Friday, June 28, 2019



यस्य कृत्यं न जानन्ति मन्त्रं वा मन्त्रितं परे।
 कृतमेवास्य जानन्ति स वै पण्डित उच्यते ॥
Yasya krutyam na jaananti mantram vaa mantritam pare I
Krutamevaasya jaananti sa vai pandita uchyate II
He,whose proposed action,policy or resolution others do not know of before hand, but only after they are carried out, is verily called a Pandit. 
Vidura niti

यस्य कृत्यं न विघ्नन्ति शीतमुष्णं भयं रतिः ।
 समृद्धिरसमृद्धिर्वा स वै पण्डित उच्यते ॥ Vidura niti
Yasya krutyam na vignanti shitamushnam bhayam ratih I
Samruddhir asamruddhir vaa sa vai pandita uchyate II
He whose action is not impeded either by heat or cold, by fear or love, by prosperity or adversity, is forsooth called a wise man (Pandit ) .
क्षिप्रं विजानाति चिरं शृणोति विज्ञाय चार्थ भजते न कामात्।
 नासम्पृष्टो व्युपयुङ्क्ते परार्थे तत् प्रज्ञानं प्रथमं पण्डितस्य
Kshipram vijaanaati chiram shrunoti vigyaaya chaartham  bhajate na kaamaat I
Naasamprushto vyapayungte paraarthe tat pragyaanam pratamam panditasyaII
That is the foremost characteristic of a wise man that he understands quickly, hears patiently, and grasping the essence applies to it disinterestedly, and that he does not spend his energy in other's affairs unasked.
निश्चित्वा यः प्रक्रमते नान्तर्वसति कर्मणः ।
अवन्ध्यकालो वश्यात्मा स वै पण्डित उच्यते ॥
Nischitvaa ya prakramate naantarvasati karmanah I
Avandyakaalo vashyaatmaa sa vai pantita uchyate
He who undertakes the task after due consideration, who once begun does not stop in the middle, who never wastes his time and who has his mind under control , he is indeed called a Pandit. 
नाप्राप्यमभिवाञ्छन्ति नष्टं नेच्छन्ति शोचितुम् ।
आपत्सु च न मुह्यन्ति नराः पण्डितबुद्धयः ॥
Na apraapyam abhivaanchanti nashtam nechanti shochitum I

Aapatsu cha na muhyanti naraah pandita bhuddhayah II
They that do not aspire for objects unattainable, nor wish to bewail over what is lost, nor are dismayed in adversities, they have the intellect of a 'Man of Wisdom'.
सर्वनाशे समुत्पन्ने ह्यर्धं त्यजति पण्डितः
अर्धेन कुरुते कार्यं सर्वनाशः सदुःसहः
sarvanAshe samutpanne hi ardhaM tyajati paNDitaH
ardhena kurute kAryaM sarvanAshaH saduH sahaH
When wise men are faced with big trouble (total destruction) then they give up half of their belongings - instead of trying to protect all. They will work with only half and get their work done. It is very difficult to protect your entire wealth in the face of destruction.
लुब्धमर्थन गृह्णीयात् प्रुद्धमञ्जलिकर्मणा
मूर्खं छन्दानुवृत्तेन याथातथ्येन पण्डितम् ।।
One should win over a covetous person by wealth, the stubborn by joining hands (by submission) a fool by ministering to his whims, and a learned man by truthfulness.
अनर्घमपि माणिक्यं हेमास्रयं अपेक्षते I
विना आश्रयं न शोभन्ते पण्डिता, वनिता, लता II
Anargamapi maanikyam hemaashrayam apekshate I
Vina aashrayam na shobante Panditaa, vanitaa, lataa.

Even though valueless a gem ( Manikkam ) requires the support of gold. Like wise Pundits, women and creepers cannot become resplendent without a suitable prop. 
चलत् एकेन पादेन तिष्टत् एकेन बुद्धिमान् I 
नासमीक्ष्य परम् स्थानं पूर्वं आयतनं त्यजेत् II 
Chalat ekena paadena tishtat ekena bhuddhimaan I
Na asamikshya param thaanam poorvam aayatanam tyajet II

A Wise man moves with one foot and with other firmly rooted on the ground. Without ensuring a safe place for residence never leave the present. -Hitopadesa
प्रस्तावसदृशं वाक्यं प्रभावसदृशं प्रियम्।
आत्मशक्तिसमं कोपं यो जानाति स पण्डितः  ॥ Chanakya niti
Prastaava sadrusam vaakyam prabhava sadrusam priyam I
Aatma shakti samam kopam yo jaanaati sa panditah II

He who talks with reference in context, who knows how to influence people and express his love or anger according to his capacity is called a pandit.
मक्षिकाः व्रनमिच्छन्ति धनमिच्छन्ति पार्तिवाः I
नीचः कलहमिच्छन्ति संधिमिच्छन्ति पण्डिताः II

The house-flies long for wounds; the kings crave for wealth; evil people look out for quarrels and the wise men try to unite people.

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