Monday, July 8, 2019

TIME- CONTROLLER - KAALAH ( कालः - यमा )


कालः पचति भूतानि कालः संहरते प्रजाः I
कालः सुप्‍तेषु जागर्ति कालो हि दुरतिक्रमः II
Kaalah pachati bhutaani kaalah samharate prajaah I
Kaalah supteshu jaagarti kaalo hi duratikramah II 
Time digests all elements, time protects all beings, time is awake even in sleep, time is the only thing that cannot be transgressed (by anyone).

कः कालः कानि मित्राणि को देशः कौ व्ययागमौ
कश्चाहं का मे शक्तिरिति चिन्त्यं मुहुर्मुहुः
kaḥ kālaḥ kāni mitrāṇi ko deśaḥ kau vyayāgamau
kaścāhaṃ kā ca me śaktiriti cintyaṃ muhurmuhuḥ
॥ Chanakya niti
Consider again and again the following: the right time, the right friends, the right place,
the right means of income, the right ways of spending, and from whom you derive your power.

नाकाले म्रियते जन्तुः विद्धः शरशतैरपि
कुशकण्टकविद्धोऽपि प्राप्तकालो जीवति
naakaale mriyate jantuh viddhah sharashatairapi |
kushakantakaviddho'pi praaptakaalo na jiivati ||

When the time is not yet up, one can survive even hundred arrows . However, when the time is up, one cannot survive even a blade of grass.
நாளென ஒன்றுபோற் காட்டி உயிர்ஈரும்
வாளது உணர்வார்ப் பெறின். Kural-334

As 'day' it vaunts itself; well understood, 'tis knife',   That daily cuts away a portion from thy life.
आयुर्नश्यति पश्यतां प्रतिदिनं याति क्षयं यौवनं
प्रत्यायान्ति गताः पुनर्न दिवसाः कालो जगद्भक्षकः
लक्ष्मीस्तोयतरङ्गभङ्गचपला विद्युच्चलं जीवितं
तस्मात्त्वां (मां)शरणागतं शरणद त्वं रक्ष रक्षाधुना Adi Sankara
Aayur-nashyati pashyataam, prati-dinam, yaati kshayam yauvanam,
Pratyaayaanti gataah, punar na divasaah, kaalo jagadbhakshakah,
Lakshmii-stoya-taranga-bhanga-chapalaa, vidyuchchalam jiivitam,
Tasmaan maam, sharana-agatam sharanada, tvam raksha raksha-adhunaa., 13
Hey please hear, daily span of life decreases, the youth daily disappears, the days that are past do never return, Time swallows the world, and Life and wealth are not permanent, For they are like the tide and
 lightning, And so my god Parameshwara, Forever protect this devotee of thine.
कालः समाविषमकरः परिभवसंमानकारकः कालः
बालः करोति पुरुषं दातारं या चितारं
Kaalah samaavishamakarah paribhava sammaana kaarakah kaalah I
Baalah karoti purusham daataaram yaa chitaaram cha II
Time makes things even at one time and uneven at other times, brings respect at one time and disgrace
 at another time, makes one a rich man at one time and a pauper at another time. 
गते  शोको    कर्तव्यो  भविष्यं  नैव  चिन्तयेत्  |
वर्तमानेन  कालेन  वर्तयन्ति  विचक्षणाः II - चाणक्य नीति  (१३//)

Gatey  shoko  na  kartavyo  bhavishyam  naiva  chintayet I.
Vartmaanena kaalena  vartayanti  vichakshnaah.II
We should neither  feel  sorry about what has already happened in the past  nor unnecessarily worry about  
what will happen in future,  Wise and  experienced persons  live  life as per the demands of  present prevailing

आदानस्य प्रदानस्य कर्तव्यस्य कर्मणः 
क्षिप्रमक्रियमाणस्य कालः पिबति तद्रसम्
ādānasya pradānasya kartavyasya ca karmaa
ipramakriyamāasya kāla pibati tadrasam
In executing (deeds like) receiving, giving and responsibilities; if not executed at the  
appropriate-time, the essence of the action will be lost.


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