Monday, April 27, 2020

RIVER-NADI-नदी ,सरित् ,स्रोतः

Rivers join with the sea which rises to merge with the clouds falls to become one with the stream and then rushes to return as rivers ,the cycle of life continues interconnected timelessly-  Buddhist Quote

समुद्रमाप: प्रविशन्ति यद्वत्
तद्वत्कामा यं प्रविशन्ति सर्वे
स शान्तिमाप्नोति न कामकामी
 || BG2.70||
āpūryamāṇam achala-pratihha
āpa praviśhanti yadvat
tadvat k
āmā ya praviśhanti sarve
śhāntim āpnoti na kāma-kāmī
He attains peace ,into whom all desires flow as rivers flow in to the ocean , which is filled with water, but remains  undisturbed; not he who desireth desires.

यथा नद्यः स्यन्दमानाः समुद्रेऽ स्तं गच्छन्ति नामरूपे विहाय 
तथा विद्वान् नामरूपाद्विमुक्तः परात्परं पुरुषमुपैति दिव्यम् ॥
 yathaa nadyaH syandamaanaaH samudre.a
staM gachchhanti naamaruupe vihaaya
tathaa vidvaan.h naamaruupaadvimuktaH
paraatparaM purushhamupaiti divyam. II  
Mundaka upanisad-3.2.8
As rivers, flowing down, become indistinguishable on reaching the sea by giving up their names and forms, so also the illumined soul, having become freed from name and form, reaches the self-effulgent Purusha that is higher than the higher (Maya).
यथा ह्यनुदका नद्यो यथा वाप्यतृणं वनं |
अगोपाला यथा गावस्तथा राष्ट्रमराजकम् ||Ramayana
Subjects without their king are like a river without water, a forest without grass or cattle without the herdsmen. They are neither safe nor productive.
नाधनो धर्मकृत्यानि यथावदनुतिष्ठति |
धनाद्धि धर्मः स्रवति शैलाद्गिरिनदी यथा ||23||Mahabharata
Naa dhano dharmakrutyaani yathavadanu tishtati I
Dhanaaddhi dharmah sravati shailadgiri nadee yathaa II
Without wealth it is difficult to carryout dharma in accordance with shaastras.
In fact, dharma flows from wealth,just like rivers flow from mountain tops.
कामक्रोधग्राहवतीं पञ्चेन्द्रियजलां नदीम् ।
नावं धृतिमयीं कृत्वा जन्मदुर्गाणि सन्तर ॥ 
Kamakrodhagrahavatim panchendriyajalam nadim
Navam dhrutimayim krutva janmadurgani santara
In the river representing your five senses with monsters of desire and anger,
Make a boat called firm resolve  and cross over to be rid of waves of repeated births.
संयोजयति विद्यैव नीचगापि नरं सरित्
समुद्रमिव दुर्धर्षं नृपं भाग्यमतः परम् Hitopadesa
Samyojayati vidhyaiva neechagapi naram sarit I
Samudramiva durdharsham nrupam bhagyamatah param II
Learning, although possessed by a low man,introduces him to the king, who is normally inaccessible , just as a river, although flowing through a low region , takes one to the sea .
इदम् ते चारु सम्जातम् यौवनम् व्यतिवर्तते |
यदतीतं पुनर्नैति स्रोतः शीघ्रमपामिव || Ramayana-5.20.12
This youth of yours, nature’s beautiful gift, is passing away. Like a flowing river, what has gone will never come back .( Ravana's maids advising Sita )
परोपकाराय फलन्ति वृक्षाः परोपकाराय वहन्ति नद्यः
परोपकाराय दुहन्ति गावः  परोपकारार्थ मिदं शरीरम्
paropakārāya phalanti vkṣāḥ paropakārāya vahanti nadya|
paropakārāya duhanti gāva paropakārārthamidam śarīram||
Trees give fruits for others; Rivers flow for the benefit of others; Cows give milk for helping others; Similarly , this body of ours is also for helping others.
रविश्चन्द्रो घना वृक्षा नदी गावश्च सज्जनाः
 एते परोपकाराय युगे दैवेन निर्मिता
The sun, moon, clouds, trees, rivers, cows, and virtuous men, the creator  has provided them for helping others in every yuga ( eon).
धनिकः श्रोत्रियो राजा नदी वैद्यस्तु पञ्चमः।
पञ्च यत्र न विद्यन्ते न तत्र दिवसे वसेत।।Chanakya niti
Do not stay for a single day where there are not these five persons: a wealthy man, a vedic scholar, a king, a river and a physician.
तत्र मित्र न वस्तव्यं यत्र नास्ति  चतुष्ठयम्    |
ऋ|ण दाता च वैद्यश्च  श्रोत्रियः सजला नदी  |
Tatra mitra na vastvyam yatra naasti chatushthayam.
Runa daataa cha vaidyascha shrotriyh sajalaaa nadi|.
 O friend !  never live in a place where you do not have access to these four.facilities, namely (i) a money lender  (ii)  a physician  (iii) scholars and learned persons and (iv) a perennial river flowing nearby.
गुणाः गुणज्ञेषु गुणा: भवन्ति  ते निर्गुणं प्राप्य भवन्ति दोषाः |
आस्व्याद्य  तोयाः प्रवहन्ति नद्यः  समुद्रमासाद्य भवत्यपेयाः     ||
 Virtues remain intact with knowledgeable and virtuous persons, but when they come in contact with bad persons without any virtues they turn into defects. For example potable and sweet water flows in rivers, but when they merge in the ocean, the same water mixing with the brackish water of the ocean it becomes unfit for drinking..
नदीषु गङ्गा नगरेषु काञ्जि। 
काव्येषु माघ कवि कालिदासः।
Of all rivers Ganga is the holiest; of all cities Kanchi is the best.
Of poems ‘Magha’ is the best; Of all poets Kalidasa is the best.
यथा नदीनां बहवोऽम्बुवेगा:
समुद्रमेवाभिमुखा द्रवन्ति |
तथा तवामी नरलोकवीरा
विशन्ति वक्त्राण्यभिविज्वलन्ति || BG11.28||
As many waves of the rivers flowing rapidly into the ocean, so are all these great warriors entering into your blazing mouths. 

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