Wednesday, June 5, 2019

SWARGAADAPI GAREEYASI- स्वर्गादपि गरीयसी

अपि स्वर्णमयी लङ्का मे लक्ष्मण रोचते |
जननी जन्मभूमिश्च स्वर्गादपि गरीयसी ||  Ramayana
Sri Rama to Lakshmana : "Lakshmana, even this golden Lanka does not appeal to me, mother and motherland is greater than heaven."
मित्राणि धन धान्यानि प्रजानां सम्मतानिव |
जननी जन्म भूमिश्च स्वर्गादपि गरीयसी || Ramayana
Sage Bharadwaja said, "The friends, the riches and the grains are highly honoured in this world. Mother and mother-land are far superior to even the heaven."
பெற்ற தாயும் பிறந்த பொன்னாடும் 
நற்றவ வானினும் நனி சிறந்தனவே II I Bharatiyaar

 स्नेहो मे परमे राजन् त्वयि नित्यं प्रतिष्टित: I
 भक्तिश नियता वीर भावॊ नान्यत्र गच्छति II Ramayana - Uttara Kandam 40.16)
sneho me paramo rājaṃs tvayi nityaṃ pratiṣṭhitaḥ I  bhaktiś ca niyatā vīra bhāvo nānyatra gacchati II
Hanuman to Sri Rama : O King! My love for You  is very great and it is firmly planted. O Warrior! My devotion to You  is even more steady. I cannot think of leaving Ayodhya and  accompany you to parama pada  as my heart is firmly rooted here.
नत्वहम् कामये राज्यं स्वर्गं नS पुनर्भवम् I
कामये दु: तप्तानां प्राणिनां आर्थिनासनं II
Natvaham kaamaye raajyam na swargam na apunar bhavam I Kaamaye dukhataptaanam praninaam aarthi naasanam II
I do not wish for kingdom, nor swarga, nor escape from samsaaraa . But, I do wish to ask for your grace to alleviate the difficulties of beings in distress.
निरन्तरं निर्विशतस्त्वदीयं   अस्पृष्ट चिन्तापदमाभिरूप्यं  
सत्यं शपे वारण शिला नाथ  वैकुण्ठ वासेSपि मेS भिलाष: II
nirantaraM nirvishatas.h tvadiiyam.h    aspR^iShTa chintaa padam.h aabhiruupyam.h I
satyaM shape vaaraNa shailanaatha    vaikuNTha vaase.api na me.abhilaaShaH..II   49
 Swami Desikan too spurns Celestial Bliss for that afforded by the ecstatical sight of Sri Varadaraja  of Kanchi, prepared to swear on the point-"What is there to be gained by a life in Vaikunta ? ‘’
Thondar adippodi alwar in Thirumaalai:
pachchai mA malai pOl mEni pavaLa vAi kamala chengaN
achchutA amarar ErE Ayartam kozhundE ennum |
ichchuvai tavira yAn pOi indira lOkam ALum
achchuvai perinum vENDEn arangamA naharuLAnE || Two ||
– Oh! Ranga! You are lying here with all  Your glories as You are in paramapada. You are sarva sulabha here but not there. Why should I go there when even the nitya sooris want to come here?

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