Monday, June 10, 2019

HE ONLY SEES!!!- य: पश्यति स: पश्यति

मातृवत् परदाराम्स्च परद्रव्याणि लोष्टवत् I
आत्मवत् सर्व भूतानि : पश्यति : पश्यति II MAHA BHARATHAM
Maatruvat para dhaaraascha para dravyaani loshtavat I Aatmavat sarva bhutaani ya: pasyati sa pasyati II
One who can see another’s wife as mother, other’s wealth as a clod of mud, all other beings as his own self, he only sees  the truth.
पुष्पे गन्धं तिले तैलं काष्ठेऽग्निः पयसि घृतम् |
इक्षौ गुडं तथा देहे पश्यात्मानं विवेकतः ||CHANAKYA NITI
puShpe gandham tile tailam kAShThe'gnim payasi ghRitam |
ikShau guDam tathA dehe pashyAtmAnam vivekataH ||
[As] fragrance in flower, oil in sesame seeds, fire in wood (araNi wood), ghee (fat) in milk, sugar in sugarcane, so see the Supreme Divine in the body by the power of discrimination.
तिलेषु तैलं दधिनीव सर्पि-
        रापः स्रोतःस्वरणीषु चाग्निः
एवमात्माऽत्मनि गृह्यतेऽसौ
        सत्येनैनं तपसायोऽनुपश्यति १५॥ SVETASVATARA UPANISAD
Thileshu thailam dadhi neeva sarpi raapa: srota: svaranishu cha agni: I Evamaatma  aatmani gruhyate asau satyenainam tapasaa yau anupasyati II
As oil exists in sesame seeds, butter in milk, water in river−beds and fire in wood, so the Self is realized as existing within the self, when a man looks for It by means of truthfulness and austerity.

“விறகில் தீயினன்,  பாலில் படு நெய் போல் மறைய நின்றுளன்
एको वशी सर्वभूतान्तरात्मा
    एकं रूपं बहुधा यः करोति
तमात्मस्थं येऽनुपश्यन्ति धीराः
    तेषां सुखं शाश्वतं नेतरेषाम् १२॥ KATOPANISAD
eko vaśī sarva-bhῡtāntar-ātmā ekam bījam bahudhā yaḥ karoti, tam ātmastham ye’nupaśyanti dhīrās teṣaṁ sukhaṁ śasvataṁ netareṣaṁ. (12)
 “The One, Controller, the inner Self of all things, single, undivided, indivisible, appears as this manifold universe, as you may appear manifold in dream. To the wise, beholding Him abiding in the soul, to them belongs real happiness, and not to anyone else.”

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