Monday, May 18, 2020

FRIEND (3)- MITRAH-SAKHA-मित्र,सुहृद ,सखा


Gaining Friends:This is the second strategy of Panchatantra known as 'Mitra Laabha' beginning with this stanza:

Even without the wherewithal 
Learned men and intellectuals 
Achieve what they want like 
The crow, the rat, the deer and the turtle. 
The subhashithas in this blog are mostly from this story of four unusual friends  in Panchatantra :

शोकाराति-भय-त्राणं प्रीति-विश्रम्भ-भाजनम् 
केन रत्नम् इदं सृष्टं मित्रम् इत्य् अक्षर-द्वयम्  १९८ 
śokārāti-bhaya-trāṇaṃ prīti-viśrambha-bhājanam |
kena ratnam idaṃ sṛṣṭaṃ mitram ity akṣara-dvayam || 
By whom is this  two lettered gem called ‘Mitra’(मित्र ) created? Helping at the time of adversity, protecting from any sort of fear,  and sharing happiness and trust.
सुहृदो भवने यस्य समागच्छंति नित्यशः।
चित्ते च तस्य सौख्यस्य न किञ्चित् प्रतिमं सुखम्॥पञ्च_२.१८॥Pancha tantra

suhdo bhavane yasya samāgacchanti nityaśa |
citte ca tasya saukhyasya na kiñcit pratima sukham || 18 ||
The happiness which is produced in the mind of him to whose house guests 
come every day is not found even in heaven.
मित्रवान् साधयत्य् अर्थान् दुःसाध्यान् अपि वै यतः।
तस्मान् मित्राणि कुर्वीत समानान्य् एव चात्मनः॥पञ्च_.२७॥
mitravān sādhayaty arthān dusādhyān api vai yata |
ān mitrāṇi kurvīta samānāny eva cātmana
|| 27 ||Pancha tantra
Since a man who has friends accomplishes his goals, even such as are difficult to be achieved , one should make friends that are one’s equals.
आदित्यस्योदयं तात तांबूलं भारती कथा।
इष्टा भार्या सुमित्रं च अपूर्वाणि दिने दिने॥२.१७॥Pancha tantra
ādityasyodaya tāta tāmbūla bhāratī kathā |
iṣṭā bhāryā sumitra ca apūrvāṇi dine dine || 17 ||
All these never become stale, ever give the same delight:
Sun rise, betal leaf, stories from itihasas, loving wife and good friend . 
सर्वेषाम् एव मर्त्यानां व्यसने समुपस्थिते।
वाङ्-मात्रेणापि साहाय्यं मित्राद् अन्यो न संदधे॥पञ्च_२.१२॥

sarveṣām eva martyānāṃ vyasane samupasthite |
āṅ-mātreṇāpi sāhāyya mitrād anyo na sandadhe || 12 ||Pancha tantra
When calamity befalls all men equally no one but a friend would give assistance even though it be in mere words.
दृष्टपूर्वा बहव: सहाया: सर्वे पदस्थस्य भवन्ति वश्या:
अर्थाद्विहीनस्य पदच्युतस्य भवन्ति काले स्वजनोऽपि शत्रु:
Adrushtapoorvaa bahavah saahaayaah sarve padasthasya bhavanti vasyaah I
Arthaart viheenasya padachyutasya bhavanti kale svajano api shatruh II
When a man is powerful and prosperous, friends gather around him and (come to him) 
from all directions; (but) if he is out of office and (lost his) fortune, they turn their 
backs on him, as foes in time of calamity.
अपि संपूर्णता-युक्तैः कर्तव्याः सुहृदो बुधैः।
नदीशः परिपूर्णोऽपि चंद्रोदयम् अपेक्षते॥पञ्च_२.२८॥Pancha tantra
api sampūratā-yuktai kartavyāḥ suhdo budhai |
nadīśa paripūro 'pi candrodayam apekate || 28 ||

Wise men, even though endowed with fullness( abundance) should still make friends: for the sea, though entirely full ,awaits the rise of moon to swell up.
ययोर् एव समं वित्तं ययोर् एव समं कुलम्।
तयोर् मैत्री विवाहश् तु पुष्ट-विपुष्टयोः॥पञ्च_.२९॥
yayor eva sama vitta yayor eva sama kulam |
tayor maitrī vivāhaś ca na tu puṣṭa-vipuṣṭayo || 29 ||

Friendship and marriages are proper between those whose wealth is equal and whose families are of equal status , and not between the fat and the lean ( rich and poor).
वैरिणा हि संदध्यात् सुश्लिष्टेनापि संधिना।
सुतप्तम् अपि पानीयं शमयत्य् एव पावकम्॥पञ्च_.३१॥
vairiṇā na hi sandadhyāt suśliṣṭenāpi sandhinā |
sutaptam api pānīya śamayaty eva pāvakam || 31 ||

One should not make an alliance with an enemy even though peace is compactly formed. Even if water is hot, it will still put out a fire.
कारणान् मित्रताम् एति कारणाद् याति शत्रुताम्।
तस्मान् मित्रत्वम् एवात्र योज्यं वैरं न धीमता॥पञ्च_२.३३॥
kāraṇān mitratām eti kāraṇād yāti śatrutām |
tasmān mitratvam evātra yojya vaira na dhīmatā || 33 ||
From some cause one becomes a friend and also from a cause one becomes an enemy, of another; therefore, a wise man should develop friendship and not enmity in this world. 

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