Monday, June 24, 2019


दातृव्यं  प्रियवक्तृत्वं  धीरत्वमुचितज्ञता   |
अभ्यासेन    लभ्यन्ते  चत्वारः सहजा गुणाः ||
Daatrutvam, priyavaktrutvam, dheeratvam, uchitagyataa I
 Abhyasena na labyante Chatvaarah sahajaa gunaah II
 Being liberal in giving donations,  soft-spoken, firm and courageous in enduring misfortunes and hardships,  propriety of conduct,  all these four virtues are inborn in men, and cannot be acquired by practice.
अभिवादनशीलस्य नित्यं वृद्धोपसेविनः
चत्वारि तस्य वर्धन्ते आयुर्विद्या यशो बलम्
Abhivaadana shilasya nityam vruddhopasevinah I
Chatvaari tasya vardante Aayur,vidyaa,yasho, balam II
A person who is polite, respects and serves the elders will be benefited in at least these four fields. Longevity, wisdom, fame and strength.  It is always important in any society for the young to respect the elderly.
அழுக்காறு அவாவெகுளி இன்னாச்சொல் நான்கும் 
இழுக்கா இயன்றது அறம். Kural-35
 That conduct is virtue which is free from these four things, viz, malice, desire, anger and bitter speech.

अर्थनाशं मनस्तापं गृहे दुश्चरितानि    |
वञ्चनं चापमानं  मतिमान्न प्रकाशयेत्  || चाणक्य नीति 
 Arthanaasam, Manasthapam,gruheduscharitaani cha I
Vanchanam cha apamanam cha matimaanna prakaasayet I Chanakya niti                              -

Wise men should never disclose to outsiders: 1. The loss of their wealth, 2.their anxiety, 3.wickedness of any member of their family, and 4.about being cheated or insulted by someone.
प्रागुत्थानंच    युद्धं    संविभागं    बन्धुषु  |
स्व्यमाक्र्म्य  भुक्तं   शिक्षेच्चत्वारि कुक्कुटात् ||Chanakya niti
One ought to learn from a rooster the four virtues of getting up early in the morning, fighting, sharing food with near and dear ones and toiling for one’s livelihood.
प्रथमे नार्हिता विद्या द्वितीये नार्जितं धनम्
तृतीये नार्जितं पुण्यं चतुर्थे किं करिष्यते
A man's life has four stages. First stage: education. Second : family. Third : charity Fourth stage: penance. If a man does not what should be done in first three stages, what will he do on the fourth?
गुरु शुश्रूषया विद्या   पुष्कलेन् धनेन वा।
अथ वा विद्यया विद्या   चतुर्थो उपलभ्यते॥

Knowledge is acquired by serving the master or by giving enough money or in exchange of knowledge. A fourth way is not known.
अधीत्य चतुरो वेदान् व्याकृत्याष्टादश स्मृतीः
अहो श्रमस्य वैफल्यं आत्मापि कलितो चीत्
All effort of understanding the four vedas and studying eighteen puranas are all in vain if one does not understand the self (Atma).

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