Tuesday, April 14, 2020

MOUNTAINS-PARVATAAH- पर्वता:,गिरयः, மலை

पादपानां भयं वातात् पद्मानां शिशिराद्भयम्
पर्वतानां भयं वज्रात् साधूनां दुर्जनाद्भयम् ॥४॥
Padapaanaam bhayam vaataat padmaanaam shishiraat bhayam   I
Parvataanam bhayam vajraat saadhoonaam durjanaat bhayam  II
Trees are fearful of strong wind , lotus flowers are affected by misty weather, mountains 
are afraid of Vajraayudha ( thunder bolt) and noble men fear the wicked .

वरं पर्वतदुगेर्षु भ्रान्तं वनचरैः सह 
 मूर्खजनसंसर्गः सुरेन्द्रभुवनेष्वपि ॥२६॥
vara parvatadurgeu bhrānta vanacarai saha । na mūrkhajanasaparka surendrabhavanevapi ॥ Niti satakam
It is rather a blessing to wander in the mountains and caves with wild animals than keeping the company of the foolish even if it is in the palatial quarters of Indra .

लक्ष्मीर्लक्षणहीने च कुलहीने सरस्वती ।
 अपात्रे लभते नारी मेघ वर्षन्तु पर्वते ॥
 Attainment of wealth by an incompetent person, knowledge by a man of ignoble descent, a woman by undeserving person, etc are in vain like the rainfall on a mountain.
दूरस्था: पर्वता: रम्या: वेश्या: च मुखमण्डने ।
 युध्यस्य तु कथा रम्या त्रीणि रम्याणि दूरत: ॥ 

Mountain look very spectacular from distance. Actors look very beautiful when they make-up. War stories are very interesting. All these three things are interesting from distance 
   लङ्केश्वरोऽपि गुरुतां रजताचलस्य ।
 विद्वज्जनस्य वचसो महिमानमुच्चै
    र्विद्याविवेकचतुरा विबुधा (विदन्ति) ॥ सुभाषितसुरद्रुमः
jaanaati mandaragirirjaladhermahatvam
lankeshvaropi gurutaamrajataachalasya
vidvadjjanasyavachaso mahimaanamuchchai
virdyaavivekachaturaa vibudhaa (vidanti)
The mandara mountain alone knows the power of the sea. So does only Ravana knows the weight of Kailasa. Similarly, when the learned speak, only a person with good education and intelligence can comprehend them entirely.

கண்ணன் அடியிணை காட்டும் வெற்பு 
கடுவினையர்திரு வினையும் கடியும் வெற்பு I 
விண்ணவரும் மண்ணவரும் விரும்பும் வெற்பு 
வேங்கடவெற்பென விளங்கும் வேத வெற்பே II Adhikara Sangraham
 Thirumala hills have the power to reveal the sacred feet of the lord Krishna. 
It has the power to destroy every kind of karma phala of devotees . This auspicious hill
 is desired  as a residence even by devas. This indeed is celebrated by the vedas and is
 revered as thiruvenkatam hills.- Sri Vedanta Desika

शैले शैले माणिक्यम् मौक्तिकम् गजे गजे I
साधवो हि सर्वत्र चन्दनम् वने वने II
shailay shailay na maaNikyam mauktikam na gaje gaje
saadhavo na hi sarvatra chandanam na vane vane
Every hill does not contain rubies, and pearls are not to be found on every elephant
Noblemen are not found everywhere and sandalwood is not found in every forest
यावत्स्थास्यन्ति गिरयः सरितश्च महीतले |
तावद्रामायणकथा लोकेषु प्रचरिष्यति || १-२-३६ Ramayana
"As long as the mountains and even rivers flourish on the surface of the earth, so long the legend of Ramayana will flourish in this world... [1-2-36]
நிலையின் திரியாது அடங்கியான் தோற்றம்
மலையினும் மாணப் பெரிது. Kural :124
Behold the man, who has triumphed over his passions and who swerve not from duty, his form is more imposing than a mountain.
குன்றின் அனையாரும் குன்றுவர் குன்றுவ
குன்றி அனைய செயின்
Even men who are grand as a mountain will look small if they do ignoble thing, though it should be only of the nature of a Kunri seed.
குணமென்னும் குன்றேறி நின்றார் வெகுளி
கணமேயும் காத்தல் அரிது
. Kural : 29
The anger of those who have ascended the mountain of goodness, though it continue but for a moment, cannot be resisted.
अङ्गणवेदी वसुधा कुल्या जलधिः स्थली पातालम्
वल्मिकः सुमेरुः कृतप्रतिज्ञस्य धीरस्य
To a man of firm conviction  and courage ,the whole world is like a play ground, 
the ocean is like a pond, the hell is like a picnic spot, Mount Meru is like an anthill.
सूर्यं भर्तारमुत्सृज्य पर्वतं मारुतं गिरिम्
स्वजातिं मूषिका प्राप्ता स्वभावो दुरतिक्रमः Pancha tantra

Innate nature is insurmountable. The mouse tried the sun, mountain, wind, and hill as husband and rejected. But ,finally felt happy finding someone from its own clan.
 यथोदकं दुर्गे वृष्टं पर्वतेषु विधावति ।
 एवं धर्मान् पृथक् पश्यंस्तानेवानुविधावति ॥ १४॥
yathodakam durge vṛṣṭam parvateu vidhāvati,
 eva dharmān pthak paśyas tān evānuvidhāvati. Katopanisad
“Just as rain that falls on the crest of the mountain may be scattered into many streams of water rushing forth in different directions, so does he, who beholds objects as different, runs after them endlessly.
PS: Today ( April 14th 2020 )is shaarvari tamil new year's day . Wish every one a very happy Tamil new year. Regards VNM

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