Sunday, April 12, 2020


गुणः भूषयते रुपं शीलं भूषयते कुलम् । 
सिद्धिः भूषयते विद्यां भोगः भूषयते धनम् ॥
 Character makes good looks prettier, a clan's reputation is made higher by conduct, (theoretical) learning is enhanced by practical accomplishments and money's worth is enhanced by spending it.
विद्याविधिविहीनेन किं कुलीनेन देहिनाम् ।
अकुलीनोऽपि विद्याढ्यो दैवतैरपि वन्द्यते ॥

Of what use is nobility of family if a person is illiterate? A learned man is respected by Gods too though he does not belong to a noble family 
श्रुतिमिच्छन्ति पितरॊ धनमिच्छन्ति मातरः
बान्धवाः कुलमिच्छन्ति रूपमिच्छन्ति कन्यका  Harsha Charitra
Srutimichanti pitaro dhanamicchanti maatarah I
Bhaandavaah kulamichanti roopamichanti kanyakaa II
Father prefers education, mother possessions, relatives look for good lineage,
Bride chooses - appearance.
अदाता वंशदोषेण कर्मदोषाद् दरिद्रता
उत्मादो मातृदोषेण पितृदोषेण मूर्खता

Miserliness is inherited by family mistakes; penury is due to failure in performing one’s duties; haughtiness comes from the mother’s misdeeds; foolishness comes from father’s mistakes.
आचारः कुलमाख्याति देशमाख्याति भाषणम्  |
सम्भ्रमः स्नेहमाख्याति वपुराख्याति भोजनम्  ||
Aachaarah kulamaakhyaati deshmaakhyaati bhaashanam.
Sambhramah snehamaakhyaati vapuraakhyaati bhojanam.

Good behaviour tells about family ; speech reveals about nativity; eagerness and respect indicates friendship; body is indicative of the food one takes.
स जातो येन जातेन याति वंशः समुन्नतिम् ।
परिवर्तिनि संसारे मृतः को वा न जायते॥१५॥Niti satakam
parivartini sasāre mto ko vā na jāyate|
sa jāto yena jātena yāti vaṁśa samunnatim||
 In this ever changing creation, who is not reborn after death? He alone is considered as been truly born who does his entire lineage proud. 
यादव  कुल  मुरली  वादन,
विनोद  मोहन  कर  , त्यागराज  वन्दनीय .-Thyagaraja
Yadava kula murali vadana,
Vinoda mohana kara , Thyagaraja vandaneeya.
Oh Flute player belonging to Yadava clan,
Oh Krishna! who captivates others as a play,
OhKrishna! who is being saluted by Thyagaraja.
क्व सूर्यप्रभवो वंशः क्व चाल्पविषया मतिः।
तितीर्षुर्दुस्तरं मोहादुडुपेनास्मि सागरम्॥ Raghu vamsam
kva sūryaprabhavo vaṁśa kva cālpaviayā mati |
īrurdustara mohāduupenāsmi sāgaram || 1-2
Where is the greatness of  race sprung from the sun  ? and where my scanty powers 
of mind ? I think  from sheer folly I am bent upon crossing the ocean, 
though difficult to be crossed over, by means of a small raft.
நிலத்தில் கிடந்தமை கால்காட்டும் காட்டும்
குலத்தில் பிறந்தார்வாய்ச் சொல். Kural :959

Of soil the plants that spring there out will show the worth:
The words they speak declare the men of noble birth.
किं कुलेन विशालेन विद्याहीनस्य देहिनः ।
अकुलीनोऽपि विद्यावान् देवैरपि सुपूज्यते ॥
Kim kulena vishaalena vidyaaheenasya dhinah.
Akuleenopi vidyaavaan devairapi supoojyate.
What is the use of a broad lineage for a person devoid of knowledge? An educated person is worshiped by the Gods, even if born in a lower clan.
त्यजेत् कुलार्थे पुरुषं ग्रामस्यार्थे कुलं त्यजेत् |
ग्रामं जनपदस्यार्थे आत्मार्थे पृथिवीं त्यजेत् ||
tyajet kulArthe puruSham grAmasyArthe kulam tyajet |
grAmam janapadasyArthe AtmArthe pRithivIm tyajet ||
Renounce one person for the sake of the family,  a family for the sake of village;
village for the sake of country ; but for self-realisation (aatmarte ) sacrifice  even 
the [kingdom of] earth.
एकः पुत्रो वरं विद्वान्बहुभिर्निर्गुणैस्तु  किं  |
एकस्तारयते वंशं  अन्ये संतापकारकाः      ||
Ekah putro varam vidvaan bahubhir nirgunaistu  kim.
Ekas taarayate vansham anye santaapakaarakaah.
It is better to have only one son who is learned, rather than having many sons without any virtues.   The one and only learned son will be able to preserve and carry forward the family tradition., whereas having many sons without any virtues simply causes grief.
एकेन शुष्कवृक्षेण दह्यमानेन वह्निना
दह्यते हि वनं सर्वं कुपुत्रेण कुलं तथा
Ekena shushka vrikshena dahyamaanena vahninaa
Dahyate hi vanam sarvam kuputrena kulam tathaa
Even as a single dry tree on fire will destroy the whole forest, so also the entire family (or clan) will be destroyed by a son of evil character or tendencies.
वंशं कुरोर्वंशदवाग्निनिर्हृतं
 संरोहयित्वा भवभावनो हरिः
निवेशयित्वा निजराज्य ईश्वरो
युधिष्ठिरं प्रीतमना बभूव २॥Srimad Bhagavatham
vaṁśa kuror vaṁśa-davāgni-nirhta
sarohayitvā bhava-bhāvano hariḥ I
niveśayitvā nija-rājya īśvaro

yudhiṣṭhira prīta-manā babhūva ha  II
Lord Sri Krishna who appeared on the earth to make the earth a better place to live,
 became pleased after re establishing  Dharmaputra in his own kingdom, after 
restoring Kuru dynasty , which had been annihilated by the fire of jealousy and 
hatred that Duryodhana had lit with his cousins.
एक  एव  महान्दोषो  भवतां   विमलं  कुले  |
लुम्पन्ति पूर्वजां कीर्तिं जाता जाता गुणाधिकाः ||- महासुभषितसंग्रह
Eka eva mahaandosho bhavataa vimalam kule.
Lumpanti poorvajaam keertim  jaataa jaataa gunaadhikaah .
The only one defect in the impeccable and famous dynasties
in society is that with the passage of time all the virtues for which
they were famous gradually disappear.
अतीतानागते चोभे पितृवंशं भारत
तारयेद् वृक्षरोपी तस्मात् वृक्षांश्च रोपयेत् ॥Mahabharata
Ateetaanaagato chobhe pitru vamsam cha bharata I
Taarayed vruksharopee cha tasmat vrukshaamscha ropayet II
One who plants a lot of trees and protects them helps in attaining punya for both his earlier generations and generations to come. Hence, it is important to plant and protect trees.

प्रदोषे दीपकश्चन्द्रः प्रभाते दीपको रविः
त्रैलोक्ये दीपको धर्मः सुपुत्रः कुलदीपकः  II
Pradoshe deepakashchandrah prabhate deepako Ravih,
trailokye deepako Dharmah suputrah kuladeepakah.
The moon is the source of light at night. During the day, the sun gives light.
Dharma illumines the three worlds. A good son is the light of the family.

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