Thursday, April 23, 2020

HORSE-ASVAH-अश्वः,वाजिनः ,तुरगः

अश्वस्य भूषणं वेगं मत्तं स्याद्गजभूषणम् ।
चातुर्यं भूषणं नार्या उद्योगं नरभूषणम् ॥
aśvasya bhūṣaa vega matta syādgajabhūṣaam ।
āturya bhūṣaa nāryā udyoga narabhūṣaam ॥
Speed is a horse's adornment; jaggedness suits well for an elephant; prudence is an adornment for a woman; profession is an adornment for a man.
अश्वः शस्त्रं शास्त्रं वीणा वाणी नरश्च नारी च ।
पुरुषविशेषं प्राप्य भवन्ति योग्यायोग्याश्च ॥
ashwaH shastraM shAstraM vINA, vANI narashcha nArI cha |
puruSha-visheShaM prApya, bhavanti yogyAyogyAshcha ||
Horse, weapon, science, musical instrument, speech, and man and woman,
they all become worthy or unworthy, based on who gets to use them.

रथः शरीरं पुरुषस्य राजन्
आत्मा नियन्तेन्द्रियाण्यस्य चाश्वाः I
तैरप्रमत्तः कुशली सदश्वैर्दान्तैः

 सुखं याति रथीव धीरः  IIVidura niti
This body is the chariot, buddhi (intellect)  is the charioteer and the senses are the horses. One who controls all these travels happily in this world like the charioteer who has controlled the horses of the chariot.

एतान्यनिगृहीतानि व्यापादयितुमप्यलं।
अविधेया इवादान्ताः हयाः पथि कुसारथिम् ॥Vidura niti
Etaanyanigriheetaani vyaapaadayitumapyalam
Avidheyaa ivaadaantaah hayaah pathi kusaarathim

Just like the uncontrolled horses will throw the unskilled charioteer to the ground, the senses which are not subdued and are not under control are capable of destroying a person.
आत्मानं रथिनं विद्धि शरीरं रथमेव तु।
बुद्धिं तु सारथिं विद्धि मनः प्रगहमेव च॥
इन्द्रियाणि हयानाहुíवषयांस्तेषु गोचरान्‌।
आत्मेन्द्रियमनोयुक्तं भोक्तेत्याहुर्मनीषिणः॥(Katha Upanishad 3/3-4).

‘O Nachiketa! This body is the chariot and this atma is its owner, the charioteer. The buddhi is its driver. The mind is its reins. The indriyas are the horses pulling the chariot. The objects of taste, touch, etc. are its path. Thus, the atma uses the indriyas and anthkaran as a means to enjoy worldly pleasures. Understand in this way’ .
अश्वप्लुतं वासवगर्जितं च
स्त्रीणां च चित्तं पुरुषस्य भाग्यम् ।
अवर्षणं चाप्यतिवर्षणं च
देवो न जानाति कुतो मनुष्यः ।।भोजप्रबंध
Even God does not know for sure, leap of a horse, thunder of clouds, mind of women and the man’s destiny, famine due to total failure of rains or devastation due to floods. How then, a man can predict them?
मृगाः मृगैः संगमुपव्रजन्ति
     गावश्च गोभिस्तुरगास्तुरगैः ।
मूर्खश्च मूर्खैः सुधयः सुधीभिः
    समानशीलव्यसनेषु सख्यं ॥
In this world friendship always work well among equals and like minded. Deer with deer, cows with cows, horses with horses, fools with fools, wise with wise and so on...
हस्ती अंकुशमात्रेण वाजि हस्तेन ताडयते । 
श्रुङ्गी लगुडहस्तेन खड्गहस्तेन दुर्जनः ॥
hastii a.mkushamaatreNa vaaji hastena taaDayate
shruN^gii laguDahastena khaDgahastena durjanaH
An elephant is controlled with a goad, a horse by beating with hand, a cattle with a stick, and an evil person with a sword strike. 
अश्वं नैव गजं नैव व्याघ्रं नैव च |
अजापुत्रं बलिं दधातु देवो दुर्बलाघतक: ||
Ashwam naiva gajam naiva vyaaghram naiva ca,
ajaaputram balim dadhaatu devO durbalaaghatakaH.
They don’t sacrifice a horse, neither an elephant. Never ever a tiger. A poor lamb is sacrificed. Destiny slays the weak .. 
हस्ती हस्तसहस्रेण शतहस्तेन वाजिनः । 
शृङ्गिणो दशहस्तेन स्थानत्यागेन दुर्जनः ॥
hastii hastasahasreNa shatahastena vaajinaH
shRRiN^giNo dashahastena sthaanatyaagena durjanaH

A distance of a thousand hands in case of elephant, hundred hands for a horse, and ten hands for a cattle should be maintained. But, in case of an evil person one must leave the place.
सहते शरशतघातानश्वः सहते कदापि नैव कशाम्।
सहतेविपत्सहस्रं मानी नैवापमानलेशमपि।।
A horse tolerates a hundred arrow-hits, but will not tolerate a striking of a whip. A proud person will face thousands of hardships, but will never tolerate a bit of insult.
अश्वे जवो वृषे धौर्यं  मणौ कान्तिः क्षमा नृपे |
 हावभावो  च  वैश्यायां  गायके मधुर  स्वर:   ||
Ashve javo vrushe dhauryam manaou kaantih kshmaa nrupe .
Haavabhaavo cha vaishyayaam gaayake madhura swarah.
 A swift and speedy horse ,  a strong bull that  can be harnessed,   a gem which is brilliant and shining,  a King  who is kind and forgiving,, an actress with enticing gestures, and a singer with a sweet voice,  all these are appreciated for their aforesaid qualities.
अश्वः सुप्तो गजो मत्तो गावः प्रथमसूतिकाः  |
अन्तःपुरगतो  राजा   दूरतः  परिवर्जयेत्        ||
Ashvah supto gajo matto gaavh prathamasootyikaa.
Antahpuragato Raajaa dooratah parivarjayet.
 A dull and sleeping horse ,  an excited elephant during the period of its sexual activity, a cow which has recently given birth to a calf for the first time , and a King who has retired into the privacy of his queen's apartment; one should assiduously  avoid these and stay at a distance.
अश्वमेधसहस्रं  सत्यं  तुलया धृतम्।
अश्वमेधसहस्राद्हि सत्यमेव विशिष्यते ।।
If merits  for Thousand Ashvamedha and Truth is weighed by a balance, 
the Truth certainly will surpass Thousand Ashvamedha.
स्वफलनिचयः शाखाभङ्गं करोति वनस्पतेः
गमनमलसं बर्हाटोपः करोति शिखण्डिनः।
चतुरगमनो यो जात्यः अश्वः स गौः इव वाह्यते
गुणवति जने प्रायेणेते गुणाः खलु वैरिणः।।
Heavy load of its own fruits of a tree cause its branch breaking/tearing, huge spread of peacock’s tail makes its movement slow (thereby endangering it safety), this horse, which is born swift mover, it gets loaded like a cattle. Perhaps, these qualities in qualified persons are indeed their enemies.

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