Monday, May 25, 2020

FRIENDS-(6)- स्नेहम्- मित्रम् -SLOKAS FROM RAMAYANA

The story of delightful Rama which regales everybody’s ears , is like an ocean filled with gems.  ( समुद्रमिव रत्नाढ्यं सर्वश्रुतिमनोहरम् ।।1.3.8।। ). Every word mentioned in Ramayana can dispel greatest of sins of the reader or the hearer of Ramayana.(एकैकं अक्षरं प्रोक्तं महा पातक नाशनम्।). Ramayana is filled with many great sayings on diverse subjects; we would see a few of them  related to 'friends and friendship' .

 Rama making friendship with Sugriva :
तन्ममैवैष सत्कारो लाभश्चैवोत्तमः प्रभो।
यत्त्वमिच्छसि सौहार्दं वानरेण मया सह II 4.5.11-
'O Lord that you are eager to have friendship with me, who is a monkey is a great honour and is extremely beneficial to me.
रोचते यदि वा सख्यं बाहुरेष प्रसारितः।
गृह्यतां पाणिना पाणिर्मर्यादा बध्यतां ध्रुवा4.5.12।।
'If you are desirous of my friendship, here is my arm (palm) stretched out to you. With due regard, establish our bond firmly, holding my palm in yours.' 
Kishkinda kanda

आढ्यो वा अपि दरिद्रो वा दुःखितः सुखितोऽपि वा|
निर्दोषः च सदोषः च वयस्यः परमा गतिः || 
Aadyo vaa api daridro vaa dukhitah sukhitto api vaa I Nirdoshah cha sadoshah cha vayasyah paramaa gatih II4.8.8
A friend must at all cost be given a helping hand , be he rich or poor,happy or miserable, sinful or blameless.. (Sugreeva to Rama)
धन त्यागः सुख त्यागो देश त्यागोऽपि वा अनघः |
वयस्यार्थे प्रवर्तन्ते स्नेहम् दृष्ट्वा तथा विधम् || [4-8-9]
Dhanatyagah sukha tyaago desa tyaago api vaa anaghah I
Vayasyaathe pravartante sneham drushtadvaa tatha vidham II
It is but meet that one sacrifices one's wealth,happiness or even one's life if need be for the sake of a friend. ( Sugreeva to Rama )
उपकार फलम् मित्रम् अपकारो अरि लक्षणम् |
अद्य एव तम् वधिष्यामि तव भार्या अपहारिणम् ||  [4-8-21]
"Helping is the fruit of friendship while harming is enemy's trait, hence I wish to kill him today only, that abductor of your wife..."-Rama to Sugreeva
एष मे राम शोकान्तः शोक आर्तेन निवेदितः |
दुःखितः सुखितः वा अपि सख्युः नित्यम् सखा गतिः ||
"Grief stricken such as I am, I have submitted as to how my misery ends, whether one is gladdened or saddened he has recourse only to his friend."- Sugreeva to Rama.
यो हि मित्रेषु कालज्ञस्सततं साधु वर्तते II4.29.10
तस्य राज्यं च कीर्तिश्च प्रतापश्चाभि वर्धते।
The kingdom, glory and fame of a king who knows the value of time and conducts
himself well towards his friends always grows. ( Hanuman to Sugreeva )
सन्त्यज्य सर्वकर्माणि मित्रार्थे योऽनुवर्तते II 4.29.13
सम्भ्रमाद्धि कृतोत्साहस्सोऽनर्थैर्नावरुध्यते।
'Whoever sets aside his personal interest and works for the welfare of his ally 
with due enthusiasm and excitement will not be harmed.
यस्तु कालव्यतीतेषु मित्रकार्येषु वर्तते II 4.29.14
स कृत्वा महतोऽप्यर्थान्न मित्रार्थेन युज्यते।

'He who exceeds the time limit in accomplishing a friend's task, and puts forth great
effort later succeeds not. ( Hanuman to Sugreeva)
अर्थिनाम् उपपन्नानाम् पूर्वम् च अपि उपकारिणाम् |
आशाम् संश्रुत्य यो हन्ति स लोके पुरुषाधमः ||

'He who promises the requesters that have come under his shelter, and especially those that have cooperated earlier, but breaks that promise, and even shatters their hope, he is the worst fellow in the world. ( Rama to Lakshmana -To remind Sugreeva )
कृतार्था हि अकृतार्थानाम् मित्राणाम् भवन्ति ये |
तान् मृतान् अपि क्रव्यादाः कृतघ्नान् उपभुंजते || 4.30.73
Even vultures disdain the corpses of those , who, while alive, were ungrateful to their friends who rendered them valuable and timely help.( Rama to Lakshmana ) 
PS: Slokas from Ramayana to be continued

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