Saturday, June 15, 2019


अयोध्या मथुरा माया काशी काञ्ची अवन्तिका I
पुरी  द्वारवती चैव सप्तैता मोक्ष दायिकः II 
Ayodhya Mathura Maya Kasi Kanchi Avantika |
Puri Dvaravati chaiva saptaita moksadayikah ||
The Garuda Purana enumerates seven cities as giver of Moksha. They are Ayodhya, Mathura, Maya ( Haridwar ), Kasi, Kanchi, Avantika (Ujjain ),and  Dvaraka.
 Saptapuri is the name given to the seven sacred cities associated with Hinduism in India. These are also referred as Sapta Moksha Puris and Seven Tirthas. The general belief is that by visiting these cities one escapes from endless cycle of births and deaths and attains ‘moksha.’
अश्वत्थामाबलिर्व्यासोहनुमांश्च  विभीषण:कृपश्चपरशुरामश्च  सप्तैतेचिरंजीविन:
Ashwathaama Balirvyaaso Hanumanshcha  Vibhishanaha Krupascha Parshuramascha
Saptaitey Chiranjivinaha II
 'Ashwathama, King Mahabali, Vyasa, Hanuman, Vibhishana, Kripacharya and Parashurama are the seven death-defying or imperishable personalities'.
सप्तैतान् संस्मरेन्नित्यं मार्कण्डेयमथाष्टमम्। 
जीवेद्वर्षशतं सोपि सर्वव्याधिविवर्जित॥
Saptaitaan Samsmareynnityam Markandeymathaashtamam I
Jivedvarshshatam Sopi Sarvavyadhivivarjit II
The above lines mean that by daily remembering these 8 immortals (Ashwatthama, King Bali, Ved Vyasa, Hanuman, Vibhishan, Kripacharya, Parashuram and Rishi Markandaya) one can be free of all Ailments and live for ever.
आलस्यं मद मोहञ्च चपलं गुष्टिरेवच I
स्तब्दता चाभिमानत्वं तथा अत्यागित्वमेवच I
एते वै सप्त दोषा स्युहु सदा विद्यार्तिनां मतः II
Aalasyam mada mohancha chapalam gushtirevacha I Stabdataa chaabhimaanatvam tathaa athyaagitvamevacha I Ete vai sapta doshaa syuhu sadaa vidyaartinaam matah II
Laziness, pride, ignorance, fickle mindedness, gossiping, idleness, possessiveness are the seven drawbacks found in students.
आदौ माता गुरोः पत्नी ब्राह्मणी राजपत्निका I
धेनुर्धात्री तथा पृत्वी सप्तैता: मातरः स्मृताः II 
Aadau maataa, guroh patni, brahmani, raja panikaa I Dhenur dhaatri, tatha pritvee, saptaitaah maataras smrutaah II
These seven ladies deserve the status of mother: 1. One’s own mother 2. Wife of the guru 3.Priest’s wife  4. Wife of the king  5. Cow( Go maatha ) 6. Mid-wife (who delivered the baby) and 7.Mother earth.

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