Wednesday, July 10, 2019

HONEY BEE - MADHU MAKSHIKAA- SHADPADAA ( मधुमक्षिका - षट्पदः )


दातव्यं भोक्तव्यं धनविषये संचयो  कर्तव्यः 
पश्येह मधुकरीणां संचितार्थं हरन्त्यन्ये 
Daatavyam bhokta  vyam dhanavishaye sanchayo na karthavya: I
 Pasyeha madhukareenaam chanchitaartham harantyanye II
Wealth should be given or enjoyed and spent. It should never be stock-piled. Look at the Honey-bees, they collect and store them for others to enjoy.

अकारणेनैव चतुराः तर्कयन्ति परेङ्गितम् 
गर्भस्थं केतकीपुष्पम् आमोदेनेव षट्पदाः
akāraenaiva caturā tarkayanti paregitam
garbhastha ketakīpupam āmodeneva apadā
Without any summons, the clever inquire into others' intentions; (just as), the bees locate a hidden ketakee  flower with just it's fragrance.

 मधुमक्षिका सशब्दं समन्ततोऽटति सुमरसास्वादम्
    लभते तावदेषा पश्चात्पुष्पस्थिता तूष्णीम्
भुङ्क्ते तद्वन्मनुजः ससंभ्रमः सर्वदाऽस्थिरप्रज्ञः
वादङ्करोति भक्तेः स्वादं नाऽप्नोति तद्गतौ शान्तः

madhu makShikaa sa shabdam samantatotati suma rasa asvaadanam
    labhate na taavadeShaa pashchat puShpastithaa tUShNIm
bhunkte tadvat manujaH sasambhramaH sarvadaa asthira prajnaH
    vaadankaroti bhakteH svaadam na aapnoti tadgatau shaantaH
A bee will make a lot of noise till it sees a flower. Once it sees it, it will quietly sit over it and suck the nectar. A man who is not knowledgeable about god is also thus - will make a lot of noise and arguments. Once he seeks God, he will be quiet and enjoy the solitude with Him.
यथा मधु समादत्ते रक्षन् पुष्पाणि षट्पदः |
    तद्वदर्थान् मनुष्येभ्यः आदद्यादविहिंसया ||
पुष्पं पुष्पं विचिन्वीत मूलच्छेदं कारयेत् |
मालाकार इवारामे यथांगारकारकः || Vidura niti
A king must extract tax from his subjects just as painlessly as a bee extracting nectar from a flower. He must act like florist who plucks flowers but takes good care of the plants in return. He must not be like a coal miner who destroys the source of his income day by day.
मक्षिका मारुतो वेश्या याचको मूषकस्तथा I
ग्रामणीःगणकस्चैव सप्तैते पर बाधकाः II 
Makshikaa maaruto veshyaa yaachako mooshakastatha I
Graamanir ganakaschaiva saptaite para baadhakaah II
The fly, windy storm, prostitute, beggar, mouse, in the same way the village head, and accountant – These seven always trouble others.

वृश्चिकस्य विषं पुच्छं मक्षिकस्य विषं शिरः I
तक्षकस्य विषं दंष्ट्रा सर्वाङ्गं दुर्जने विषं II
Vruschikasya visham puccham makshikasya visham shirah I
Takshakasya visham damshtraa sarvangam durjane visham II
The tail of the scorpion is poisonous. The head of the fly is poisonous. The teeth of the snake is poisonous. In the bad person, every part is poisonous.

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