Sunday, April 5, 2020


Patience,Persistence and Perspiration make an unbeatable combination for success-  Napolean Hill
उत्साहो बलवानार्य  नास्त्युत्साहात्परं बलम्।
सोत्साहस्य  लोकेषु   किंचिदपि दुर्लभम्॥Ramayana
Utsaaho balavaan arya naatyutsaahaat param balam I
Sotsaahasya cha lokeshu na kinchidapi durlabham II
This was said by Lakshmana to Rama:
Enthusiasm is the power of noble men. Nothing is as powerful as enthusiasm. Nothing is difficult in this world for an enthusiastic person.
( This subhashitha was quoted by Prime minster Sri NarendraModi on Third April 2020- calling all Indians to unite and light lamps to symbolically fight Corona virus )
अल्पानाम् अपि वस्तूनां संहतिः कार्य-साधिका ।
तृणैः गुणत्वम् आपन्नैः बध्यन्ते मत्त-दन्तिनः

Even individually weak objects when united helps to achieve great  things. Just as rope made up of straws can be used to bind a mad  elephant .
शास्त्रं प्रज्ञा धृतिर्द्दाक्ष्यं प्रागल्भ्यं धारयिष्णुता ।
उत्साहो वाग्मितौदार्य्यमापत्कालसहिष्णुता ॥
प्रभावः शुचिता मैत्री त्यागः सत्यं कृतज्ञता ।
कुलं शीलं दमश्चेति गुणाः सम्पत्तिहेतवः ॥Agni Purana
Shaastram pragyaa dhrutir daakshyam praagalbhyam dhaarayishnutaa I
Utsaho vagmitaa audharyam aapatkaala sahishnutaa II
Prabhavah shuchitaa maître tyagah satyam krutagyataa I
Kulam sheelam damascheti gunaah sampatti hetavah II
Scriptural study, intelligence, firmness, skill, self-confidence, patience I
Enthusiasm, eloquence, generosity, tolerance during adversity II
Greatness, purity, friendliness, sacrifice, truthfulness, gratitude I
Lineage, character, self-control, these are the attributes for attaining overall prosperity.
सर्पाः पिबंति पवनं न च दुर्बलास् ते
शुष्कैस् तृणैर् वन-गजा बलिनो भवंति।
कंदैः फलैर् मुनि-वरा गमयंति कालं
संतोष एव पुरुषस्य परं निधानम्॥Pancha tantra
Serpents live just by inhaling air and never become weak, in forests elephants eat ordinary grass and become very powerful, sages and saints spend their time  happily by subsisting on roots and fruits available in forests .Happiness is the highest treasure for a human being.

अनिर्वेदः श्रियो मूलम् अनिर्वेदः परम् सुखम् |
अनिर्वेदो हि सततम् सर्व अर्थेषु प्रवर्तकः ||Ramayana 
Self-confidence  is root cause of prosperity. Absence of despondency is the greatest comfort. Self reliance is a great motivator in all enterprises.(Hanuman to himself)
यत्रोत्साह समारम्भो यत्रालस्य विहॆनता I
नय विक्रम संयोगस्तत्र श्रीरचला ध्रुवम् II
Yarotsaaha samaarambho yatraalasya vheenataa I
Naya vikrama samyastatra shreerachalaa dhruvam II
When people start a project  with great enthusiasm and there is no slackening at any time,
driven by good planning and courage , goddess of wealth will never leave them.
उत्साह-संपन्नम् अदीर्घ-सूत्रं क्रिया-विधिज्ञं व्यसनेष्व् असक्तम्।
शूरं कृतज्ञं दृढ-सौहृदं च लक्ष्मीः स्वयं वाञ्छति वास-हेतोः॥पञ्च_२.१२६॥
Utsaaha-sampannam-adeerghasootram  kriyaavidhigyam
vyasaneshvasaktam.I  Shooram  krutagyam drudha  
sauhrudam  cha Lakshmi svyam yaati nivaasa-hetoh. IIPanchatantra

 If a person is endowed with enthusiasm, promptness, business expertise , freedom from anxiety, brave, grateful, firm , and  friendly behaviour,  then Mahalakshmi, the goddess  of wealth herself goes to reside in the residence of such a person.
निरुत्साहस्य  दीनस्य शोक पर्याकुलात्मनः I
सर्वार्था व्यवसीदन्ति व्यसनं चाधि गच्छति II
Nirutsaahasya deenasya shoka paryaatmanah I
Sarvaarthaa vyvaseedanti vysanam chaadi gachchati  II

If one is devoid of enthusiasm , weak, filled with sorrowful thoughts, he will face failure everywhere and soon be in deep distress.

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