधः कृतस्यापि तनूनपतो नाधः शिखा याति कदाचिदेव ।I
kadarthitasyApi cha dhairyavRutteH buddhervinAsho na hi sha~gkanIyaH |
adhaH kRutasyApi tanUnapato nAdhaH shikhA yAti kadAchideva |

Those who are honest and are of firm mind, when they meet with insults should not be discouraged as to whether their own mind will change from its stand.
A burning lamp, even if it is held in such a way that its burning tip is facing downward, the flame would still be burning in its own, firm, upright direction.
अधोऽधः पश्यतः कस्य महिमा नोपचीयते ।
उपर्युपरि पश्यन्तः सर्व एव दरिद्रति ॥
adho adhaH pashyataH kasya mahimA na upachIyate ।
upari upari pashyantaH sarva eva daridrati ॥
One can feel comfortable if he has the nature of always seeing those who are less privileged than himself ; on the other hand one will always feel miserable if he is in the habit of comparing himself with those who are better placed in life.
उपर्युपरि गच्छन्ति सत्त्वेन ब्राह्मणा जना
 आमुख्याद् रजसान्तरचारिण ŚB 11.25.21
upary upari gacchanti sattvena brāhmaṇā janāḥ
tamasādho ’dha ā-mukhyād rajasāntara-cāria
Learned persons dedicated to Vedic culture are elevated by the mode of goodness (satva )to higher and higher positions. The mode of ignorance( thamas), on the other hand, forces one to fall headfirst into lower and lower births. And by the mode of passion( rajas) one continues transmigrating through human bodies.
ऊर्ध्वं गच्छन्ति सत्त्वस्था मध्ये तिष्ठन्ति राजसा: |
जघन्यगुणवृत्तिस्था अधो गच्छन्ति तामसा:
|| BG14.18||
ūrdhva gachchhanti sattva-sthā madhye tihhanti rājasāḥ
a-vitti-sthā adho gachhanti tāmasāḥ

Those situated in the mode of goodness ( satva) rise upward; those in the mode of passion( rajas ) stay in the middle; and those in the mode of ignorance( thamas) go downward.
अधः पश्यसि किं बाले पतितं तव किं भुवि ।
 रे रे मूर्ख न जानासि गतं तारुण्यमौक्तिकम् ॥ Chanakya niti
Young boy: Baale (Young girl) , what are you looking down, for on the ground?
The girl : O fool! Don’t you know that I have lost the pearl of my youthfulness.
गौरवं प्राप्यते दानात् तु वित्तस्य संचयात्
स्थितिः उच्चैः पयोदानां पयोधीनां अधः स्थितिः

Fame is obtained by giving money, not collecting it. Clouds (givers of water) have a high position whereas the seas (receivers of water) have a low position.
( Payodaanah- cloud; payodhee- Ocean )
अधोदृष्टिर्नैष्कृतिकः स्वार्थसाधनतत्परः ।
शठो मिथ्याविनीतश्च बकव्रतचरो द्विजः ॥ Manusmruti
adhodṛṣṭirnaiktika svārthasādhanatatpara |
śaho mithyāvinītaśca bakavratacaro dvija || 196 ||
With eyes cast downwards, of cruel disposition, intent upon the accomplishment of his own ends, dishonest and falsely humble;—such is the Brāhmaa who behaves like the heron.
व्रजत्यधः प्रयात्युच्चैर्नरः स्वैरेव चेष्टितैः |
अधः कूपस्य खनिता ऊर्ध्वं प्रासादकारकः ||
Vrajatyadhah prayaatyuccchair narah cheshtitaih I
Adah koopasya khnitaa urdhvam praasaada kaarakah II

A man goes up or down based on his own action. One who is digging a well has to go down while a man building a castle will be going up.( To understand this sloka, one should look for the lakshyaartha and not just the vakyaartha )
धन्या द्विजमयीं नौका विपरीता भवार्णवे
तरन्त्यधोगता सर्वे उपस्थिता पतन्त्येव हि ।।Chanakya niti

The boat in the form of the pandit going across the sea of existence is typical as it moves in a reverse order.Those remain below it go across easily but those who try to ride over it fall down and gets drowned.( Chanakya strongly believed in the superiority of vedic scholars)


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