Saturday, May 23, 2020

FRIEND(5)- MITRAH-SUHURUD - मित्र:, सुहृदः

Just like Panchatantra, Hitopadesa is also a gold mine of subhashithani. Great truths are revealed through simple stories which can be enjoyed by children as well as  senior citizens. We have in this blog a number of subhashithas on'friends'from Hitopadesa. 

मित्रं प्रीतिरसायनं नयनयोः आनन्दनं चेतसः
पात्रं यत्सुखदुःखयोः सह भवेत्मित्रेण तद्दुर्लभम्।
ये चान्येसुहृदः समृद्धिसमये द्रव्याभिलाषाकुलाः
ते सर्वत्र मिलन्ति तत्त्वनिकषग्रावा तु तेषां विपद् ।। हितोपदेश
A friend is like a nectar full of love to the eyes and delighting to mind. To get a friend who is able to share our happiness and sorrow is very difficult. Other friends, those who come to you during your prosperity, having interest in your wealth, are available every where. Difficult time is, however, right touchstone to identify them.-Hitopadesa-Mitra Labha 211

मित्रं व्यसनसंप्राप्तं स्वस्थानं परपीडितं
धन्यास्ते ये न पश्यन्ति देशभङ्गं कुलक्षयम् [73]Pancha tantra
Mitram vyasana sampraaptam svasthaanam parapeeditam I
Dhanyaaste ye na pasyanti desabhangam kulakshayam II
Those are really blessed indeed who do not witness a friend in pain,
one’s home taken away by another; one’s country taken over by the
enemies; and the destruction of one’s own family.”
परोक्षे कार्यहन्तारं प्रत्यक्षे प्रियवादिनम् ।
वर्जयेत्तादृशं मित्रं विषकुम्भं पयोमुखम् ॥Hitopadesa
paroke kāryahantāra pratyake priyavādinam ।
ādṛśa mitra viakumbha payomukham ॥78
Disrupting one's work in his absence and  speaking pleasant words in his presence - 

shun such a friend as if one would a pot of poison camouflaged with milk at the top.
न कश्चित् कस्यचिन् मित्रं न कश्चित् कस्यचिद् रिपुः ।
व्यवहारेण मित्राणि जायन्ते रिपवस्तथा ॥७२॥|| Hitopadésa
na kashchit kasyachin_mitram, na kashchit kasyachidripu |
vyavahāa jāyante, mitrāṇi ripavastathā (Mitralābha 72)
No one is anyone's friend, no one is anyone's enemy.
Friends and enemies are born by one’s own  conduct.
यतः आपत्सु मित्रं जानीयाद् रणे शूरं ऋणे शुचिम् ।
भार्यां क्षीणेषु वित्तेषु व्यसनेषु च बान्धवान् ॥७३॥Hitopadesa
Yatah aapatsu mitram jaaneeyaad rane sooram rune shuchim I
Bhaaryaa ksheeneshu vtteshu vyasaneshu cha baandhavaan II73
A friend’s worth is known in calamity, a valiant person in the battle field, wife when 
one is in penury, relatives at the time of adversity.
दीपनिर्वाणगन्धं च सुहृद्वाक्यम् अरुन्धतीम् ।
 न जिघ्रन्ति न शृण्वन्ति न प्श्यन्ति गतायुषः ॥७७॥Hitopadesa
Deepa nirvana gandham cha suhrud vakyam arunhatim I
Na jighranti na shrunvnti na pasyanti gataayushah IIMitra labha 77

Those, whose life has ended, perceive not the smell of an extinguished lamp,
 listen not to the words of a friend, and not see the star Arundati.
औरसं कृतसंबन्धं तथा वंशक्रमागतम्।
रक्षितं व्यसनेभ्यश्च मित्रं ज्ञेयं चतुर्विधम्॥ मित्रलाभः 192
aurasaM kRutasambandhaM tathA vaMsha kramAgatam |
rakShitaM vyasanebhyashcha mitraM j~jeyaM chaturvidham ||Hitopadesa
Know friends to be of four kinds: like one who has suckled from the same breast, 
one with whom relationship is established, a heriditary friend, and one who
 protects from vices.
स्वभावजं तु यन् मित्रं भाग्येनैवाभिजायते ।
 तद्अकृत्रिमसौहार्दम् आपत्स्व् अपि न मुञ्चति ॥१९४॥ 194
Svabhavajam tu yan mitram bhagyenaivaabhijaayate I
Tad akrutrima sauhaardam aaptsvan api na munchati  II
That natural friend who is obtained simply by good luck and whose affection is
sincere does not forsake us even in adversity.
तदेवास्य परं मित्रं यत्र संक्रामति द्वयम् ।
दृष्टे सुखं च दुःखं च प्रतिच्छायेव दर्पणॆ ॥
tadevAsya paraM mitraM yatra saMkrAmati dvayam |
dRuShTe sukhaM cha duHkhaM cha pratichChAyeva darpaNE ||
He is the real friend in whom both happiness and misery (of one) are reflected
as soon as he is seen just like a reflection in a mirror.

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