Sunday, June 30, 2019


चातकः स्वानुमानेन जलं प्रार्थयते अम्बुदात् I
स स्वोदरतया सर्वां प्लावयत् अम्बुना महीं II 
Chatakah svaanumaanena jalam praartayate ambudaat I
Sa svodaratayaa sarvaam plaavayat ambunaa maheem II

The chataka bird requests the clouds to provide rain drops , but the clouds by being very liberal inundate the entire earth with water.

रे रे चातक, सावधान मनसा, मित्र क्षणम् श्रूयताम्
अंबोदा: बहवो वसन्ति गगने, सर्वेपि नैतदृशा: I
केचिद् वृष्टिभिरार्द्रयन्ति धरणीम् गर्जन्ति केचिद् वृथा
यं यं पश्यसि तस्य तस्य पुरतो मा ब्रूहि दीनम् वच: II
Re re chataka saavadhana manasaa mitra kshanam shruyataam
Ambodaah bahavo vasanti gagane sarvepi naitadrusah I
Kechid vrushtibhirardrayanti dharaneem garjanti kechit vrutaa
Yam yam pasyasi tasya tasya purato maa bruhi deenam vachah II
Oh! My friend chataka ! listen carefully to me for a moment. There is many a cloud in the sky, but not all are alike. Some will rain and drench the earth, and some will only give forth  peals of thunder. Thus, do not express your woes to every one whom you happen to see. ( Niti satakam )
गर्जसि मेघ यच्छसि तोयं चातकपक्षी व्याकुलितोऽहम्
 दैवादिह यदि दक्षिणवातः क्व त्वं क्वाहं क्व जलपातः
 O cloud, you roar, but do not give water. I, the chataka bird am thirsty. If fatefully the southern winds blow here, where shall you be , where shall I be and where shall it rain ?
एक एव खगो मानि चिरं जीवतु चातकः I
म्रियते वा पिपासायां याचते वा पुरन्दरं  II 
Oh! Chataka bird ! we wish you a long life. You are the only bird who is so proud and high minded that you implore Indra, the rain god, to provide you with water for quenching your thirst and in absence there of would rather prefer to die.
इन्दुं निन्दति  चक्रवाक  युगलं भासां निधिं कौशिकः 
स्वादु क्षीरमरोचकी सुकृतिनां पापी जडः पण्डितं I
त्यक्तं सर्वजनैः खलः कटु वचाग्राम्यः पुमान नागरं
कः पैतामहगोलकेSत्र निकिलैः संमानितो वर्तते II
The chakravaka birds despise the moon, the owls hate the sun, Sweet milk is disliked by a drunkard, good people are hated by the sinners, the fools nurture ill-will towards scholars . The rogues hate any one and every one, the villagers are critical of the men from the cities. Is there anything in the creation that is not criticized by some one or the other?


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