Friday, June 21, 2019



एकं शास्त्रं देवकी पुत्र गीतम्
  एको देवो देवकी पुत्र एव ।।
एको मन्त्रस्तस्य नामानि यानि
  कर्माप्येकं तस्य देवस्य सेवा ।।

ekam sastram devaki-putra-gitam
eko devo devaki-putra eva
eko mantras tasya namani yani
karmapy ekam tasya devasya seva II

Let there be one supreme shastra only: the Gita of Krishna the son of Devaki. Let  there be one supreme  God only: Krishna the son of Devaki. Let there be one supreme mantra only: his holy names. Let there be one supreme  work only: service to that God.
गावां अनेक वर्णानां क्षीरस्य अस्ति एक वर्णता I
ततैव सर्व धर्माणं तत्वस्यापि एक वस्तुतः II
Gaavaam aneka varnaanaam ksheerasya asti eka varnataa  I
Tataiva sarva dharmaanaam tatvasyaapi eka vastutah II

Cows may be of different hues, but milk of all is of one colour. Likewise, the inner doctrine of apparently diverse religions is in actuality is same.
एकमपि सतां सुकृतं विकसति तैलं यथा जले न्यस्तं I
असतामुपकारशतं संकुचति सुशीतले  घृतवत् II
Ekamapi sataam sukrutam vikasati thailam yatha jale nyastam I
Asataam upakaara satam samkuchati sushitale grutavat II
The help done to a good man spreads like oil dropped in to water. On the other hand, even if hundreds of help done to an undeserving person shrinks like ghee shrinking in winter .
एकेनैव सुपुत्रेण विद्या युक्तेन शोभते
कुलं पुरुष सिंहेन यथा चन्द्रेण शर्वरी II
Ekenaiva suputrena vidyaa yuktena shobhate I
Kulam purusha simhena yatha chandrena sarvvaree II  
Presence  of a single good son , who is well educated and of good character, is enough to make a family well respected and admired.  Just as a  single moon is enough to brighten the whole sky .
एकेन शुष्क वृक्षेण दह्यमानेन वह्निना I
दह्यते तद्वनं सर्वं कुपुत्रेण कुलं यथा II
Ekena sushka vrukshena dahyamaanena vahninaa I
Dahyate tadvanam sarvam kuputrena kulam yatha II   
A completely barren tree when it catches fire,  it can destroy the whole forest. It is like the bad name the whole family acquires because of a single roguish son .
एकं॒ सद्विप्रा॑ बहु॒धा व॑दन्त्य॒ग्निं य॒मं मा॑त॒रिश्वा॑नमाहुः ॥४६॥
Ekam sat vipra bahudha vadanti—"that which exists is One: sages call it by various names.”
The truth is one, but the sages (or learned ones) call it by many names or describe him in many ways; they called him Agni, Yama, Mātariśva



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