Wednesday, July 31, 2019

WEALTH-2 -ARTHAM-DHANAM-VITTHAM (अर्थं, धनं, वित्तं )


अर्थैरर्थाः निबध्यंते गजैर्वनगजा इव ।
न च कश्चित् कृते कार्ये कर्तारं समवेक्षते ॥
arthaiH arthAH nibadhyante gajaiH vanagajaa iva ।
na cha kashchit kRute kArye kartAraM samavekShate ॥

Wealth has to be used to get more wealth just like tame elephants are used to capture and tame the wild elephants. In this world, people will never remember the person they received help from after having benefited from them.
चत्वारो धनदायादाः धर्माग्निनृपतस्कराः 
तेषां ज्येष्ठावमानेन त्रयः कुप्यन्ति सोदराः
Chatvaaro vitta daayaadaah dharma agni nrupa taskaraah ITeshaam jeshta avamaanena thrayah kupyanti sodaraah II
The four cousins of wealth are - virtue, fire, king and thief. If the older one, virtue, is disrespected the other 3 brothers get livid!
जलबिन्दु निपातेन क्रमशः पूर्यते घटः
हेतुः सर्वविद्यानां धर्मस्य धनस्य ।।Chanakya niti
jalabindunipātena kramaśa pūryate ghaa sa hetu sarvavidyānā dharmasya ca dhanasya ca A mere trickle of the tiny drops of water can fill the pitcher. The same way we must keep on collecting Knowledge, Dharma, and money.

आयुः कर्म वित्तं विद्या निधन मेव
पञ्चैतान्यपि सृज्यन्ते गर्भस्थस्यैव देहिनः
AyuH karma cha vittaM cha vidyA nidhana meva cha |panchaitAnyapi sRujyante garbhasthasyaiva dehinaH ||
A man's lifetime, his karmic acts and fruits, the wealth he is going to obtain, the knowledge and skills he is going to learn, and the time, way and place of death--all these five things are predestined even when he resides in his mother's womb.
आलसस्य कुतः विद्या, अविद्यस्त कुतः धनम् ।
अधनस्य कुतः मित्रम् अमित्रस्य कुतः सुखम् ॥
Alasasya kutaH vidyA, avidyasta kutaH dhanam |adhanasya kutaH mitram amitrasya kutaH sukham ||How can the lazy get educated? How can the uneducated earn wealth?How can the penniless have friends? And how can there be happiness without friends?

अधमाः धनमिच्छन्ति दनं मानं मध्यमाः
उत्तमाः मानमिछन्ति मानो हि महतां धनम्
adhamAH dhanamichChanti danaM mAnaM cha madhyamAH |uttamAH mAnamiChanti mAno hi mahatAM dhanam ||
One who seeks wealth at the cost of honour is at the third and lowest position in dharma. One who seeks honour along with wealth is at the middle position. And one who seeks honour though this would not bring him wealth is at the highest position in dharma.
बलवानप्यशक्तोऽसौ धनवानपि निर्धनः ।
श्रुतवानपि मूर्खश्च यो धर्मविमुखो जनः ॥

balavAn api ashaktaH dhanavAn api nirdhanaH ।
shrutavAn api mUrkhaH cha yo dharma vimukho janaH ॥
If you go against Dharma, you will remain weak in spite of being powerful, penniless in spite of being wealthy and a fool in spite of having read all the scriptures.
न देवाय न विप्राय न बंधुभ्यो न चात्मने ।
कृपणस्य धनं याति वह्नितस्करपार्थिवैः ॥
na devAya na viprAya na bandhubhyo na cha aatmane ।
kRupaNasya dhanam yAti vahni taskara pArthivaiH ॥
The wealth that a miser accumulates is not used for Gods, not priests, not his relatives – not even for himself. It will most likely be consumed by fire , or a thief or confiscated by the king.
कुत्र विधेयो यत्नः
    विद्याभ्यासे सदौषधे दाने ।
क्व कार्या
खलपरयोषित् परधनेषु
kutra vidheyo yatnaH  vidyAbhyAse sat auShadhe dAne
avadhIraNA kva kAryA   khala parayoShit paradhaneShu
Where must we be spending time and effort? Education, a good medicine and charity.  What should we avoid? Rogues, other's wives and other people's money.

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