Saturday, July 27, 2019

PLEASURE- SHANTI-SUKHAM-2 ( शान्ति - सुखम् )

यदेवोपनतं दु:खात् सुखं तद्रसवत्तरं। 
निर्वाणाय तरुच्छाया तप्तस्य हि विशेषतः
yadevopanatam dukhAt sukham tadrasavattaram |
 nirvANAy taruchhAyA taptasya he visheshatah ||
The happiness obtained after suffering pain is more pleasing. The shadow of a tree is more comforting to him who  has been afflicted by the scorching heat of sun.
सुखमापतितं सेव्यं दुःखमापतितं तथा |
चक्रवत्परिवर्तन्ते दुःखानि  सुखानि  ||
Sukham aapatitam sevyam dukham aapatitam tatha I Chakravatparivartante dukhaani cha sukhani cha I
As happiness is to be enjoyed, as it comes, sorrows should also be accepted and experienced, as they come. Both Pleasures and sorrows revolve like spokes of a wheel.
दु:खे दुख्काधिकान् पश्येत् सुखे पश्येत् सुखाधिकान्
आत्मानं शोक हर्षभ्यां शत्रुभ्यामिव नार्पयेत् II
Dukhkhe dukhkaadhikaan pasyet sukhe pasyet sukhadhikaan I
Aatmaanam shoka harshabhyaam shatrubhyaamiva naarpayet II
In the moment of sorrow one should look at those who are in greater distress. In the moments of happiness one should look at those who are happier. One should never subscribe himself to misery and joy which are as though one's enemies.

 सुखं हि दुःखान्यनुभूय शोभते घनान्धकारेष्विव दीपदर्शनम्।
सुखात्तु यो याति नरो दरिद्रतां धृतः शरीरेण मृतः जीवति॥
sukhaṁ hi duḥkhānyanubhūya śobhate ghanāndhakāreṣviva dīpadarśanam|
sukhāttu yo yāti naro daridratāṁ dhṛtaḥ śarīreṇa mṛtaḥ sa jīvati||
Happiness indeed shines up, after having experienced miseries, like the sight of a lamp in thick darkness. But a person who goes from luxury to penury, lives on [as though] dead, [only] keeping up (his) body.
अकिञ्चनस्य दान्तस्य शान्तस्य समचेतसः।
मया सन्तुष्तमानसः सर्वाः सुखमया दिशाः॥
akiñcanasya dāntasya śāntasya samacetasaḥ|
mayā santuṣtamānasaḥ sarvāḥ sukhamayā diśāḥ||
For a humble one, whose passions are curbed, even-tempered, self-controlled, always contented — the whole world is full of happiness.
शान्तितुल्यं तपो नास्ति तोषान्न परमं सुखम्।                                         
नास्ति तृष्णापरो व्याधिर्न च धर्मो दयापरः।

śāntitulya tapo nāsti toṣānna parama sukham|
nāsti tṛṣṇāparo vyādhirna ca dharmo dayāpara|
There is no penance like peace; there is no greater happiness than satisfaction. There is no greater disease than desire; there is no greater dharma than mercy/compassion
अर्थागमो नित्यमरोगिता प्रिया भार्या प्रियवादिनी च।
वश्यश्च पुत्रोऽर्थकारी विद्या षड् जीवलोकस्य सुखानि राजन्
arthāgamo nityamarogitā ca priyā ca bhāryā priyavādinī ca | vaśyaśca putro'rthakārī ca vidyā ṣaḍ jīvalokasya sukhāni rājan ||O King! Being rich, keeping good health all the time, having an affectionate wife who always speaks kindly, obedient son, being endowed with knowledge useful in acquiring wealth – these are the six pleasures in this world.


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