Monday, July 1, 2019



विषं विषेण व्यथते वज्रं वज्रेण भिद्यते
गजेन्द्रो दृष्टसारेण गजेन्द्रेणैव बध्यते
viSham viSheNa vyathate vajram vajreNa bhidyate
gajendro dRuShTasAreNa gajendreNa eva badhyate
Poison can be neutralized by another kind of poison. Diamond can be cut only by diamond. Only a stronger elephant can catch another elephant. 

வினையான் வினையாக்கிக் கோடல் நனைகவுள்
யானையால் யானையாத் தற்று. Kural-678

To make one undertaking the means of accomplishing another (similar to it) is like making one rutting elephant the means of capturing another.
शुकवद् भाषणम् कुर्याद् बकवद्ध्यानमाचरेत्
अजवच्चवर्णं कुर्याद् गजवत् स्नानमाचरेत्
shukavad bhAShaNam kuryAd bakavad dhyAnam aacharet
ajavat chavarNam kuryAd gajavat snAnam aachareyt
A wise must emulate good qualities from everywhere - speech of a parrot, concentration of a crane, chewing (deliberation) of a goat and relaxed bathing of an elephant.
यो हि दत्वा गजश्रेष्टं कक्ष्यायां कुरुते मनः
रज्जुस्नेहेन किं तस्य त्यजतः कुंजरोत्तमम् ॥ Ramayana
It is an irony that people set their eyes on the girdle after having let the elephant go. What good is the rope that ties the elephant after giving up on the great elephant has gone?
फेत्कुर्वंत्यपि फेरवोऽतिपरुषं चेत् पार्श्वयोराश्रिताः
काकाश्चेदुपरि स्थिताः प्रतिदिशं कुर्वंति कोलाहलम्
मंदं मंदमुपांतमीलितदृशो मार्गे पदं न्यस्यतः
किं भेदं समुपैति कुंजरपतेर्मानोन्नता भ्रूलता
Let the jackals taking shelter on either sides of the elephant do their harshest noises. Let the crows on top create havoc. The elephant sees the path it wants to go with its half closed eyes and puts one step on another being least bothered about the distractions. It will not even break its eyebrows. Such is the concentration and steadiness of virtuous men.
मनो धावति सर्वत्र मदोन्मत्तगजेंद्रवत्
ज्ञानांकुशसमा बुद्धिः तस्य निश्चलते मनः
mano dhAvati sarvatra madonmatta gajendravat
jnAnAnkusha samA buddhiH tasya nishchalate manaH
Mind is like a mad elephant  - it runs in every direction . Intellect is like the hook used by the mahout to control and steady the elephant. We must use our wisdom to control our minds.
अर्थैरर्थाः निबध्यन्ते गजैर्वनगजा इव
कश्चित् कृते कार्ये कर्तारं समवेक्षते
arthairarthaah nibadhyante gajairvanagajaa iva |
na ca kashcit krte kaarye kartaaram samavekshate ||
Wealth has to be used to get more wealth just like tame elephants are used to capture and tame the wild elephants. In this world, people will never remember the person they received help from after having benefited from them.
स्वयमाहृत्यभुञ्जानाः बलिनोऽपि स्वभावतः
गजेन्द्रश्च नरेन्द्रश्च प्रायः सीदन्ति दुःखिताः ॥ Mudra rakshasa
svayamaahrtyabhunjaanaah balino'pi svabhaavatah |
gajendraashca narendraashca praayah siidanti duhkhitaah ||
Elephants and Kings have some qualities in common. They are very strong and self made. They both become weak when they are in trouble.
स्थानं उत्सृज्य गच्छन्ति सिंहाः सत्पुरुषाः गजाः I 
तत्रेव निधनं यान्ति काकाः कापुरुषाः मृगाः II 
Sthaanam Utsrujya gacchanti Simhaaha satpurusha gajaaha |
Tatra eva nidhanam yaanti Kaakaha kapurusha mrugaaha ||
The lions, elephants and the virtuous people with high self-esteem quit their position immediately once their esteem is hurt. The crows, cats and the vicious people wish to continue in the same position 


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