Friday, May 29, 2020



मैत्रीं भजत अखिलहृज्जेत्रीम्
आत्मवदेव परानपि पश्यत ।
maitrīṃ bhajata akhilahjjetrīm
ātmavadeva parānapi paśyata | Kanchi Mahaswami
Cultivate Friendship and Humanity, which will conquer the Hearts of Everyone.
 Look upon others as similar to yourself.

प्राणैरपि हिता वृत्तिरद्रोहो व्याजवर्जनम् |
आत्मनीव प्रियाधानमेतन्मैत्रीमहाव्रतम् ||
prāṇair_api hitā vittir_adroho vyāja-varjanam |
ātamanīva priyādhānam_étan_maitrī-mahā-vratam || (IAST)
The great vow of friendship - always help (even at cost of life), never harm others , avoid excuses, treat everyone like self.

 भार्यया समं मित्रं न च धर्मो दयासमः ।
न स्वातन्त्र्यसमं सौख्यं गार्हस्थ्यान्नाश्रमो वरः ॥ पद्मपुराण
na bhāryayā sama mitra na ca dharmo dayāsama
na sv
ātantryasama saukhya gārhasthyānnāśramo vara
There is no better friend than a wife. No dharma better than compassion. Nothing better than being free. No state of life is better than being a house-holder ( Gruhasthaa ).
चत्वारि  ते  तात  गृहे  वसन्तु
श्रियाभिजुष्टस्य  गृहस्थधर्मे  |
वृद्धो ज्ञातिरवसन्नः  कुलीनः
सखा दरिद्रो  भगिनी चानपत्या  ||- विदुर नीति
Chatvaari te taat gruhe vasantu Shriyaabhijushasya  gruhasthadharme.
Vruddho  gyaatiravasannah  kuleenah Sakhaa daridro  bhagini chaanapatyaa.
It is the duty of a prosperous householder that he should support these four types of persons:  (i)  an aged close relative  (ii)  a noble distressed person 
 (iii) a poor friend and (iv)  his childless sister.
विद्या मित्रं प्रवासेषु भार्या मित्रं गृहेषु
व्याधितस्यौषधं मित्रं धर्मो मित्रं मृतस्य - महाभारत
Knowledge is the companion of a person on journey; wife is the companion at home;
Medicine is the friend of the sick; merits earned by moral conduct are the friend of the dead.
अपराद्धांस्तु सुस्निग्धान् स्नेहोक्त्या मानदानत:।
साधयेद् भेददण्डाभ्यां यथायोगेन चापरान्॥

Offended friends should be reconciled by honouring and gifts and kind words; others should be won over by the proper employment of the policy of alienation or bribery or gift. 

दर्शने स्पर्शणे वापि श्रवणे भाषणेऽपि वा ।
यत्र द्रवत्यन्तरङ्गं स स्नेह इति कथ्यते ॥
It is called friendship, when seeing someone, or touching them, or hearing them, or talking to them, touches your heart. Otherwise it is just an acquaintance...
लक्ष्मीर्वसति जिह्वाग्रे जिह्वाग्रे मित्रबान्धवाः 
जिह्वाग्रे बन्धनं प्राप्तं जिह्वाग्रे मरणं ध्रुवम् 
lakmīrvasati jihvāgre jihvāgre mitrabāndhavāḥ
āgre bandhana prāpta jihvāgre maraa dhruvam ॥
Lakmī resides at the tip of the tongue; at the tip of the tongue are friends and kin;
the tip of the tongue can cause imprisonment; and certainly, the tip of the tongue 
can bring death!
कुलीनैः सह संपर्कः पण्डितैः सह मित्रताम् ।
ज्ञातिभिश्च समं मेलं कुर्वाणो न विनश्यति ॥
kulInaiH saha saMparkaH paNDitaiH saha mitratAm ।
jnAtibhiH cha samam melam kurvANo na vinashyati ॥
He shall not be ever destroyed who has acquaintance with people of powerful families, friendship with scholars and networks among knowledgeable people.
दुष्टा भार्या शठं मित्रं भृत्यश्चोत्तरदायकः ।
ससर्पे च गृहे वासो मृत्युरेव न संशयः ॥
Death is certain (soon) for a person whose wife is wicked, whose friends cheat and whose servants talk back to him. He is in same level of danger as sleeping in a house which has snakes in it. 


  1. ஒரு நாளைக்கு மனிதனுக்கு மூன்று வேளை உணவு எப்படி வாழ்வியல் கட்டாயமோ..அது மாதிரி அல்ல...அதேபோல் ஒவ்வொரு நாளும் மூன்று முறை சுயநினைவோடு படிக்க எனக்கு எனது 79 வயது வயதில் கிடைத்தமைக்கு ஐயா முகுந்தன் அவர்களும் அவருடைய சந்ததியினரும் வளமுடன் ஆரோக்கியமாக வாழ நான் நெஞ்சார பெரியவர் நரசிம்மன் அவரகளுடைய நல்வாழ்த்துக்களுடன் வணங்கி பணிவுடன் வாழ்த்துகிறேன். நன்றி....எஸ்.சதாசிவம்...என்றும் மாணவன்.

    1. Many thanks for the touching words of comfort from a genuine well-wisher.
