Tuesday, April 21, 2020


आयुषः खण्डमादाय रविरस्तमयं गतः।
अहन्यहनि बोद्धव्यं किमेतत् सुकृतं कृतम्॥
āyuṣaḥ khaṇḍamādāya ravirastamayaṁ gataḥ|
ahanyahani boddhavyaṁ kimetat sukṛtaṁ kṛtam||

A portion of one’s life is taken away whenever the sun sets. Understanding this truth one should reflect every day “ Have I done anything good? “
बालार्कः  प्रेत धूमस्च वृद्धस्त्री पल्वलोदकं I
रात्रौ दध्यन्न भुक्तिस्च आयुः क्षीणं दिने दिने  II
Morning sun , smoke from funeral pyre, union with elderly woman, drinking water from dirty ponds, curd rice during night , these will reduce one’s life span day by day.
वृद्धार्को होम धूमस्च बालस्त्री  निर्मलोदकं I 
रात्रौ क्षीरान्न भुक्तिस्च आयुर वृद्धिर दिने दिने  II    
Evening sun, smoke from’ homa kund’, union with younger woman, drinking pure water, milk rice during night, these will increase one’s longevity day by day.
घृतेन वर्धते बुद्धिः क्षीरेण आयुश्यवर्धनम् I
शाकेन वर्धते व्याधि मांसं मांसेन वर्धते II
Ghee sharpens the intellect, milk increases longevity, vegetables  improve immunity to diseases, meat improves the flesh.
आयुर्नश्यति पश्यतां प्रतिदिनं याति क्षयं यौवनं
प्रत्यायान्ति गताः पुनर्न दिवसाः कालो जगद्भक्षकः
लक्ष्मीस्तोयतरङ्गभङ्गचपला विद्युच्चलं जीवितं
तस्मान्मां शरणागतं शरणद त्वं रक्ष रक्षाधुना ।।  Śivāparādha-kṣhamāpana-stotram
āyur-naśyati paśyatāṁ pratidina yāti kaya yauvana
pratyāyānti gatāḥ punarna divasāḥ kālo jagad-bhakaka |
lakmīs-toya-taraga-bhaga-capalā vidyuccala jīvita
tasmānmāṁ śaraṇāgata śaraada tva raka rakṣādhunā ||
Every day life is seen reducing and youthfulness decaying. Days that are gone never come back. Time is devourer of the world. Wealth is as fickle as the breaking of the waves of water, and life as transient as lightning. Therefore, you who give refuge to all, protect me now who has come to you for refuge.
अहो रत्राणि गच्छन्ति सर्वेषां प्राणिनामिह I
आयूंषि क्षपयन्त्याषु ग्रीष्मे जलमिवाम्शवः  II
AhoRaatrani gachchanti sarvesham praninaamiha I
Aayumshi kshapayanyaashu greeshme jala mivaamshavah II
Cycle of days and nights reduces the life-span of all the living beings in the same manner water gets evaporated  from water bodies in summer .
 अभिवादनशीलस्य नित्यं वृद्धोपसेविनः ।
चत्वारि तस्य वर्धन्ते आयुर्विद्यायशोबलम् ॥ mahābhārata
abhivādanaśīlasya nitya vddhopasevina
āri tasya vardhante āyurvidyāyaśobalam ॥
 One who always prostrates and serves the elderly, he gains immensely in the 
following four aspects : Long life, education, fame and vigour.
आयुर्वर्षशतं नृणां परिमितं रात्रौ तदर्धं गतं
तस्यार्धस्य परस्य चार्धमपरं बालत्ववृद्धत्वयोः।
शेषं व्याधिवियोगदुःखसहितं सेवादिभिर्नीयते
जीवे वारितरङ्गचञ्चलतरे सौख्यं कुतः प्राणिनाम्॥Vairaagya satakam

Men's life-span is limited to a hundred years. Half of it is spent in the darkness of nights. Of the remaining half, half is spent in childhood and old age; and the rest illnesses, bereavements, and vexatious service of others. Where is the happiness for creatures whose life is as fickle as the ripples of water?
आयुः कर्म  च  वित्तं  च  विद्या  निधनमेव  च  |
पञ्चैतानि  हि  सृज्यन्ते  गर्भस्थस्यैव  देहिनः   IIChanakya niti
Aayuh karma  cha  vittam cha vidyaa nidhanameva cha.
panchaitaani hi srujyante garbhasthasyaiva  dehinah.
 Duration of life, nature of profession , prosperity, knowledge and death of a person; these five are decided even while he is in the mother’s womb.
आयुर्वित्तं गृहच्छिद्रं मन्त्रमौषधसङ्गमौ |
 दानमानावमानाश्च नव गोप्या मनीषिभिः ||Pancha tantra

A wise person keeps these nine things only to one's self as secrets:  one's age, wealth, domestic problems, sacred hymns, medicinal drugs, one's private life, charity, praise  and  humiliation.
दाता दरिद्रः कृपणो धनाढ्यः
 पापी चिरायुः सुकृतिः गतायुः।
राजा कुलीनः सुकुली च भृत्युः 
कलौ युगि षड्गुणमाश्रयन्ति॥Srimad Bhagavatham
In the kali yuga people will suffer these six changes: the liberal man will be poor; the miser will be rich, the sinner will be long-lived, the good man will be short lived, the king will be of low birth and he will be served by a man of high birth.


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