Wednesday, May 20, 2020

FRIEND(4)- MITRAH-SUHURUD - मित्र, सुहृदः

"Mitra Laabha" the second book of Pancha tantra contains a huge treasure of subhashithani, particularly regarding friends and friendship. We will see a few more fascinating subhashithani on' friends' from Panchatantra in this blog too.

सतां साप्तपदं मैत्रम् इत्य् आहुर् विबुधा जनाः।
तस्मात् त्वं मित्रतां प्राप्तो वचनं मम तच् छृणु॥
satāṃ sāptapada maitram ity āhur vibudhā janāḥ | tasmātva mitratāṃ
 prāpto vacana mama tac chṛṇu ||2.48 ||
Wise men say that friendship is formed between good men when they walk together
 seven steps: accordingly you have become my friend; please listen to what I say.
( The crow to the mouse )

असंपत्तौ परो लाभो गुह्यस्य कथनं तथा।
आपद्-विमोक्षणं चैव मित्रस्यैतत् फल-त्रयम्॥पञ्च_२.१८७॥
asampattau paro lābho guhyasya kathana tathā |
āpad-vimokaa caiva mitrasyaitat phala-trayam || 2.187 ||
These three are the benefits arising from a friend: a great gain during lack of wealth, 
the sharing of a secret, extricating from difficulties .
अप्रियाण्य् अपि पथ्यानि ये वदंति नृणाम् इह।
त एव सुहृदः प्रोक्ता अन्ये स्युर् नाम-धारकाः॥पञ्च_२.१६७॥
apriyāṇy api pathyāni ye vadanti nṛṇām iha |
ta eva suh
da proktā anye syur nāma-dhārakāḥ ||2.167 ||
They are called true friends who speak to men things which are wholesome
though disagreeable.
इक्षोर् अग्रात् क्रमशः पर्वणि पर्वणि यथा रस-विशेषः।
तद्वत् सज्जन-मैत्री-विपरीतानां तु विपरीता॥पञ्च_२.३८॥Pancha tantra
ikor agrāt kramaśa parvai parvai yathā rasa-viśea |
tadvat sajjana-maitrī-viparītānāṃ tu viparītā || 2.38 ||
As the juice of sugar-cane is sweeter and sweeter at every joint in order from the
 end  so is the friendship of the good; while it is the opposite with wicked men.
उपकाराच् लोकानां निमित्तान् मृग-पक्षिणाम्।
भयाल् लोभाच् मूर्खाणां मैत्री स्याद् दर्शनात् सताम्॥पञ्च_.३६॥
upakārāc ca lokānāṃ nimittān mga-pakiṇām |
bhayāl lobhāc ca mūrkhāṇāṃ maitrī syād darśanāt satām || 2.36 ||
In the case of men friendship is due to mutual acts of obligation, of beasts and 
birds to some cause, of fools to fear or greed, and of the wise men to mere sight.
आपत्-कालॆ तु संप्राप्तॆ यन् मित्रम् ̣मित्रम् ऎव तत्।
 वृद्धि-कालॆ तु संप्राप्तॆ दुर्जनॊSपि सुह्ड़्द् भवॆत्॥पञ्च_२.११६॥
āpat-kāle tu samprāpte yan mitra mitram eva tat |
vddhi-kāle tu samprāpte durjano 'pi suhd bhavet || 2.116 ||
He who continues to be a  friend when the time of adversity comes, is a true friend; 
when the time of prosperity comes even a wicked man becomes a friend. 
मित्रं कोऽपि न कस्यापि नितांतं न च वैर-कृत्।
दृश्यते मित्र-विध्वस्तात् कार्याद् वैरी परीक्षितः॥पञ्च_२.११७॥

mitra ko 'pi na kasyāpi nitānta na ca vaira-kt |
ṛśyate mitra-vidhvastāt kāryād vairī parīkita ||2. 117 ||
Nobody is absolutely the friend of any one or the enemy of any one; for one is seen 
to be harmed by a friend or saved by an enemy for some reason or the other.
यो मित्रं कुरुते मूढ आत्मनोऽसदृशं कुधीः।
हीनं वाप्य् अधिकं वापि हास्यतां यात्य् असौ जनः॥पञ्च_२.३०॥
yo mitra kurute mūḍha ātmano 'sadṛśa kudhīḥ |
hīna vāpy adhika vāpi hāsyatāṃ yāty asau jana || 2.30 ||
That foolish man, who, evil minded forms friendship with one who is his

unequal ( inferior or superior ) meets with ridicule.
विकारं याति नो चित्तं वित्ते यस्य कदाचन।
मित्रं स्यात् सर्व-काले च कारयेन् मित्रम् उत्तमम्॥पञ्च_२.११४॥
vikāra yāti no citta vitte yasya kadācana |
mitra syāt sarva-kāle ca kārayen mitram uttamam || 2.114 ||

One should secure that friend, the most desirable one, whose mind undergoes no
 change in prosperity and whoever remains a true friend. 
प्राणात्यये समुत्पन्ने यदि स्यान् मित्र-दर्शनं।
तद् द्वाभ्यां सुखदं पश्चाज् जीवतोऽपि मृतस्य च॥पञ्च_२.१७५॥
prāṇātyaye samutpanne yadi syān mitra-darśana |
tad dvābhyāṃ sukha-da paścāj jīvato 'pi mtasya ca || 2.175 ||
If a friend is seen when loss of life is at hand it brings consolation to both 
afterwards, whether he lives or dies.
यन् नम्रं सरलं चापि यच् चापत्सु न सीदति।
धनुर् मित्रं कलत्रं च दुर्लभं शुद्ध-वंशजम्॥पञ्च_२.१८५॥
yan namra sarala cāpi yac cāpatsu na sīdati |
dhanur mitra kalatra ca durlabha śuddha-vaṃśajam || 2.185 ||
It is difficult to get a bow made of good bamboo and a friend and a wife
 from good clan; a bow which is elastic and strong and which does not give way
 in the hour of danger, and a friend and a wife who are humble, straightforward
 and do not lose courage in adversity.
न मातरि न दारेषु न सोदर्ये न चात्मजे।
विश्रंभस् तादृशः पुंसां यादृङ् मित्रे निरंतरे॥पञ्च_२.१८६॥
na mātari na dāreu na sodarye na cātmaje |
viśrambhas tādṛśa pusāṃ yādṛṅ mitre nirantare || 2.186 ||
The confidence people have on a virtuous friend ,they do not have it on their
 own mother, wife,  cousins and sisters and even on themselves..

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