Tuesday, May 5, 2020


यद्यद् इष्टतमं तत्तद्देयं गुणवते  किल   I
अत एव खलो दोषान् साधुभ्यः संप्रयच्छति   II
Yadyadishtatamam  tattatdeyam gunavate kila  I
Ata eva khalo doshaan saadubhyah samprayachchati  II
Whatever one likes the most that should be offered to the virtuous . It is precisely due to that wicked men offer insults and accusations to the honourable.
क्वचित् सर्पोऽपि मित्रत्वमियात् नैव खलः क्वचित्
शेषशायिनोऽप्यस्य वशे दुर्योधनः हरेः
Kvachit sarpo api mitratvamiyaat naiva khalah kvachit I
Na sheshashaayino pyasya vashe duryodhanah hareh  II
We can have friendship even with a snake, but not with the wicked . Sri Krishna , who is known to sleeping on ‘ sesh naag ‘ did not want Duryodhana’s friendship.
परिषुद्धामपि वृत्तिं समाक्षितो दुर्जन: परान्व्यथते |
पवनाशिनोऽपि भुजगा: परपरितापं न मुञ्चन्ति || ९३ ||
Even in a job which has no scope for committing a sin  bad people will torture others.
 Even if it eats only air, the snake does not stop troubling others.
अभ्रच्-छाया खल-प्रीतिः समुद्रांते च मेदिनी।
अल्पेनैव विनश्यंति यौवनानि धनानि च॥Pancha tantra
Abrachchaayaa khala-pritih samudrante cha medini I
Alpenaiva vinasyanti yauvanaani dhanaani cha II

Shadow of clouds, friendship with a wicked person, ground near the ocean indeed 
disappear in a short time, as also youth and wealth.
जले तैलं खले गुह्यं पात्रे दानं मनागपि |
प्राज्ञे शास्त्रं स्वयं याति विस्तारं वस्तुशक्तित: ||
jale tailam khale guhyam paatre daanam manaagapi I
praajnye shaastram svayam yaati vistaaram vastushaktitah II
Oil in water, secret confined to the wicked , charity done to a deserving person and knowledge in a wise person — even though they may be small in nature expand  by themselves  because of inherent nature .
वृष्टिभिः पूरिता ग्राम्याः नूनं क्षुद्राः सरोवराः I
 तटं भित्वा प्रयान्तीव घनं प्राप्य खलो यथा II
Vrushtibhih pooritaa graamyaah noonam kshudraah sarovaraah I
Tatham bhitvaa prayaanteeva dhanam praapya khalo yatha  II
When it rains in the villages, small ponds get filled. Then it starts overflowing and travels hither and tither. In the same way, if a wicked man gets wealth he forgets all morals and moves around flaunting his wealth in a disgusting way.
दुर्जनस्य विशिष्टत्वं परोपद्रवकारणम्
व्याघ्रस्य चोपवासेन पारणं पशुमारणम्
The fasting of a tiger ends with the prey of domesticated animals. Even So, the ostensibly  good  actions of wicked people is done to harm others, and can never do anything good.

दुर्जनः सुजनीकर्तुं यत्नेनापि शक्यते।
संस्कारेणापि लशुनं कः सुगन्धीकरिष्यति॥
Even with a determined attempt, it is not possible to turn a wicked man into a good man. Who will, even with refining, make garlic fragrant?
निर्माय खलजिह्वाग्रं सर्वप्राणहरं नृणाम्।
चकार किं वृथा शस्त्रविषवह्नीन् प्रजापतिः॥
After creating deadly weapon like wicked men’s tongue, which is capable of killing a person , why did the creator made other weapons, poison and fire?
पाण्डित्येन प्रचण्डेन येन माद्यन्ति दुर्जनाः ।
तेनैव सज्जना रूढां यान्ति शान्तिमनुत्तमाम् ॥
When a rogue acquires some knowledge he starts flaunting it.
The same knowledge is used by wise men to seek the ultimate inner peace.
कस्यचित्कश्चिदिह स्वभावात्
भवत्युदारोऽभिमतः खलो वा
लोके गुरुत्वं विपरीततां वा
स्वचेष्टितान्येव नरं नयन्ति
No one here inherently becomes exalted, beloved or wicked to anyone else. In the world, one’s own efforts alone take a person to greatness or otherwise.
शान्तिखड्गः करे यस्य दुर्जनः किं करिष्यति । 
अतृणे पतितो वह्निः स्वयमेवोपशाम्यति ॥ महाभारत, उद्योग
shAnti khadgaH kare yasya durjanaH kim kariShyati ।
atRuNe patito vahniH svayam eva upashAmyate ॥
What harm can a rogue inflict on someone who is armed with the sword of patience? When a fire falls over a barren land with no grass, it dies by itself. A wicked man’s anger often feeds on the victim’s impatience and reciprocation.

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