Thursday, June 27, 2019



इन्द्रियाणि च संयम्य बकवत् पण्डितो नरः
देशकालबलं ज्ञात्वा सर्वकार्याणि साधयेत्  – चाणक्य नीति
Indriyaani  cha samyamya bakavat pandito narah I
Desa kala balam cha gyaatvaa sarva kaaryani saadayet II

Controlling all your senses like the heron, and after carefully considering the factors of time and place and the capacity of the self, the wise accomplish their work successfully. - Chanakya niti

काक चेष्टा, बको ध्यानं, स्वान निद्रा तथैव च । 
अल्पहारी, गृहत्यागी, विद्यार्थी पंच लक्षणं ।। 
Kaaka cheshta bako dhyanam,  Swana nidra tathaiva cha
Alpahari, grihtyaagi,   Vidyarthi panch lakshnam.
The 5 values of student’s lifeare:
1) Perseverance of a crow,
2) concentration of a swan,
3) light sleeper like a dog,
4) light eater,
5) ready to stay away from home .  One who follows these five  will be a  Perfect Human Being.
न कोकिलानामिव मञ्जु कूजितं   Na kokilaanaamiva manju koojitam
न लब्धलास्यानि गतानि हंसवत् I Na labdalaasyaani gataani hamsavat I
न बहिर्णानामिव चित्र पक्षता        Na bahirnaanaamiva chitra pakshataa
गुनस्तथाप्यस्ति बके बकव्रतं II     Gunastathapyasti bake bakavrataa II
Sweet cooing like cuckoo, graceful gait like a swan, or the colourful  feathers like a peacock - it is true a crane doesn't possess these- but it has patience and concentration.
கொக்கொக்க கூம்பும் பருவத்து மற்றதன்
குத்தொக்க சீர்த்த இடத்து. Kural-490

As heron stands with folded wing, so wait in waiting hour;
As heron snaps its prey, when fortune smiles, put forth your power.

आत्मनो मुखदोषेण बध्यन्ते शुकसारिकाः ।
बकास्तत्र न बध्यन्ते मौनं सर्वार्थसाधनम् ॥पञ्चतन्त्रम् 
The birds like parrots and cuckoos get trapped by fault of their mouths (sweet voice). Cranes do not get trapped because of their silence. Therefore, Silence is an instrument for obtaining all objects. [Applies to certain contexts where one needs to be silent, in things related to secrecy and diplomacy.]
नाद्रव्ये निहिता काचित् क्रिया फलवती भवेत् ।
न व्यापारशतेनापि शुकवत् पाठ्यते बकः ॥
Naa dravye nihitaa kaachit kriyaa phalavatee bhavet I Na vyaapaara satenaapi shukavat paatyate bakah II
Efforts put on useless things or bad pupil will not bear fruits. Hundreds of methods to teach a heron to speak like a parrot will be a futile exercise.


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